12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1621-1650 of 2080 matches for query Risk.

1621. President: mistakes, complacency over Easter will mean restrictions drag on

Addressing the nation anew on Thursday, President Nicos Anastasiades said that this weekend, which marks the Greek Orthodox Easter, will test the island’s population but stressed the need for absolute compliance with restriction measures so that it can remain feasible to begin a gradual lifting of the measures as soon as possible....

1622. Greece to move over 2,300 refugees to mainland after Easter

Greek authorities will begin the gradual transfer of 2,380 asylum seekers and their families from island camps to accommodation facilities on the mainland after Orthodox Easter (April 19), the country’s Migration Ministry said Thursday. ...

1623. Cyprus to prepare three-stage coronavirus exit strategy

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the island’s lockdown exit strategy, which foresees the resumption of the operation of vital sectors of the economy in early May....

1624. EU unveils virus exit roadmap, hoping to avoid more chaos

The European Union moved Wednesday to head off a chaotic and potentially disastrous easing of restrictions that are limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning its 27 nations to move very cautiously as they return to normal life and base their actions on scientific advice....

1625. Coronavirus death toll rises, 29 more test positive

A 79-year-old coronavirus patient died on Monday, raising the death toll in the Republic of Cyprus to 12, while 29 more people tested positive....

1626. Elderly in retirement homes at risk of contracting virus through nurses

The island’s third-age observatory raised the alarm on Friday over the risks of coronavirus infection faced by the elderly in retirement homes who are treated by nurses who also work at public hospitals, which are predominantly dealing with coronavirus cases, and which have also been central targets of the virus outbreak....

1627. Health expert estimates Cyprus may be free of virus by early May

Health expert Leondios Kostrikis estimated on Friday that judging by the progression of the island’s coronavirus curve, we should be free of the virus by early May, though the timeframe depends on the effectiveness of the measures taken, the public’s response, and the elimination of imported cases....

1628. We will defeat our shared pandemic enemy and rise stronger in its wake

The story of U.S. leadership in the global battle against Covid-19 is a story of days, months, and decades. Every day, new U.S. technical and material assistance arrives in hospitals and labs around the world. These efforts, in turn, build on a decades-long foundation of American expertise, generosity, and planning that is unmatched in history....

1629. Coronavirus derails southern Europe's clean-up from the last crisis

This year was meant to mark a turning point for Greek and Italian banks as they finally laid the ghosts of the financial crisis to rest. Then the coronavirus struck....

1630. Cyprus stays put beyond Easter

Church and state got behind scientists this week in the Republic of Cyprus, with the government extending measures beyond Easter to stop the spread of Covid-19 despite partial data suggesting a flattening of the curve...

1631. UNHCR steps in to ensure refugees in Cyprus receive proper protection

The UNHCR office in Cyprus has stressed that refugees must be included in the government’s planning and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, offering hands-on solutions to the myriad problems in the government’s handling of refugee and asylum procedures that have only been exacerbated by the current crisis....

1632. Police warn coronavirus lockdown may lead to increase in child grooming

Police on Tuesday warned that the increased use of the internet by minors during the coronavirus lockdown brings increased risk of child grooming....

1633. NGOs raise alarm over inhumane conditions at overcrowded migrant camp

Two migrant and refugee support NGOs, Cyprus Refugee Council and Caritas Cyprus, have raised the alarm over the inhumane conditions that have developed in the Kokkinitrimithia camp, particularly since the coronavirus pandemic broke out on the island....

1634. Employers and Employees in the age of Covid-19: A looming battle

In modern times the world community has not faced a situation like the present, created by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Republic of Cyprus is among many countries fighting desperately to minimize damage on all fronts....

1635. Domestic violence cases continue on concerning upward trend

The coronavirus outbreak has brought about a disturbing surge in cases of domestic violence, with the 1440 helpline receiving over 2,000 calls between the date of the confirmation of the island’s first coronavirus case and March 31....

1636. Greece's response to coronavirus working, Mitsotakis tells CNN

In an interview with CNN on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that the measures his government has taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus appear to be working and thanked the Greek people for their cooperation, conceding however that “the hard work is still ahead of us.”...

1637. Cabinet approves bills to decongest Central Prisons amid COVID-19 fears

Measures to decompress the overcrowded Nicosia central prisons where the risks associated with a potential spread of coronavirus are high were approved on Tuesday by the Cabinet....

1638. Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporates’ response to COVID19

The long-term debate over CSR is concerned with whose interests should be attended to, shareholders or stakeholders, and this is actually the debate of the two competing theories over the purpose of the modern business firm...

1639. Coronavirus death toll rises in Cyprus

One more coronavirus-related death was announced on Sunday in the Republic of Cyprus, as new confirmed cases are on the rise and health professionals begin to fear the worst...

1640. Cooperation and Transparency Needed to Fight COVID-19

In today’s age of social media, it has unfortunately become normal to see false information reach a broad audience instantaneously through the Interne...

1641. President: Unnecessary travel strictly prohibited, violators to be fined

Addressing the nation on Monday night for the second time since the coronavirus pandemic broke out in Cyprus in early March, President Nicos Anastasiades announced that all unnecessary travel will be banned as of 6pm on Tuesday until April 13....

1642. Government considering to give banks €2b in state guarantees to unlock credit€2b-in-state-guarantees-to-unlock-credit

The Cyprus government is considering a plan to provide state guarantees to banks amounting to €2 billion, in a bid to unlock credit to self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations hit by the coronavirus epidemic....

1643. Cyprus government: We are at a critical stage

A text message sent by the Interior Ministry and the Press and Information Office made the rounds on Thursday, warning that the island is “at a critical stage”....

1644. Mixed signals in fight against coronavirus

There were no clear signals this week in the fight against the coronavirus spread in Cyprus, with more confirmed cases causing alarm and the government having to shift gears on many fronts...

1645. Migrant camps on Greek islands put on lockdown

No visitors, including members of organizations and agencies, will be allowed into the migrant reception and processing centers on the Greek islands for the next two weeks at least, the Migration Ministry said yesterday, announcing a series of measures to prevent a coronavirus outbreak in any of the facilities....

1646. Coronavirus hits Cypriot armed forces

Two high ranking military officers have tested positive for the coronavirus, while the entire camp of commandos in Stavrovouni has been placed under quarantine over a suspected case of a soldier...

1647. President: Partial lockdown of airports, schools to remain closed until April 10

President Nicos Anastasiades addressed the nation on Friday night after the week saw cumulative confirmations of coronavirus cases across the divide....

1648. Health Ministry issues revised travel guidelines

The Ministry of Health has released revised travel advice to travellers concerning the novel coronavirus, with effect as of Saturday, March 14....

1649. Coronavirus measures under scrutiny

Health measures rolled out on the island were the topic of conversation on Wednesday morning, as more people who came in contact with a Nicosia-based infected doctor tested negative for the coronavirus...

1650. Updated guidelines for arrivals from high-risk countries

Updated guidelines for travellers were issued on Tuesday afternoon by the Health Ministry, which bumped the UK from a Category 2 high-risk country to Category 3, reportedly due to fears of massive economic implications....