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09 October, 2024


Displaying results 5671-5700 of 6728 matches for query Euro.

5671. The EU28 adopted measures against Turkey's illegal drilling in Cyprus

The EU Foreign Ministers endorsed, without any changes the conclusions prepared by the permanent representatives, concerning Turkey’s illegal drilling in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Cyprus, cutting the EU pre-accession assitance for 2020, suspending EU- Turkey high political dialogues and stopping European Investment Bank’ lending activities in the country....

5672. David Harris: US closer to Greece, Cyprus, Israel

Washington recognizes Greece’s strategic value and reliability as an ally, attributes that only grow stronger as doubts deepen over Turkey’s stance, American Jewish Committee (AJC) CEO David Harris tells Kathimerini in an interview...

5673. Turkey will drill for gas until Cyprus accepts plan

Turkey will continue drilling for gas in waters off Cyprus if the internationally recognised Greek Cypriot government does not accept a cooperation proposal put forward by Turkish Cypriots, Ankara’s foreign minister said on Sunday. ...

5674. Cyprus parliament suspends foreclosures

The House of Representatives voted in its last plenary before summer recess an amendment to the foreclosure law that foresees a freeze in foreclosures and suspension for loans eligible for the ESTIA loan relief plan...

5675. Which way will SYRIZA go?

It will take a couple of months before we see what kind of style SYRIZA plans to adopt in its reprised role as the country’s main opposition party. For the time being at least, it appears willing to cut some slack to the new government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. ...

5676. Isabelle Dumont the new French Ambassador to Cyprus

Isabelle Dumont will succeed René Troccaz as the Ambassador of the Republic of France to Cyprus. The 44-year-old diplomat is currently serving as the French Ambassador in Ukraine. ...

5677. Nicosia wants tougher measures against Turkey

The sanctions that were discussed on Thursday by national envoys of European Union member-states against Turkey over its illegal drilling activities off Cyprus do not, reportedly, go far enough for Nicosia, which wants tougher measures. ...

5678. EU signals sanctions on Turkey over Cyprus drilling

The European Union will put on hold high-level talks with Ankara and negotiations on an air transport agreement, as well as freeze funding for Turkey next year, over “illegal” drilling for gas and oil off Cyprus, according to a draft statement seen by Reuters...

5679. Britain says Iran attempted to block its oil tanker

Three Iranian vessels tried to block the passage of a British ship through the Strait of Hormuz but withdrew after warnings from a British warship, the British government said on Thursday. ...

5680. UNFICYP mandate extended for another six months

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has recommended that the Security Council extends UNFICYP’s mandate until January 31, 2020 in recognition of its continued contribution to the maintenance of peace and stability. ...

5681. No preliminary agreement on EU sanctions on Turkey

According to a diplomatic source that informed the press in Brussels the discussion on EU sanctions against Turkey will continue Thursday afternoon, as today there was no agreement...

5682. Lukewarm reaction to EU sanctions on Turkey

5683. PM hopefuls battle over Brexit in bad-tempered debate

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, rivals to become Britain’s next prime minister, clashed over who could be most trusted on Brexit on Tuesday in a sometimes bad-natured television debate just two weeks before one will be crowned...

5684. Syrians trapped at Ercan head to Turkey

Turkish Cypriot officials say Ankara has decided to host 50 Syrians who have been trapped in Ercan airport due to visa issues...

5685. Cyprus pushes for ferry link with Greece

The government is looking for ferry links to Greece as cheaper alternatives to costly flights, with the shipping deputy minister hoping there will be a weekly connection by next summer...

5686. Bloomberg: EU to cut aid to Turkey over Cyprus EEZ violations

Bloomberg's Viktoria Dendrinou and Nikos Chrysoloras report that the European Union is considering suspending most high-level contacts with Turkey and cut the flow of funds in protest of the Turkish drilling activities in the Cyprus EEZ. ...

5687. Labour would back remain in second Brexit referendum

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn challenged whoever becomes the country’s new prime minister to test their Brexit plan with a second referendum on European Union membership, saying his opposition party would campaign to remain. ...

5688. A wise verdict

The Greek people voted wisely, as they have done in the past. They have given Kyriakos Mitsotakis a comfortable majority and a strong mandate. A percentage so close to 40 percent is unprecedented in the years of the crisis, as is a government with an outright majority. ...

5689. Eurogroup rules out any talk of primary surplus target reduction for Greece

Discussion on Greece was brief at Monday’s Eurogroup, but the council of eurozone finance minsters sent a clear message to Athens that creditors are ready to cooperate with the new government while warning that the handouts announced in May by the previous administration are putting growth and fiscal targets at risk...

5690. EU High Representative warns Turkey over new drilling operation off Cyprus

The EU High Representative Federica Mogherini warned on Monday Turkey over its intended new drilling operation at the northeast of Cyprus, recalling that Turkey`s continued actions have a serious negative impact across the range of EU-Turkey relations and that "as mandated by the European Council, the Commission and the EEAS are about to present options to the Council for appropriate measures." ...

5691. Mitsotakis sworn in as PM amid east Med tensions

Conservative politician Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn in as Greece’s new prime minister on Monday after storming to victory on a pledge to create jobs and lure investment to the economically stricken nation...

5692. Second Turkish drillship arrives off Cyprus

A second Turkish drillship arrived on Monday off the coast of Cyprus just south of Karpas peninsula...

5693. ND surges to power, promising change

5694. Far-right soundly defeated in Greek elections

5695. Deutsche Bank axes 18,000 jobs

5696. The others were Merkel’s puppets, we were just naive

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted to being naive enough to believe that his European counterparts, whose countries have loaned Greece billions of euros, would go easy on him...

5697. Turkey issues Navtex for exercises off Kastellorizo on Sunday

Turkey has issued a navigational telex reserving a large area south of the island of Kastellorizo, within Greece's continental shelf, for military exercises on Sunday as Greeks go to general elections...

5698. Turkish sub shows up in the north

The Turkish submarine “Gur” is anchored at Kyrenia port in the north, with media drawing on reports in connection with drilling activities in the eastern Mediterranean...

5699. Greek elections: The main questions

Who will win? This is usually the fundamental question in any election, but very few people seem to have doubts this time around. The outcome of the recent European Parliament election and the bolstered credibility of opinion polls make virtually everyone – both winners and losers in May’s Euro vote, both experts and ordinary voters – believe that New Democracy will win Sunday’s ballot....

5700. Two women at the top of EU decision making

Under the deal, Ursula von der Leyen, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will replace Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm...