12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 421 matches for query freedom.

1. Cyprus Embassy in Moscow marks 50 years since Turkish invasion

The Cyprus Embassy at Moscow organized a commemorative event on Tuesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The event was co-organized with the Press and Information Office which prepared a photo exhibition and videos from its archives. Expatriate organizations and Greeks of the diaspora in Russia attended the event....

2. MEP Fidias defends actions in video after memorial event dispute

Cypriot MEP Fidias Panayiotou released a three-minute video responding to accusations......

3. MEP Fidias faces backlash over disrespectful comments

The Association of Spouses and Children of Missing Persons 1619 has condemned remarks made by MEP Fidias Panayiotou during a commemoration event for the Cyprus invasion on July 20. ...

4. American journalist sentenced to 16 Years in Russian prison

Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist working for the Wall Street Journal, has been found guilty of espionage by a Russian court and sentenced to 16 years in prison....

5. The Economist: 'The division of Cyprus looks indefinite'

As Cyprus marks the 50th anniversary of its division, a resolution to the longstanding conflict remains elusive. Despite decades of diplomatic efforts, the island remains split between its Greek south and Turkish north, with the status quo appearing increasingly permanent....

6. Turkish parliament urges recognition of Northern Cyprus as independent state

In a resolution marking the 50th anniversary of Operation Attila, the Turkish parliament has called on the international community to recognize the occupied territories in Northern Cyprus as an independent state....

7. Laughable disclosures as Cyprus politicians' financial woes unveiled

Once again, this year’s financial disclosures from our members of parliament are filled with laughable and tragic statements. Marinos Sizopoulos must be having a hard time making ends meet, ...

8. France accused of 'racist discrimination' over Olympic hijab ban

France is under fire for barring its athletes from wearing hijabs at the upcoming Paris Olympics, a move critics call 'racist gender discrimination'....

9. Cyprus and Greece commit to Eastern Med security

Defence Minister Vasilis Palmas stressed the joint commitment of Cyprus and Greece to make every possible effort to maintain peace, security, stability and cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean......

10. Interior Minister stresses President's diplomatic pursuit for reunification

Minister of the Interior, Constantinos Ioannou, who, on Saturday, attended events that took place in Serres and Vergina in Greece to condemn the coup and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974,...

11. Politico: Is Brexit's peak over? UK faces calls to rejoin EU

British voters are gearing up for their first post-EU general election this Thursday, marking a significant milestone since Brexit....

12. US pushes for equal religious access across Cyprus

Representatives of the U.S. Embassy met with officials from the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, and Justice of the Republic of Cyprus to discuss religious......

13. Cyprus condemns Russian media ban, defends press freedom

The Russian government's recent decision to block access to more than 80 media outlets, including three based in Cyprus, starkly undermines democratic principles and the pluralism that supports them, according to a statement by Cypriot government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis....

14. New global report launched at Global Family Business Summit

The Global Family Business report from KPMG Private Enterprise and the STEP Project Global Consortium reveals how some successful business families adopt a future-centric view of legacy that binds generations together, creating dynamic legacies that adhere with tradition while simultaneously embracing innovation...

15. Europe's right-wing surge

The votes are still being counted, but the European Parliament election results point to a surge of support for right-wing and far-right parties....

16. European Parliament elections see rightward shift

Voters across Europe cast their ballots on Sunday in the European Parliament elections, likely shifting the assembly to the right and increasing the number of euroskeptic nationalists. ...

17. 'The fifth phalanx'

The coming of age of my generation coincided with Cyprus' first appearance in the European Parliament in 2004. A generation that saw the EU as the vehicle for its hope—hope for change and reunification of the country....

18. World leaders unite to honor the fallen

On the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, world leaders gathered in Normandy, France to commemorate the pivotal moment in World War II....

19. Man arrested for firing shot in money disagreement

A 21-year-old man reported to police yesterday an alarming incident outside the residence of a 38-year-old individual in Limassol....

20. 'The vilification of entrepreneurship'

In recent weeks, Kathimerini (''K'') has been delving into public procurement, an area that absorbs a significant portion of public funds. The focus was on the Nicosia perimeter road project, which holds crucial importance for the city....

21. Israeli police and military help settlers block Gaza aid convoys

Individual members of Israel’s security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of aid trucks delivering vital supplies to Gaza, enabling the groups to block and vandalise the convoys, according to multiple sources....

22. Beluga whale trapped in Seoul skyscraper aquarium

In the heart of Seoul's bustling cityscape, Bella the beluga whale resides on the ground floor of the world's sixth-highest skyscraper, where she has spent a decade swimming aimlessly in a small, barren enclosure at the Aquarium of Another Life....

23. Seven weeks after bridge incident, crew still trapped on Baltimore ship

As a controlled explosion rocked the Dali on Monday, nearly two dozen sailors remained on board, below deck in the massive ship's hull....

24. Occupied territories condemn attack on Limassol mosque

In occupied territories, both the Foreign Ministry and the Vakoufika Department have strongly denounced an alleged attack on the Arnaut Mosque in Limassol....

25. Cyprus football's new horizon with privately owned stadiums

The era we find ourselves in appears to signify the beginning of significant change in the professional league, reminiscent of historical shifts that brought......

26. Navalnaya accuses Putin of lies, theft, and murder

Exiled Kremlin critic, Yulia Navalnaya, launched scathing accusations against Vladimir Putin today, branding him as a ''liar, thief, murderer,'' just moments before the commencement of his fifth presidential inauguration, marking his return to the helm of Russia....

27. Cyprus' media and language sector shrinks while EU expands

The number of people working as authors, journalists or linguists in the EU increased by 9.1% in 2022 compared to 2017, while in Cyprus the number......

28. ''UN and EU force unfair system on Turkish Cypriots'', says Tatar

''There's thuggery, pressure, injustice, and lawlessness in the EU's stance,'' said Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar, commenting on references to Turkey and the occupied territories in the Conclusions of the European Union leaders' summit (EU)....

29. Ursula von der Leyen commends Cyprus for 20 years of transformation

The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, emphasized the pivotal role of the European Union (EU) in fostering peace in Cyprus... ...

30. EU urges Europeans: ''Vote to be heard!''

As the European Union gears up for elections, millions of Europeans are being reminded of the profound impact of democracy on their lives. Reflecting on past struggles when their voices were silenced, citizens are now urged not to overlook the value of their freedom of expression....