12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1681-1710 of 2080 matches for query Risk.

1681. Ex-con under witness protection goes missing

A suspect has been remanded in custody in connection with the disappearance of a Syrian man, who was said to be under witness protection with police fearing the worst...

1682. Cyprus quarantines woman on flight to Israel

Cypriot health officials have quarantined one individual as a coronavirus high-risk after a private jet landed in Larnaca with a crew member suspected of coming into contact with Israel's first ever confirmed case...

1683. One in four in Cyprus at risk of poverty

Some 200,000 persons (23.9 per cent of the Cyprus population), or one in four, are at risk of poverty, participants of a two-day discussion in Nicosia organized by Cyprus and EU-wide anti-poverty networks heard....

1684. New Life in Cyprus of Russian Businessman after unfair seizure of Promsvyazbank

In 2017 Dmitry Ananiev was at the peak of his success. He and his brother Alexei owned a bank, an IT firm and an office complex overlooking the Moscow River. ...

1685. Football duo free on bail until corruption trial

Two suspects in a high-profile football corruption case in Cyprus will face a criminal trial next month, while a judge has ordered for them to be released on bail pending trial...

1686. Residents up in arms over 'virus camp'

Local residents in rural Nicosia are reacting to government plans aimed at establishing a quarantine facility in their area to treat potential confirmed coronavirus cases in Cyprus...

1687. Cyprus Econ Council begins work on future sustainable growth blueprint

The Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council (CECC) has announced the start of a project aiming to draft a blueprint on Cyprus’ future long term sustainable economic growth....

1688. Cyprus enjoys strong growth prospects but contingent liabilities remain

Strong growth prospects and sustained fiscal discipline places Cyprus on a firm declining path but contingent liabilities, healthcare and public sector wage-related costs, as well as weaker external conditions, pose risks to the fiscal outlook, Scope rating agency said in commentary on Cyprus....

1689. Minister says ‘no panic’ over coronavirus‘no-panic-over-coronavirus

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou says the Cypriot government is taking all precautions against the coronavirus threat, adding that the administration is on alert but there is no panic...

1690. Banks must find new profitable products, CBC Governor says

The task of securing alternative profitable products besides lending is the biggest challenge for banks in small countries such as Cyprus, Central Bank Governor Constantinos Herodotou said on Friday....

1691. Officials deny weak spots in virus front lines

State health officials have denounced questions in the media over the handling of the coronavirus risk at airports, saying the image of the Republic of Cyprus was at stake...

1692. Cyprus' Coronavirus front lines under scrutiny

Critics including medical professionals are raising questions over the handling of the coronavirus risk at ports of entry in the Republic of Cyprus...

1693. Cyprus 'golden passports' scheme a laundering risk, says watchdog

A European money laundering watchdog has cautioned that a secretive investment-for-passports programme run by Cyprus was vulnerable to money laundering and fraught with risk...

1694. Police announce driving offences that can lead to license revocation

After the first days of February saw the first immediate revocations of the licences of two reckless drivers, the director of Traffic Police Yiannakis Georgiou on Tuesday specified the criteria that may land a driver a referral to the Road Transport Department for license revocation....

1695. Bewildering footage of blood-red Caspian Sea strip

Locals of the city of Aktau in south-eastern Kazakhstan were astounded by the sight of what appeared to be a ‘bleeding sea’, as a stretch of coast turned dark red and flowed over the white snow covering the shore, creating a remarkable but horrific sight....

1696. Woman suspected of coronavirus at Nicosia hospital

A Chinese woman, a permanent resident of Cyprus, is being treated at Nicosia General Hospital on suspicion of being a coronavirus carrier....

1697. Cavusoglu slams Akinci after comment that Turkey-north annexation would be 'horrible'

“I’ve never worked with a more unreliable politician,” the Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu said on Monday, referring to the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci in response to an interview where Akinci said the prospect of Crimea-style annexation with Turkey was “horrible”....

1698. Cold weather alert climbs to orange

A new orange alert was issued Sunday evening for Cyprus as extreme low temperatures are set to sweep across the island overnight with frosty conditions reaching the lowlands...

1699. Emerging tech can bolster Sustainable Development Goals

Two-thirds of the 169 targets underpinning the global Sustainable Development Goals could be bolstered by technological innovation according to a new study by the World Economic Forum and PwC...

1700. Football and Money Laundering

It has been identified years back at European and global level, that sports and especially football is being used by criminals to launder dirty money and derive illegal income...

1701. Island braces for coldest weather in 3 years with high levels of dust

The atmosphere on Thursday was permeated with high levels of dust, as the island braces for the coldest temperatures recorded in the last three years...

1702. Alexoui jailed as ‘flight risk’‘flight-risk

Nicosia businessman Alexis “Alexoui” Mavromichalis will remain in jail pending trial, after a judge on Thursday said the suspect was a flight risk...

1703. Turkey deploys extremists to Libya, local militias say

Syrian militants affiliated with groups such as al-Qaida and the Islamic State group are currently being sent by Turkey to fight on behalf of the UN-supported government in Libya, according to two Libyan militia leaders and a Syrian war monitor....

1704. Judge delays verdict in Alexoui bail hearing

Alexoui’s lawyer came very close to securing the release of his client on Wednesday, after arguing police could not deprive someone of his freedom based on contradictory witness statements, but a judge needed another day to decide whether to grant bail...

1705. Cyprus rolls out tough traffic measures

Traffic police are following through with strict measures announced by the government last week, with two drivers referred to the Road Transport Department to have their licences either suspended or revoked...

1706. President’s air travel under scrutiny

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is firing back at critics saying his use of a private jet owned by a Saudi billionaire has actually saved the state a lot of money, while opposition parties raise fears of dependency and quid pro quo with foreign donors...

1707. Facebook to remove coronavirus misinformation

Facebook Inc said on Thursday it will take down misinformation about China’s fast-spreading coronavirus in a rare departure from its approach to health content, after the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global health emergency....

1708. 1 in 10 employed persons in EU at risk of poverty

One in ten employed persons aged 18 years or over in the EU were found to be at risk of poverty in 2018, according to data published on Friday by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU....

1709. One in five deaths in Cyprus tobacco-related

One of the leading causes of preventable mortality in Cyprus is death due to lung cancer, while one in five deaths is tobacco-related, Cyprus’ state of health profile, compiled by EU bodies, showed....

1710. More flamingos in near-death condition, Animal Party says

The Animal Party called on Interior Minister Nicos Nouris to take action for the protection of the Larnaca Salt Lake flamingos which continue to be at risk, expressing strong concern over a statement made by the Director of the Game and Fauna service who seems to have said “so what if some out of so many thousands die?”...