12° Nicosia,
01 October, 2024


Displaying results 3181-3210 of 3592 matches for query Greece.

3181. EBRD investment to rise in FYROM, Greece

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) expects its investment in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece to rise significantly after the two countries manage to solve the dispute regarding FYROM’s name, an EBRD official said....

3182. Tsipras: Greece and Cyprus pillars of stability in a turbulent region

Greece and Cyprus are the only European pillars of stability and security in a turbulent region, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has told the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg...

3183. Kotzias sees Lute in Athens

Jane Holl Lute, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General, is set to meet with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias on Tuesday afternoon as part of her ongoing Cyprus tour...

3184. Team launches world’s first ocean cleanup system

A first trial of a massive cleanup of plastic in the ocean, an effort that has been in the works for five years, was launched in San Francisco on Saturday...

3185. Kasoulides bestowed Legion of Honour

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian praised Ioannis Kasoulides during a special ceremony in Nicosia, where France awarded the Legion of Honour to the Cypriot former foreign minister...


3187. TV regulator publishes final list of winners in licensing tender

Greece's broadcasting regulator, the National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV), published on Wednesday its final list of media companies that will receive one of the five 10-year nationwide broadcasting licenses, following a meeting of its board....

3188. Greek and Turkish Foreign Ministers meet in Izmir

3189. Lesvos memorial to drowned refugees destroyed

A memorial on the Aegean island of Lesvos erected in memory of the hundreds of migrants and refugees who have perished while attempting the crossing from Turkey to Greece and the European Union has been destroyed by vandals....

3190. Limassol wine festival draws young and old

Visitors and wine enthusiasts all over Cyprus have a unique opportunity each year to enjoy the nectar of the gods for free just like ancient Greeks, and this year Limassol’s Wine Festival runs through Sunday...

3191. Greek seamen to stage fresh 24-hour strike

Greek seamen have decided to stage a fresh 24-hour strike after their union on Monday rejected an offer for a 2 percent annual pay hike following negotiations with the sector’s employers, Kathimerini understands....

3192. New government members sworn in

The new members of the government were sworn in on Wednesday afternoon, in a ceremony held in the presence of President Prokopios Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras....

3193. More Turkish violations of Greek air space

With Greece reeling on Tuesday from the death of a Hellenic Air Force pilot during a training flight, six Turkish fighter jets violated Greek national air space a total of 47 times over the northeast, central and southeast parts of the Aegean Sea....

3194. Air force pilot dies after plane crashes

The captain of a Hellenic Air Force training aircraft who died in a plane crash during a training flight on Tuesday has been named....

3195. May says sides need to build trust on Cyprus

The British Government continues to support a settlement in Cyprus, UK Prime Minister Theresa May told MP Theresa Villiers known for her opposition to security guarantees on the island...

3196. Additional revenues of 4.7 billion euros needed to reach targets

The Greek government will have to collect additional tax revenues of 4.7 billion euros in the first post-bailout period of enhanced supervision (2018-2022) by its creditors, in order to achieve the agreed primary surpluses and record surpluses....

3197. Passenger forces Athens-Larnaca flight back to gate

An Athens-Larnaca flight on the runway ready for takeoff was forced to return to the gate following fears among passengers over an air-conditioner malfunction on the aircraft...

3198. Fresh calls for migrants to be moved from Aegean islands

Authorities on the eastern Aegean islands have renewed calls on the central government to relocate hundreds of migrants to the mainland as their population on Lesvos, Chios and Samos has risen to 16,334 from 10,349 this time last year. ...

3199. West Nile infections rising in Greece

The spread of the West Nile virus in Greece is reaching alarming levels, with the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (KEELPNO) reporting 107 cases that have resulted in 11 deaths so far this year....

3200. Three men confess to involvement in student's death

Three men arrested by police in Athens late on Thursday have confessed to their involvement in a mugging last week during which a 25-year-old student died, police sources have told state-run news agency AMNA....

3201. Mother of 25-year-old who died in Athens park during mugging slams PM

The mother of the 25-year-old man who died last week after falling off a cliff onto rocks on Philopappou Hill following a mugging has written an open letter to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, related ministries and Athens municipal authorities, blaming them for failing to boost security at the popular Athens park....

3202. US expresses strong support for Prespes agreement

US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell described the Prespes agreement as “historic” after a meeting with Nikola Dimitrov, the foreign minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), on Tuesday....

3203. Court ruling stirs Turkey tension

Greek-Turkish relations took a turn for the worse on Wednesday, with the Turkish Foreign Ministry and other senior officials accusing Athens of violating the Geneva Convention and of protecting terrorists....

3204. Prometheus sails into Limassol port

Navy enthusiasts will have a chance to go on board the Greek support ship HS Prometheus, which is making a stop in Cyprus this week...

3205. Come back, support Greece

We are caught between celebrations over Greece’s “clean exit” from the bailout programs on one hand and, on the other, allegations that the country has effectively signed up to what can be considered a “fourth memorandum” and is headed to economic disaster....

3206. Turkish pilot could receive travel papers

Suleyman Ozkaynakci, the Turkish serviceman who piloted the helicopter in which he and seven other Turkish officers fled to Greece following Turkey’s failed coup in 2016, could be eligible to receive travel documents, according to the decision in May by the Council of State to grant him asylum....

3207. Tsipras: Greece's modern-day 'Odyssey' is over

Greece’s emergence from nine years of crisis and international financial bailouts marks a “new day” for the country, a “day of redemption but also the dawning of a new era,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday, in a televised address from the Ionian island of Ithaca....

3208. Koniordou calls for intensification of talks on return of Parthenon Marbles

Culture Minister Lydia Koniordou has sent a letter to British authorities asking for an intensification of talks for the return to Greece of the Parthenon Marbles, which are housed at the British Museum....

3209. Nicosia ups pressure on EU migration policy

Nicosia is pushing for a single EU migration policy that would make refugee redistribution not only mandatory but also relative to population sizes of member states...

3210. Seizing opportunities

Greece needs to play its cards right if it wants to profit from the opportunities arising on the international stage, but also to keep in mind that all of the big players are unpredictable and the game at hand incredibly complex....