12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 61-82 of 82 matches for query ExxonMobil.

61. With Israel in Washington

62. The international status of Cyprus has been upgraded Greek FM says

63. Greece on the energy map with the support of big players

There has been a serious uptick in activity concerning the energy sector in the broader region in the past few months and Greece has a potentially pivotal role to play in developments....

64. Total wants to expand Cyprus oil and gas search

French energy giant Total wants to expand its search for oil and gas off the east Mediterranean coast of Cyprus, a senior company official said on Monday...

65. Cyprus energy search – averting a US-Turkey crisis–-averting-a-us-turkey-crisis

Cyprus continues to proceed with offshore oil and gas projects despite Turkey's opposition...

66. ENI committed to Cyprus despite Turkish threats

Italian energy giant ENI said on Wednesday it was committed to exploring for natural gas offshore Cyprus despite efforts by Turkey to block drilling earlier this year...

67. A solution is the only way forward for Cyprus

The Cyprus issue is not a dice roll, but the dilemma that Cypriots once had – either we solve it or we stay as is – is no longer valid...

68. ExxonMobil’s Ocean Investigator arrives in block 10 of Cyprus' EEZ

Test drilling in Block 10 by ExxonMobil and its partner Qatar Petroleum is scheduled to take place in October...

69. Cyprus says EU condemnation of Turkey is unprecedented

Anastasiades argued that the real aim of Turkey was to control energy supply routes in the region...

70. East Med gas could supply Europe

Eni’s Luca Bertelli said his company’s recent discovery of a gas off Cyprus contains “almost pure methane” confirming potential for more gas discoveries in the region...

71. Cyprus won't abandon gas search despite geopolitical challenges

Drillings planned in Cyprus' EEZ for 2018 mainly by ExxonMobil will give a pretty good idea about the island's resources...

72. Erdogan to send drillship into East Med

Erdogan: Turkey's stance towards exploration projects for oil and gas has “hopefully taught some a lesson”...

73. US backs Cyprus search for offshore gas

ExxonMobil and partners Qatar Petroleum are scheduled to start drilling southwest of the island this year...

74. US doesn't expect any problems with Turkey

She stressed that the best way to work out how to share resources would be to have a Cyprus settlement...

75. First ExxonMobil research vessel sails into Limassol

Test drilling in Block 10 is scheduled to take place in October...

76. Visit of US diplomat is seen as 'important'

The Spokesman said that Cyprus’ energy programme continues as normal ...

77. Turkish Cypriots vow to launch gas search unless Nicosia pulls back

Greek Cypriots have repeatedly said a peace deal would allow both communities to benefit from any offshore resources...

78. ExxonMobil ship to set anchor off Limassol

Cyprus energy minister says ExxonMobil is sending two ships, one arriving Tuesday night, to locate targets for October drilling in Cypriot EEZ...

79. US recognises Cyprus’ right to search for energy

America discourages any actions or rhetoric that increase tensions in the region...

80. Turkey renews threat against Cyprus offshore gas exploration

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that “provocative activities will be met with the appropriate response”...

81. Turkey says US 6th fleet has not yet arrived off Cyprus

ExxonMobil`s top priority is the safety of its vessels and crews in the Eastern Mediterranean...

82. US ships arrive in Cyprus EEZ

Turkey has made no claims to Block 10 as it has done for Block 3, but nonetheless warned the US against sending its Sixth Fleet to the East Med...