12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 601-630 of 1513 matches for query Talks.

601. LNG issues to persist if Cyprus problem remains unresolved

If efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem continue, then the issue of natural gas will continue as well, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides said on Tuesday while speaking before the House Foreign Affairs Committee which discussed the EastMed developments, its geopolitical significance and the external dimension of the "EuroAsia Interconnector"....

602. Erdogan to meet with Biden in Madrid

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be meeting with US counterpart Joe Biden on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid later on Tuesday or on Wednesday, he told reporters on Tuesday morning. ...

603. Lack of trust on both sides a 'fundamental issue'

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Colin Stewart discussed today the need to build trust among people as a foundation for finding some way to move forward on the political process with regard to the Cyprus problem....

604. Borrell calls on Turkish side to study CBMs proposed by Cyprus President

EU High Representative Josep Borrell has conveyed to the Turkish Foreign Minister the position that the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) proposed by Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, can strengthen the efforts for the settlement of the Cyprus problem and lead to the resumption of the negotiation process, Government Spokesperson Marios Pelekanos said on Friday....

605. Turkey's fiscal cooperation with occupied areas unacceptable

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades intends to send letters to the UN Secretary-General, the EU, the guarantor powers and the US to inform them of the illegal protocol of economic and fiscal cooperation Turkey has signed with the regime in the island’s occupied areas....

606. Greek PM meets with President Anastasiades in Cyprus

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nikos Anastasiades said Friday that international law, strong alliances and the countries’ presence in the EU are what protect against Ankara's rhetoric and provocations....

607. Erdogan critic wants Kissinger to apologize over Cyprus

An American scholar is calling on Henry Kissinger to apologize to Cypriots for betraying Greeks and appeasing Turkey, arguing that the father of modern realpolitik had signaled to Turkey back in 1974 that 'aggression works'...

608. No drama diplomat announces candidacy

Greek Cypriot chief negotiator Andreas Mavroyiannis announced his candidacy for president in next year’s election in the Republic of Cyprus, saying corruption will remain rampant unless the country is reunited once again into a 'proper state'...

609. 110,000 monkeypox vaccines set to be shipped to the EU

The European Union has reached an agreement for the purchase of 110,000 monkeypox vaccines, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakidou announced....

610. Palestinian leader drops by Nicosia

The Palestinian leader embarked on an official visit to the Republic of Cyprus this week, just days after Washington restored a line of communication with him and while energy talk in the region continues...

611. Hezbollah issues warning as Greek company goes deep

Tensions are rising in the eastern Mediterranean as a dispute previously thought to have been resolved between Israel and Lebanon was back on the agenda when a statement from Greek company Energean touched a nerve with Hezbollah...

612. Lavrov in Turkey to discuss plans to ship Ukrainian grain

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is due to hold talks Wednesday with Turkish officials on a plan that could allow Ukraine to export its grain through the Black Sea to global markets amid an escalating food crisis....

613. Turkey's lack of progress will delay accession talks with the EU

The European Parliament cannot envisage a resumption of negotiations for the accession of Turkey into the EU without clear and significant progress in the field of rule of law and fundamental rights, ...

614. EU should play more active role towards Turkey

The EU should have a more active role and exert pressure on Turkey to terminate its hostile attitude and focus on its European course Cypriot MP Ηarris Georgiades, Chair of the Foreign affairs committee told Piero Fassino, rapporteur for Famagusta of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe....

615. Fotiou: 'Turkey's dmand for a two-state solution impossible'

"Achieving a solution that will permanently rid Cyprus of Turkish occupation and reunite Cyprus is what we should all work for," said Presidential Commissioner Fotis Fotiou,...

616. 'Mutually beneficial' CBMs rejected by Tatar

Government Spokesman Marios Pelekanos stated today that a proposal by Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, on a package of Confidence Building Measures (CBM) is mutually beneficial and promotes a positive climate for the resumption of Cyprus talks....

617. Talk of doing good rings hollow among global elite in Davos

If the rich don’t give a bit more today, they may have to give a lot more tomorrow. That was my conclusion from last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos....

618. European cities are turning rooftops into community and sustainability hubs

Across Europe, intrepid artists, planners, and architects are transforming the flat, grey rooftops of the continent into lively community hubs....

619. European unity tested as talks on Russian oil embargo drag on

Europe's united front against Moscow is being put to the test as countries struggle to agree on a ban on Russian oil imports....

620. Iran seizes two Greek tankers as tensions rise

Iranian forces seized two Greek tankers in the Gulf on Friday, shortly after Tehran warned it would take "punitive action" against Athens over the confiscation of Iranian oil by the United States from a tanker held off the Greek coast...

621. Erdogan says he will no longer talk to Greek PM

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday he would cease talking to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and cancel a key meeting between their two governments, accusing the Greek leader of antagonizing Turkey....

622. Bahceli: The future of Cyprus is not in Hellenism, but Ottoman rule

In a new series of harsh comments against Greece, the West, Sweden and Finland, Turkish nationalist leader Devlet Bahceli has said he does not rule out Turkey's withdrawal from NATO if Finland and Sweden join....

623. British Museum: Parthenon marbles 'taken from rubble'

The dispute over the Parthenon sculptures has deepened after Greece rejected a claim by the British Museum that much of the statuary, removed at the behest of Lord Elgin, was retrieved “in the rubble” around the monument....

624. Greece and UK agree on formal talks on return of Parthenon sculptures

Greece and the United Kingdom have agreed to hold formal talks that may pave the way for the return of the Parthenon sculptures that are currently on display at the British Museum in London, the United Nations’ cultural organization has confirmed....

625. Moscow to probe ‘Ukrainian regime crimes’ after surrender‘ukrainian-regime-crimes-after-surrender

Hundreds of Ukrainian fighters surrendered to an uncertain fate on Tuesday after weeks holed up in the bunkers and tunnels below Mariupol's Azovstal steel works as the most devastating siege of Russia's war in Ukraine drew to a close...

626. Ukrainian wounded fighters evacuate Azovstal

Both Kiev and Moscow have confirmed the evacuation of wounded Ukrainian troops from the Azovstal steel plant, following critical hours on Monday when a regime of silence had been imposed for the humanitarian corridor to be used...

627. Biden praises Greek position over war in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden has thanked Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for Athens’ 'moral leadership' following the Russian invasion in Ukraine in late February...

628. Ukraine war: US involvement is payback for 2016 US elections

Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested this week that the US government's involvement in Ukraine is aimed at deposing Russian leader Vladimir Putin and is meant as "payback for the 2016 election."...

629. Cyprus to export natural gas by 2026, Energy Minister says

Cyprus is hoping to begin exporting its natural gas from the “Aphrodite” gas field by 2026, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, Natasa Pilides, has said....

630. Athens puts CBMs with Turkey on ice

Greece has frozen plans for the next round of confidence-building measures (CBMs) with Turkey at the level of defense ministries, following a barrage of Turkish overflights in the eastern Aegean. The talks have been postponed for the future, government sources said....