12° Nicosia,
06 July, 2024


Displaying results 691-720 of 750 matches for query communities.

691. Nicosia taken up by storm

The capital of Cyprus was soaked in a short-lived yet powerful storm Sunday afternoon, with officials responding to multiple calls for floods and fallen trees, and an advocacy group calling for better preparedness next time...

692. Indonesian quake toll jumps to 832 dead as rescuers struggle

693. No bail for detained fishermen in the north

The saga of the five Egyptian fishermen arrested last week by Turkish Cypriot authorities in the north over 'illegal fishing activities' will continue as they remain in custody for three more days...

694. Co-working spaces and Entrepreneurship

695. President: Failure in a new round of peace talks might change the basis of the dialogue

696. UK parties declare support for Cyprus reunification

The main British political parties, as well as a pro-Cypriot group of MPs, have reiterated their support for the reunification of the island in recent statements addressed to the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK...

697. Holland cuts CMP a check for €50,000€50-000

Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok toured the Anthropological Laboratory of the Committee on Missing Persons, handing over a cheque for €50,000 on behalf of The Netherlands...

698. Ozersay accuses south of putting the clamps on north

A Turkish Cypriot top official has accused the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus of unfairly targeting the shipping industry and universities in the north at a time when there are calls for better relations between the two communities...

699. West Nile infections rising in Greece

The spread of the West Nile virus in Greece is reaching alarming levels, with the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (KEELPNO) reporting 107 cases that have resulted in 11 deaths so far this year....

700. Cyprus picks up the pace in search of missing

More exhumations are in the works by the Committee of Missing Persons, starting on Monday on both sides of the island, including areas inside military zones in the north...

701. Stephen Lillie: There is only plan A for Cyprus

There is a clear plan A for Cyprus, that of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation solution, and there is no plan B, UK High Commissioner in Nicosia, Stephen Lillie, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), stressing that “for plan A to succeed the negotiations need to be well prepared, and the public opinion needs to be well prepared” as well....

702. Petrides announces 5 mln euros for development projects in 94 communities

Interior Minister Constantinos Petrides has announced that 5 mln euros have been allocated for this year to carry out 115 small development projects in 94 communities mostly in the mountain regions of the island....

703. West Nile virus claims 2 lives

Health officials have confirmed two West Nile virus-related deaths. Both victims were octogenarian residents of western Attica....

704. Two Cypriot WWII veterans reunite after 70 years

Two World War II veterans, a Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot who fought together in the war, met once again in Nicosia 70 years later...

705. Security Council renews UNFICYP mandate

The Security Council authorized a six‑month mandate renewal for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Thursday, unanimously adopting resolution 2430 (2018)...

706. UNFICYP draft ready for a vote

Members of the UN Security Council finally agreed on a draft for extending UNFICYP for another six months, with the US showing it could more easily get the attention of its peers next time if there is little progress in peace talks...

707. Cyprus offers €10 million to Greek fire victims€10-million-to-greek-fire-victims

The government of the Republic of Cyprus is offering €10 million to the fire victims in Greece, calling on citizenry and local businesses to do their share as well...

708. Greek Cypriot journalists reject bicommunal glossary

The Cyprus Journalists Union has rejected a controversial bicommunal glossary, saying it acknowledges the good faith effort behind the project while finding the results unacceptable...

709. Cyprus foreign minister calls Moscow up

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reaffirmed his country’s support for a UN-led peace effort in Cyprus, calling on UNFICYP to continue its role on the divided island...

710. Diko calls for inquiry on controversial glossary

The House foreign affairs committee will discuss a controversial glossary of political terms aimed at journalists in Cyprus, following debate and criticism on Greek Cypriot social media on fears of censorship...

711. Cyprus improves but more work needed to combat human trafficking

A US report on human trafficking has reinstated the Republic of Cyprus back to Tier 1, saying the country meets minimum standards while the situation in the north is a lot worse...

712. Take-away lessons from 'Cyprus in the digital agenda'

Cyprus is turning the page in the digital age era but there are still many steps in the path forward. This appears to be the general conclusion from Thursday’s conference on "Cyprus in the Digital Agenda" organised by Kathimerini newspaper and the SPP MEDIA Group...

713. UN sending envoy to Cyprus for consultations

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is sending a special envoy to Cyprus in the coming weeks, hoping to get crystal clear views from both sides in order to assess whether or not a new push for peace is possible...

714. Out-of-towner enters Nicosia competition

Papantoniou Supermarkets is getting ready to set up shop in the middle of a tough competitive market in western Nicosia, where other giants also stake a claim, but there are still some permit hurdles for the out-of-town family...

715. Turkish aid to north comes to 430 million

The Turkish Cypriot economy is expected to get a boost from Turkish aid in 2018, with approximately €430 million being spent in different areas of the self-declared state in the north...

716. President fires back at critics over UN document

President Nicos Anastasiades is firing back at critics both north and south of the Green Line, who are accusing him of tripping over a UN document that many believe could serve as a basis for peace talks...

717. Turkey's Muslim-friendly holidays find a modest place in the sun

Turkey’s $26 billion tourism industry has been battered by security fears and political disputes in recent years but one corner of the market is quietly growing - beach holidays for conservative Muslims...

718. Israel unhappy over parliament vote on Gaza

Israel has expressed regret over a resolution adopted by the Cyprus parliament, condemning Israeli actions in Gaza...

719. Sir Stelios launches 10th Bi-Communal Awards

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, founder of easyJet and easy family of brands (, announces the launch of the Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2018, to be held for the 10th consecutive year in Cyprus...

720. US says Cyprus energy riches must be shared as part of a solution

Cyprus’ oil and gas resources should be equitably shared between both communities on the island, in the context of an overall settlement said Jonathan Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs...