12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 751-780 of 1161 matches for query document.

751. Government responds to fire with €6 million aid€6-million-aid

The Republic of Cyprus has announced €6 million in financial aid for villages affected by a deadly fire, including compensation to the families of victims, with the government clarifying that illegal or uninsured structures would not be an issue...

752. Cyprus raises bar for sake of normality

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has added a few finishing touches on its latest Safe Pass measures as daily COVID cases continue to rise, with the government allowing more flexibility for businesses willing to cater to people who are vaccinated...

753. Cyprus rolls out ‘jab discount’ for hotel stays‘jab-discount-for-hotel-stays

Lodging businesses in the Republic of Cyprus have until Friday to apply for a state subsidy that would partially fund hotel stays for vacationers who got the vaccine or the state has a record of their recovery from COVID...

754. Anastasiades feels vindicated by passport probe

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says a final report on the island’s disgraced golden passport scheme has alleged no deceit on his part, with the commander in chief apologizing for mistakes made under his administration which he attributed to lack of regulations and oversight over the years...

755. Cyprus sea dispute pinned down over coffee

A Greek Cypriot fishing boat was intercepted by a Turkish coast guard vessel this week off the northeastern tip of the island, with the captain speaking out upon returning south empty-handed...

756. Jho Low wanted to be a Cypriot banker

A British investigative journalist told an audience in Nicosia that Cypriot-naturalized financier Jho Low had tried to use contacts with Kuwaitis to buy a bank on the island where the Malaysian fugitive could launder stolen money...

757. Labor exploitation case filed in Nicosia court

A man in rural Nicosia, who was arrested in early June on charges related to human trafficking and labor exploitation, was one of 229 suspects detained all over Europe during an operation coordinated by Europol...

758. Minister urges COVID survivors to get jabbed

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou is calling on COVID survivors in the Republic of Cyprus to get vaccinated, saying vaccines offer protection...

759. FBI app nails fugitive once caught in Cyprus

Cyprus was back in the headlines after new court records showed how a suspected drug lord, who evaded capture on the island a decade ago, unwittingly distributed an FBI app to his associates resulting to hundreds of arrests around the world...

760. Cyprus issues temporary vax docs for travel

The Republic of Cyprus began on Tuesday issuing a temporary COVID-19 vaccination certificate to citizens who wish to travel abroad in June, with the paper document valid until the new European Digital COVID Certificate is scheduled to be introduced on July 1...

761. Cyprus’ passport committee issues final report

Over half of the golden passports approved by the President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus were illegal, a special committee has found, and it is now up to the attorney general to ascertain whether any ministers may have had fraudulent intent...

762. Cyprus reopens checkpoints in buffer zone

Barricades in downtown Nicosia’s checkpoint were removed Friday as Cyprus’ two communities north and south agreed to ease movement restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic...

763. Workers detained as hotel industry scrambles

Five people in Paphos district were taken to a police station for questioning after immigration police officers raided a local hotel suspected of employing workers unlawfully...

764. EastMed faces another challenge next week

European Union countries will seek to prolong EU support for cross-border natural gas projects, a stance at odds with the European Commission’s plan to end such funding, according to a draft document...

765. Volunteerism czar resigns over 'fake resume'

The Cypriot volunteerism commissioner has resigned his position following allegations that he manipulated high school grades on his report card and included a fake college degree on his resume...

766. Travelers told Cypriot vax card no good

Travelers who got vaccinated in the Republic of Cyprus are being told to get tested again at arrival terminals in other countries, with reports suggesting officials at destination airports have concerns over Cypriot vaccination cards...

767. Cyprus jumps the gun on Sinopharm

Travelers who have been inoculated with Sinopharm can now visit freely the Republic of Cyprus, but it is up to other EU member states to accept the Chinese vaccine if the latest draft version for a COVID certificate is adopted in Strasburg next month...

768. Legal battle heats up in golden passports

The top two chief law enforcers in the Republic of Cyprus are taking the parliament to court over a resolution, in which members called on the two officials to recuse themselves in the golden passport probe after raising conflict of interest issues...

769. Another setback for police in spy van case

The Supreme Court in the Republic of Cyprus has recalled a number of court warrants in the high-profile spy van case, saying the sworn affidavits by police were not up to par...

770. Cabinet under pressure to modify safe pass

There are reports of second thoughts over the scope of Cyprus’ safety pass with Kathimerini reporting that grievances within the hospitality industry have reached the Presidential Palace, putting enormous pressure on the health minister to water down rules pertaining to restaurants...

771. Syrian refugees reach Cyprus by boat

Dozens of newly arrived refugees from Syria in a wooden boat made it to Cyprus, just days after Lebanese police said they blocked over 50 undocumented Syrians from attempting to each the island...

772. Minister defends laxer policy for tourists

Cypriot Deputy Tourism Minister Savvas Perdios says CyprusFlightPass is a sufficient tool for monitoring foreign travelers during their visit on the island, dismissing criticism that locals are having a harder time securing a CoronaPass to enjoy fewer restrictions...

773. Cyprus ends lockdown with safe pass

A third lockdown in the Republic of Cyprus ended on Sunday as new measures went into effect Monday including a controversial safety pass, with the government betting on a slight improvement as it pushes for gradual return to normality...

774. Vaccinated tourists to roam hassle-free

Foreign tourists who have been vaccinated against COIVD-19 will be able to roam free in the Republic of Cyprus, according to new measures expected to go into effect Monday, with the only requirement being a simple download or printout of their CyprusFlightPass...

775. Tatar on defense over PassportGate

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar says he would give up his Republic of Cyprus documents if there was a way, following new political controversy over citizenship on the divided island, with the newly-elected chief clarifying there were many reasons why his constituents in the north use passports issued in the south...

776. Plans get blurry as Cyprus sees more deaths

Daily deaths due to COVID-19 hit a new record in the Republic of Cyprus, with seven hospitalized patients losing the battle on Easter Monday and health officials avoiding comment on what measures will replace the lockdown next week...

777. Syllouris declines questions in passport probe

A former Cypriot parliamentary speaker secretly filmed in an expose on a now discredited cash-for-passports scheme declined to answer questions on Wednesday into his role in a scandal which rocked the island nation...

778. No common ground in sight in Geneva

The two Cypriot leaders and media coverage of their separate discussions with the UN chief in Geneva could not be more diametrically opposed, with the parties in the 5+1 meeting called to reflect on their positions before assembling again on Thursday...

779. SMS not needed for Holy Week churchgoers

Eastern Orthodox churchgoers in the Republic of Cyprus no longer need to send an SMS before attending service during Holy Week, based on an FAQ issued by the government on Monday revising and clarifying the latest lockdown measures...

780. Interim report on golden passports delivered

An interim report on the golden passport scandal in the Republic of Cyprus says just over half of citizenships granted by the executive branch were not approved lawfully...