The head of the Paris hospitals system has set off a fierce debate by questioning whether people who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19 should continue to have their treatment covered by public health insurance....–-ey-report
A new EY report, Are universities of the past still the future?, argues that universities in advanced economies are facing a number of existential issues in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic....
As the world grapples with the fast-spreading Omicron variant and its potentially devastating consequences, a major policy dilemma revolves around how governments might nudge the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated to join the ranks of those who are fully protected....
Airports aren't famed for being peaceful spaces - but they do give us the rush we all associate with going on holiday....
The coronavirus is responsible for more than five million confirmed deaths around the world as of Monday,...
In 1969, two years after the Cayman Islands, a British territory, passed its first law to allow secretive offshore trusts, an official government report struck an ominous note....
Announcement from the Ministry of Health...
The Ministry of Health announced today the new classification of countries in specific categories....
The CDC in Atlanta has issued new travel advisories lowering the threat of COVID-19 in many destinations including Cyprus, prompting the State Department to change its advisory for the island from 'do not travel' to 'reconsider travel'...
The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued an updated risk-based classification of countries on Monday, with changes to come into effect on April 8....
The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued on Monday a modified risk-based classification of countries, with changes to come into effect on April 1....
The Health Ministry’s epidemiological surveillance unit has re-evaluated the coronavirus risk-based classification of countries after the Cabinet agreed on an action plan last month for the resumption of flights and the reopening of Cyprus airports....
The Health Ministry on Wednesday published the list of re-categorized countries with which the Republic of Cyprus maintains air connectivity, with the new three-tier risk-based categorization coming into effect on February 19....
The Republic of Cyprus downgraded eight countries in its three-tier risk-based classification system and upgraded one, with the updated list coming into effect on November 9....
The Management of K. Treppides & Co Ltd committed to develop leadership that derives from its own people, who pursue excellence in the provision of high quality specialised and unique services, is pleased to announce the appointment of the following members into the Board of Management with effect 1 October 2020...
Turkish Cypriot ministers agreed on several additional coronavirus protection measures on Friday during their third emergency session on the unfolding pandemic....
The Ministry of Health has released revised travel advice to travellers concerning the novel coronavirus, with effect as of Saturday, March 14....
Updated guidelines for travellers were issued on Tuesday afternoon by the Health Ministry, which bumped the UK from a Category 2 high-risk country to Category 3, reportedly due to fears of massive economic implications....
Malaysian fugitive financier Jho Low, whose Cypriot passport came under scrutiny last year, has been spotted in China’s Wuhan, a city under lockdown due to the Coronavirus...
Malaysian fugitive financier Jho Low, whose Cypriot passport came under scrutiny last year, says he was not the mastermind of the 1MDB scandal while confirming rumours he was offered asylum in an unnamed country...‘ecstasy-warehouse
Cypriot police were said to be zeroing in on a possible location in Limassol, where 645 kilos of ecstasy are believed to have been stashed inside barbeque grills that were exported and later seized by authorities in Australia...
Ship management revenues decreased in the first half of 2019 by €5 million, according to the results of the Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2019, concerning the transactions of resident ship management companies published Wednesday by the Central Bank of Cyprus...
A well-known Malaysian financier wanted by authorities in several countries appears to have obtained a Cypriot passport following recommendations from Archbishop Chrysostomos who cited investment opportunities...$27-billion-refinitiv-deal-to-create-data-giant
London Stock Exchange has agreed to buy financial information business Refinitiv in a $27 billion deal, it said on Thursday, in a move to transform the British company into a market data and analytics giant.
The Greek capital’s shipping cluster is back among the top 10 global metropolitan centers, the annual report by the Baltic Exchange shows, though this was not thanks to shipping activity in Athens and Piraeus, but due to the development of the Port of Piraeus after its acquisition by China’s Cosco...
The last commercial passenger flight took off from Istanbul’s Ataturk airport on Saturday and convoys of trucks ferried thousands of tonnes of equipment across the city to a giant new airport which Turkey plans to make the biggest in the world...