12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 541-570 of 1513 matches for query Talks.

541. Crimea platform ‘Cyprioted’ during odd exchange‘cyprioted-during-odd-exchange

An odd exchange took place on Tuesday during a parliamentary summit on Crimea, when Cypriot House Speaker Annita Demetriou took issue with a point of order raised by a Turkish delegation member who criticized invasion references to the Cyprus Problem...

542. Cyprus renews vaccination pitch as MEPs jab Brussels

A Cypriot top health official told medical professionals over the weekend that the state’s vaccination committee was constantly updating its decisions as new data on COVID-19 jabs became available, but the comments stopped short of stating new policy as criticism towards Pharma and EU bosses is picking up steam...

543. German tanks arrive in Greece in swap deal for Ukraine

Greece received the first six German tanks over the weekend in what has been reported as a swap deal between the two countries to assist Ukraine, fueling further rumors that a similar arrangement was in the works in Nicosia...

544. Cyprus probes dotted line in Israel-Lebanon deal

The foreign ministry in the Republic of Cyprus has sent a note verbale to Beirut in reference to a maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon, which reportedly includes a contentious line that Nicosia had crossed a decade ago...

545. Plea bargain ongoing in Cyprus’ mercy killing case

Another delay in the trial of a British man charged with the premeditated murder of his sick wife in Cyprus has prompted local media to speculate a deal may have been reached as prosecutors may seek a manslaughter conviction while a possible prison sentence remains elusive...

546. Lavrov: Moscow 'is open to talks' with the West

Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, said his country is willing to hold discussions with the West about the conflict in Ukraine but has not yet received a serious proposal for talks....

547. The EU's accession talks with Turkey are at a standstill

According to the European Commission's draft enlargement report, the EU has a strategic interest in a stable and secure environment in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as in developing cooperation and a mutually beneficial relationship with Turkey....

548. UN confirms letter from T/C side regarding 'status of forces'

"Matters relating to cooperation with UNFICYP forms part of our regular and ongoing dialogue with the Turkish Cypriot side," ...

549. EU countries approve energy windfall levies, turn to gas price cap

European Union countries agreed on Friday to impose emergency levies on energy firms’ windfall profits and began talks on their next move to tackle Europe’s energy crunch – possibly a bloc-wide gas price cap....

550. UN's Stewart: The option of a mutually agreed solution is fading

"I am extremely concerned that the option of a mutually agreed settlement of the Cyprus problem, i.e. a formula for the reunification of the island acceptable to both sides, is fading and will not be available for much longer", UN Secretary General's Special Representative for Cyprus Colin Stewart says....

551. Remains of four resistance fighters returned to relatives

The remains of four resistance fighters killed during the 1974 coup in Cyprus were identified recently and will be returned to their families who were briefed on Wednesday by Commissioner Photis Photiou and his associate Xenophon Kallis....

552. 'UN adopts equidistant stance, even when faced with violation of resolutions'

The UN, unfortunately, adopts an equal-distance stance, even when faced with the violation of decisions, resolutions and defined scope and terms of reference specified to the Secretariat said Friday Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades. He also referred to recent statements by Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan which he described as provocative....

553. Turkey singing the same old song

In a letter dated June 5, 1963, and addressed to the elderly Turkish prime minister Ismet Inonu, US President Lyndon Johnson sought to avert a military invasion of Cyprus by threatening that in the case of a Soviet attack, the United States and NATO would not come to Ankara’s aid....

554. Third annual Comulis conference highlighted correlative imaging methods

Following the successful COMULIS Conferences in Austria and Sweden, The Cyprus Institute (CyI) hosted the 3rd Annual Conference of the COMULIS COST Action (Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences;,...

555. Israel puts two states back on the table

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid called on Thursday for a two-state solution to decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reasserted that Israel would do 'whatever it takes' to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb...

556. Cypriot president criticized for snubbing Lavrov

A Nicosia professor says Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades’ decision to snub Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the last minute was 'unwise' and a 'missed opportunity' after hearing the government spokesperson on state radio citing guidelines from Brussels...

557. Erdogan calls on world to open up to Turkish Cypriots

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on the international community to stop imposing sanctions on northern Cyprus, saying Ankara’s unheeded calls for cooperation showed “who supports provocation and conflict and who supports peace and stability” in the region...

558. Russian Embassy denies reports of direct flights to the occupied territories

The Russian embassy in Nicosia "denies any negotiations on the launch of a direct air link", according to a response from the Russian state agency RIA-Novosti, which asked about reports in the Turkish press announcing direct flights to the occupied territories....

559. Israeli minister in Nicosia as gas bargain heats up

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar is visiting Cyprus on Monday to talk gas directly with her Cypriot counterpart, after companies tasked by the two governments to negotiate a joint reservoir failed to agree on a buyout deal...

560. New High Commissioner: UK to continue its support for a just solution in Cyprus

The new UK High Commissioner to Cyprus, Irfan Siddiq, said that his country will continue to support the achievement of a just, democratic and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem, stressing that a reunited Cyprus can achieve even greater things as a country....

561. Mario Nava: 'Energy can strengthen the connection between the two communities'

In an interview with Kathimerini, Mario Nava touches on a number of issues with regard to the Cyprus Problem, including how trade between the two communities is the only answer to smuggling, the progress in the implementation of the Halloumi case and the role of the EU in future Cyprus talks....

562. Anna Luhrmann speaks to 'K' with a view to strengthening Cypriot-German relations

German State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs, Anna Luhrmann, arrived in Cyprus on an official visit and spoke to "K" about the current developments in the eastern Mediterranean and the war in Ukraine. ...

563. Proposed marriage act aims to fix divorce in Cyprus

The government in the Republic of Cyprus is reviving attempts to reform marriage law, with legislation proposals aiming to modernize divorce proceedings, eliminate outdated laws, and prevent child marriages that could violate statutory rape laws...

564. Eastmed clickbait clarified after ENI chief talks gas

ENI chief says the Italian company will fully replace Russian gas by 2025 by using additional resources from the eastern Mediterranean, a reference to Cyprus that was taken out of context by local media...

565. Eni: Eastmed pipeline to be completed by 2025

The Eastmed pipeline will be fully completed by 2025, Eni official Guido Brusco said on Tuesday during an event in Milan, Reuters reported. ...

566. Rumors about Israel-Lebanon gas pact as Cyprus sits out

America’s energy czar is purported to be mediating a secret gas arrangement between Israel and Lebanon, a Herculean task given delineation complexities but not farfetched given ongoing efforts to resolve similar disputes between Tel Aviv and Nicosia...

567. Cyprus' minimum wage set at 940 euros per month

The Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, Kyriakos Kousios, announced the establishment of the National Minimum Wage after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, calling it a historic day for the welfare state....

568. Bicommunal peace event to take place on September 1st

Political parties, trade unions and organizations from both sides of the divide in Cyprus stressed on Monday their determination to continue their struggle for the reunification of the country....

569. Cypriots may benefit from innovative cancer therapy in Finland

Cyprus’ Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela is in Finland to discuss the possible cooperation of the two countries with regards to the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, an innovative cancer therapy....

570. The second annual vegan fam festival is back!

The Vegan Fam Festival returns for the second time on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at the Centennial Olive Park in the village of Psematismenos, Larnaca. Opening time 11:00 - 23:00. Free entrance....