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21 September, 2024


Displaying results 1951-1980 of 2024 matches for query commission.

1951. IMF, Berlin still divided over Greek debt but progress in sight

A meeting of the so-called Washington Group – representatives of Greece’s creditors as well as the governments of Germany, France, Spain and Italy, the biggest eurozone economies – failed to break a deadlock over the Greek debt as the International Monetary Fund and Berlin remain divided on the length of an upfront extension on bailout loans....

1952. Most Nicosians say their town is clean

A Eurostat survey shows that most residents in Nicosia believe their city is clean, with the results being very subjective and ranging from 9 to 95 percent for 109 different cities...

1953. Greek Cypriot seeks immediate restoration of his property in north

A Greek Cypriot has called on the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to secure the immediate execution of a European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling, relating to his property in the Turkish-held north...

1954. UNHCR: Asylum seekers in Cyprus lack decent housing

With less than 10% of asylum-seekers accommodated at the reception centre, decent housing is a major problem thousands of asylum seekers face, a UNHCR report said...

1955. Britons living in Cyprus have nothing to fear post-Brexit

Britain says it has secured the right for UK nationals living in Cyprus to keep the same status that they currently enjoy as EU citizens...

1956. Biggest UK contribution for Exercise Argonaut

The four-day international maritime search & rescue and non-combatant evacuation exercise “Argonaut 2018” is taking place in Larnaca...

1957. Cyprus tightens vetting for investment-for-passport scheme

In the wake of criticism that it was operating a "passports-for-cash" scheme, Cyprus has toughened up vetting procedures for those investors looking to get their hands on a European Union passport...

1958. US says Cyprus energy riches must be shared as part of a solution

Cyprus’ oil and gas resources should be equitably shared between both communities on the island, in the context of an overall settlement said Jonathan Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs...

1959. There could be no flights after Brexit

There is a possibility that flights will not be able to take place the day after Britain’s planned departure from the EU next year...

1960. Cyprus energy search – averting a US-Turkey crisis–-averting-a-us-turkey-crisis

Cyprus continues to proceed with offshore oil and gas projects despite Turkey's opposition...

1961. Conservation completed on two historic churches in Famagusta

A ceremony will be held on May 26 in Turkish-occupied Famagusta to mark the completion of conservation works on two historic churches, located in the walled city...

1962. Post-Grenfell review finds UK's building regulations system broken

A government review ordered after the Grenfell Tower fire that killed 71 people in London in June last year has found that Britain’s buildings regulation system is broken, but has stopped short of recommending an outright ban on combustible cladding...

1963. EU court upholds insecticide ban to save bees

An EU court upheld a partial ban on three insecticides known as neonicotinoids, saying that the European Commission had been right in 2013 to restrict their use to protect bees...

1964. Britain slashes top stake on gambling machines to £2£2

Britain will cut the maximum stake on fixed odds betting terminals to just two pounds after the government rejected claims that it would damage the industry in favour of efforts to tackle problem gambling...

1965. Paphos city hall to raise rainbow flag

Paphos will raise the rainbow flag for the first time this month, as Cyprus celebrates diversity and acceptance in an effort to Make The Change...

1966. Trump reimbursed attorney who paid-off porn star

President Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time in an ethics disclosure that he repaid more than $100,000 to former personal attorney Michael Cohen, renewing questions about Trump’s ties to porn star Stormy Daniels...

1967. Property owners turn to Strasbourg over IPC ineffectiveness

Greek Cypriots with property in Turkish-held in Famagusta and Kyrenia, call on the Council of Europe to look into their cases, due to the ineffectiveness of the immovable property commission (IPC) which has no jurisdiction in properties located inside “military areas”....

1968. Cyprus GDP growth is creating more jobs

Bailed out eurozone member Cyprus notched up its 13th consecutive quarter in positive growth with GDP rising 0.8 percent in the first quarter, an official estimate showed...

1969. Co-op receives two bids in good bank, bad bank scenarios

The Cooperative Central Bank (CCB) announced on Monday it has received two bids as part of its privatisation process launched in March, with one bidder going after the ‘good bank’ scenario just as the European Commission approved the acquisition of Altamira Cyprus by a joint platform with CCB and one of the bidders...

1970. Brexit-hit EU staff ditch UK passports

About one in 10 British civil servants at the European Commission has taken another EU nationality since the Brexit vote, but are nonetheless resigned to scant prospects of future promotion...

1971. New British High Commissioner wants to deepen special relationship

On presenting his credential in Nicosia new British High Commissioner in Cyprus Stephen Lillie said there was a great deal for the two countries to celebrate despite the complexities....

1972. Cyprus and Israel need gas-sharing deal to tap East Med riches

An ownership squabble over Cyprus' main natural gas field is threatening to delay multi-billion dollar plans to turn the eastern Mediterranean into a major energy hub...

1973. Twitter urges all users to change passwords after glitch

Twitter urged its more than 330 million users to change their passwords after a glitch caused some to be stored in readable text on its internal computer system rather than disguised by a process known as “hashing”...

1974. UN aid to Greek Cypriots in north resumes after a seven-month gap

The dispatch of humanitarian aid to the enclaved living in the Turkish-held north resumed following a decision by the Turkish Cypriot authorities to revoke an earlier decision in October to impose a levy...

1975. EU predicts strong growth as unemployment declines

The Commission foresees a "strong growth momentum continuing" in the coming years, but warned of risks widening...

1976. Cyprus president flies to Egypt as gas deal nears

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades flies to Egypt to push for a cultural initiative on diaspora, just as the two countries prepare to finalise an agreement to connect the Aphrodite gas field to Egypt...

1977. Crunch year as Cyprus bids to become regional energy player

Cyprus is ramping up efforts to become a regional energy player with 2018 seen as a critical year in deciding where it stands, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides said in an exclusive interview with Kathimerini...

1978. Delivery of UN aid to the enclaved will resume next week

Presidential Commissioner Photis Photiou told CNA that the dispatch of UN aid to the enclaved living in the Turkish-held north will begin again next week...

1979. On Athens visit, Juncker appears upbeat about Greek recovery

In a speech before Greece’s Parliament on Thursday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker expressed optimism about Greece’s economic recovery and called on its European partners to honor pledges for debt relief....

1980. Cyprus is 'dragging its feet' on nature protection

With regard to Cyprus, none of the 11 evaluation criteria received positive scores, with the great problem of the inadequate protection and management of the Natura 2000 sites ...