12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 290 matches for query Malta.

151. Cyprus airs migration grievances at divided Europe

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris wants strong EU awareness on external borders to be shown in Cyprus as well, in remarks he made near the buffer zone on Sunday, just two days after the European Commission president signaled there would be no funding for barbed wire and walls...

152. Mistrust results in a rise in COVID cases in Eastern Europe

Latvia imposed a new lockdown on Thursday, with hospitals in Bulgaria and Romania struggling to cope with an increase in patients with covid-19, while Poland is selling extra doses of vaccine....

153. Limbo in a blue tent: African asylum-seekers stuck on Cyprus

It seems a strange place to pitch a tent. Plump in the middle of the United Nations-patrolled buffer zone that has divided Cyprus along ethnic lines since 1974,...

154. Nautical Geo sails again, this time south

Nautical Geo, a research vessel that Turkey expelled two weeks ago from an area west of Cyprus, was scheduled to resume activities off the coast of the island but this time staying out of zones claimed by Turkey...

155. EU issues yet another damning report on Turkey

An EU enlargement report calls on Turkey to tone down actions and threats against member states including the Republic of Cyprus, while Ankara accuses the European Commission of adopting Greek and Greek Cypriot biases...

156. Cyprus’ consequential cop reflects on Europol job

A Cyprus police officer widely known in the media for her role in Malta’s Galizia murder case says she knows how to get into a suspect’s mind when trying to unlock their phones...

157. Epidemiological risk assessment of countries

Announcement from the Ministry of Health...

158. Cyprus won’t sign pact if EU doesn’t budge

A letter to the Home Affairs commissioner sent by the MED5 ministers warns Brussels that front line states won’t sign the new pact on migration and asylum unless their demand for a 'balanced' agreement is met...

159. Cyprus puts foot down on migration talks

The Republic of Cyprus is adding pressure on a pending agreement over an EU migration pact, with three proposals backed by MED5 countries aimed at airing their grievances against the bloc, a union that is going through a power struggle...

160. Turkey denies Cypriot vessel in contested waters

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides was working the phones on Monday, a day after Turkey expelled a research vessel from waters west of the island, a maritime area with zones claimed by both Ankara and Nicosia...

161. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Renewed European finance strategy and implementation of the action plan on financing sustainable growth

The European Commission adopted on 21 April 2021, a comprehensive package of measures to help improve the flow of money towards financing the transition to a sustainable economy, whereas these measures will be instrumental in reaching climate and environmental targets as well as vital for economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

162. Southern European banks set for climate hit

Banks in southern Europe are set to be among the hardest hit if climate change is not mitigated as their clients are most exposed to natural hazards such as wildfires,...

163. EUMED9 summit poised to tackle migration and climate crisis

Nine European countries on the Mediterranean are holding a summit in Athens Friday afternoon to discuss issues ranging from climate change to migration and Afghanistan....

164. President Anastasiades confirms tripartite meeting in New York

The President of the Republic confirmed the holding of a tripartite meeting on the Cyprus issue on the sidelines of his presence at the General Assembly in New York....

165. Cyprus flights increasing but still down by 24% compared to 2019

Flights to and from Cyprus are increasing but still down by 24% compared to 2019...

166. Updated list country categories

The Ministry of Health announced today the new classification of countries in specific categories....

167. Chronic depression, Cypriots at 4.7%

7.2% of EU citizens suffer from chronic depression, while in Cyprus the percentage is much lower, at 4.7%....

168. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Cryptocurrency

If you do a quick search on the internet on how many people have become “Bitcoin Millionaires” you will be inundated with stories of young individuals who invested their pennies some years ago and have now struck it rich. Currently there are over 100,000 accounts that hold US1,000,000 or more in Bitcoin....

169. International Luxury Property and Residency Conference

170. Cyprus jails captain for docking in the north

The captain of a Ukraine-bound oil tanker was sentenced to prison on Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, two days after he was arrested in the south for docking his ship in the north last year...

171. Open season for players searching for gas

The Republic of Cyprus along with Greece and Israel have leased a research vessel to conduct seismic surveys in waters east and west of the island, at a time when chatter over gas exploration rounds in the region are coming back to the surface...

172. Cavusoglu visit sets threshold in Cyprus talks

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says Ankara does not accept the mentality that Turkish Cypriots are a minority in Cyprus, accusing Greek Cypriots of denying equality between the two communities while also pulling favors from the European Union...

173. EastMed faces another challenge next week

European Union countries will seek to prolong EU support for cross-border natural gas projects, a stance at odds with the European Commission’s plan to end such funding, according to a draft document...

174. Jiu Jitsu director says Cyprus losing out

The director and producers of martial arts movie Jiu Jitsu sought audience with Cyprus’ finance minister this week over delayed cash rebate payments, with reports saying the film makers are also ticked off by an unflattering audit report on the country’s Olivewood scheme...

175. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued an updated risk-based classification of countries on Monday, with changes to come into effect on April 8....

176. Cyprus to ease travel rules from April 1

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued on Monday a modified risk-based classification of countries, with changes to come into effect on April 1....

177. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological surveillance unit has re-evaluated the coronavirus risk-based classification of countries after the Cabinet agreed on an action plan last month for the resumption of flights and the reopening of Cyprus airports....

178. MED 5 want EU to act as one on migration

The interior ministers of the five Mediterranean countries on the front line of mass migration to Europe want their European Union partners to share the burden more equitably...

179. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

180. Florida giant denies Huawei in Cyprus

An American company has put words into action in the middle of global 5G wars, with Phoenix Tower International and Monaco Telecom announcing an agreement that includes acquiring newly constructed wireless towers across Malta and Cyprus...