12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1021-1039 of 1039 matches for query firm.

1021. Cypriot leaders agree to informal meeting

It will be the first time Anastasiades and Akinci have met since the collapse of peace talks in Switzerland...

1022. Executive at fire-ravaged Russian shopping mall arrested

The top floor of the complex, where the fire started, was packed with families visiting a cinema and a children’s play area...

1023. On the European Path

Turkey might push things to the extremes because it has entered a phase of instability...

1024. Cyprus says EU condemnation of Turkey is unprecedented

Anastasiades argued that the real aim of Turkey was to control energy supply routes in the region...

1025. Putin blames criminal negligence for mall fire

The fire swept through the upper floors of the Winter Cherry shopping centre in the city of Kemerovo...

1026. Government aims to stop dodgy beach construction

The government is determined to put a halt to illegal construction on the beach, following a recent spat between state and local officials on several projects that apparently violate the law. ...

1027. Economic Sentiment Indicator decreased by 1.6 points in March

The decline resulted from a worsening of business confidence in services, industry, and among consumers...

1028. Cypriot firm signs $4.2 billion Zimbabwe platinum deal$4-2-billion-zimbabwe-platinum-deal

It is the largest investment structure in the country’s mining industry in Zimbabwe...

1029. Zuckerberg apologises for Facebook mistakes

His plans did not represent a big reduction of advertisers’ ability to use Facebook data,...

1030. Cyprus won't abandon gas search despite geopolitical challenges

Drillings planned in Cyprus' EEZ for 2018 mainly by ExxonMobil will give a pretty good idea about the island's resources...

1031. Academic behind Facebook breach says he is a 'scapegoat'

Facebook has been rocked by a whistleblower who said that Cambridge Analytica had improperly accessed information on 50 million users...

1032. Google makes push to turn product searches into cash

Over the past two years, mobile searches asking where to buy products soared by 85 percent...

1033. Putin easily wins another six-year term

The longer-term question is whether Putin will soften his anti-Western rhetoric now the election is won...

1034. Trump dumps chief diplomat Tillerson after clashes

Senior State Department officials said Tillerson was unaware of why Trump pushed him out...

1035. Givenchy, tower of French fashion and tailor to the stars, dies at 91

Givenchy branched out into menswear soon after opening his fashion house...

1036. Trump and North Korea's Kim plan first-ever meeting

Trump had previously said he was willing to meet Kim under the right circumstances but had indicated the time was not right...

1037. Turkey renews threat against Cyprus offshore gas exploration

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that “provocative activities will be met with the appropriate response”...

1038. May defends Saudi ties as crown prince gets royal welcome

British officials were privately delighted at the decision by Prince Mohammed to choose Britain as the major western destination on his first foreign trip ...

1039. Cysec to wrap up inquiries on the banking crisis

The three cases concerning the now-defunct Laiki Bank with regard the acquisition products by German Commerzabank, the reclassification of the Greek bonds held by Laiki, and the investment of Bank of Cyprus in Banca Transilvania...