Larnaca, May 26, 2022
Awards for Lidl Cyprus Human Resources Department
The HR department's efforts to support and empower Lidl Cyprus’ employees are recognised at the local level and awarded at the Digital Marketing Awards.
Once more, Lidl Cyprus proves to be a leading employer, constantly evolving and innovating while always remaining focused on people! At the 2021 Digital Marketing Awards (DMA) ceremony, Lidl Cyprus received 4 awards as a result of the company's activities as Top Employer.
The rewards were as follows:
- Gold and Bronze awards for best overall use of YouTube and best use of Video, in the respective categories of Best on YouTube and Best Use of Video. Creating a 5-episode series in the form of a successful series trailer, we celebrated our status as Top Employer, starring #teamLidl itself.
- Gold award in the category Best on LinkedIn for the best overall use of LinkedIn and the creation of a community with the goal of promoting the authentic Lidl Cyprus to every potential candidate.
- Bronze award in the category Best Lead Generation Campaign, for the integrated strategy to attract talent and candidates by optimizing the recruitment funnel, creating a holistic experience from the first touchpoint to finalonboarding.
Yiannis Epaminondas, Head of HR at Lidl Cyprus, stated:"Our awards in the domestic Digital Marketing Awards competition confirm our innovative efforts in attracting candidates. We invested in all stages of the Recruitment Funnel, ensuring a talent attraction process characterised by transparency, equality, and inclusion. These awards strengthen our certification as a Top Employer for the 5th consecutive year and give us the strength to continue to innovate for our people."
Further expanding its presence in the Cypriot retail market and human resources, the company is planning to open 2 new stores in Limassol and in Nicosia 2022.
Additionally, it is planning on “Lidl Days” - open career days for meeting development, invites all candidates to come with their CVs to get to know the team better. The next "Lidl Days" are scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd in Limassol, and Friday, June 24th in Nicosia. All relevant information can be found here.
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