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18 June, 2024


Displaying results 361-390 of 1876 matches for query bill.

361. New senate chairman eyes Turkey's F-16 deal

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s new chairman on Thursday said he would look at Turkey’s $20 billion Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter jet deal and that more issues than Sweden’s ascension to NATO would affect the decision on lifting his predecessor’s longstanding hold....

362. Electricity bills to surge by 4.56% due to soaring fuel costs

Households are set to face another financial hit as electricity bills are expected to increase by 4.56%, coinciding with a continued upward trend in energy costs....

363. CBC Governor Herodotou reveals breakthrough in digital finance

The Central Bank of Cyprus has completed the tender for a new digital platform for customer compliance, said CBC Governor Constantinos Herodotou, speaking at an event organized by the Association of Cyprus Electronic Money and Payment Institutions, on Thursday afternoon....

364. New law protects consumers against unlawful practices

In a unanimous decision, the plenary session of the Parliament has approved a groundbreaking harmonizing law aimed at empowering consumers to protect their collective interests effectively....

365. EAC brings 400,000 smart meters for all

Demetris Nathaniel, EAC's Deputy Press Spokesman, informed K that the first 40,000 smart meters will be operational by the first half of 2024, with the remainder to be installed within 2-3 years....

366. Loans gain €8.5 million momentum€8-5-million-momentum

Total loans in August recorded a net increase of €8.5 million, following a significant decrease of €100 million the previous month. Meanwhile, for a second consecutive month, deposits saw a net decrease, amounting to €175.5 million....

367. President Biden stands with striking autoworkers demanding 40% pay raise

President Joe Biden on Tuesday joined a picket line with striking autoworkers in Michigan, supporting their call for a 40% pay raise and saying they deserve a "lot more" than they are getting....

368. California takes bold step towards gender-neutral school bathrooms

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law requiring K-12 schools to provide gender-neutral bathrooms by July 2026....

369. TechIsland Summit 2023: Cyprus on the fast track of becoming a tech island

TechIsland held its annual TechIsland Summit within the framework of the Reflect Festival on 20 September 2023....

370. Widely used anti-covid drug linked to virus mutations

An anti-Covid drug widely used across the world may have caused mutations in the virus, researchers said on Monday, but there was no evidence that the changes had led to more dangerous variants....

371. Revolutionizing the management of multi-owner buildings in Cyprus

The proposed legislative changes, tabled in the parliament yesterday, seek to modify and enhance the existing framework for the management of common buildings....

372. E-kalathi: Cost of basket per province

A few hours before tomorrow's session of the House Trade Committee, during which the bill on the e-kalathi digital tool will be discussed again, The Consumer Protection Agency conducted a price survey for 51 products in 5 supermarkets per province and presents indicatively the information and options that the consumer could have had today if he had the specific electronic application at his disposal....

373. Zero-risk politicians: The Doxa Komodromou scandal unveiled

The Doxa Komodromou scandal and the shocking revelations that have emerged present a paradox. It's not just about her remaining in her position; it's also about the complete silence that followed these disclosures within the Presidential Office. ...

374. Cyprus' 'Photovoltaics for All' cuts electricity costs by 50%

In a bold move to expedite the transition to green energy, the Ministry of Energy is gearing up to unveil a groundbreaking solar energy production initiative that promises to reshape the balance between conventional and green energy sources....

375. Modi's move to rename India to Bharat sparks controversy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has replaced the name India with a Sanskrit word in dinner invitations sent to guests attending this week’s Group of 20 summit, in a move that reflects his Hindu nationalist party’s efforts to eliminate what it sees as colonial-era names....

376. Turkey and Israel forge energy partnership, mend ties

Turkey and Israel will soon begin taking joint steps in energy drilling, President Tayyip Erdogan was cited by Turkish media as saying on Thursday, adding the two countries would also operate energy networks to Europe through Turkey....

377. Fontainebleau's $3.7 billion Vegas resort finally opens$3-7-billion-vegas-resort-finally-opens

After an arduous 23-year journey, real estate magnate Jeffrey Soffer is finally realizing his dream. On December 13, the Florida-based developer will unveil his latest masterpiece in Las Vegas—a stunning $3.7 billion resort boasting seven exquisite pools, an impressive array of 36 restaurants and bars, and an exclusive rooftop club that offers breathtaking skyline vistas....

378. €369 million EIB loan for smart investments€369-million-eib-loan-for-smart-investments

The government has secured a €369 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) with favorable terms to support expenditures and investments within the framework of the "Thalia" program. ...

379. Musk's Neuralink calling for human test subjects

Elon Musk’s controversial biotechnology startup Neuralink opened up recruitment for its first human clinical trial Tuesday, according to a company blog....

380. Focus on growth, employment control, and surplus in the 2024 budget

The 2024 state budget to be tabled to the Council of Ministers for approval next week will have three key characteristics, Minister of Finance Makis Keravnos told CNA....

381. E-kalathi bill sparks debate in Parliament

During yesterday's session of the Parliamentary Committee on energy and trade, the debate shed light on a crucial aspect of the E-kalathi bill. It became evident that there are lingering disagreements among stakeholders and the majority of MPs on this issue. ...

382. Saudi Arabia prepares for its first-ever fashion week

Saudi Arabia is gearing up to host its inaugural Fashion Week, scheduled for October 20 to 23 in Riyadh. The event features participation from 30 local fashion designers and companies. ...

383. Government considers making face-covering in protests a crime

DISY is set to present a proposal to amend the Penal Code to criminalize participating in demonstrations while deliberately concealing one's identity....

384. Meta encryption shields child abusers in shadows

Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to roll out encrypted messaging on his platforms will let child abusers “hide in the dark”, according to a government campaign urging the tech billionaire to halt the move....

385. Borrowers in a high-stakes game of loan roulette

In 2023, borrowers face a pivotal year, primarily due to the soaring levels of inflation, rising prices, and increasing interest rates. This year also carries significant importance for banks, not in terms of profits, ...

386. EY achieves record global revenue of nearly $50 billion$50-billion

EY reports record global revenue results of just under US$50b...

387. US plane brings captives back home

The plane carrying five American citizens freed as part of a deal between the U.S. and Iran have now landed back home in the United States....

388. Supreme court frees billions in assets

The Supreme Court unanimously overturns Laiki Bank's secured decrees, releasing billions in assets belonging to Andreas Vgenopoulos, Marfin Investments Group Holdings S.A, Efthimios Buloutas, and Kyriakos Cook....

389. 135% debt reduction sparks hope for economy

According to the latest data from the Central Bank of Cyprus, the private debt-to-GDP ratio has shown a significant decrease from its peak at the end of the first quarter in 2015 to the end of March 2023. ...

390. Will Tesla's next factory be in Turkey?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has extended an intriguing invitation to Tesla's CEO Elon Musk, proposing the establishment of a Tesla factory in Turkey....