12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 665 matches for query human rights.

1. Limassol Municipality criticised over access for disability card holders

Cyprus’ Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights, Maria Stylianou-Lottidou, has urged the Union of Municipalities, the Union of Communities, and the Department of Social Integration of Persons......

2. Philippines secures China approval for ship supplies

The Philippines announced it has reached an understanding with China regarding resupply missions to the beached Filipino naval ship, the BRP Sierra Madre, a significant flashpoint in the South China Sea....

3. Cyprus' political failure 50 years on

The 20th of July will mark the day the Turkish Army invaded and occupied 40% of the island of Cyprus. Greece’s Prime Minister Mitsotakis, dignitaries and other heads of state will be welcomed as guests by President Christodoulides to commemorate that historical dark event but to also make the customary petty speeches aimed to tickle people’s ears....

4. Turkish parliament urges recognition of Northern Cyprus as independent state

In a resolution marking the 50th anniversary of Operation Attila, the Turkish parliament has called on the international community to recognize the occupied territories in Northern Cyprus as an independent state....

5. Cyprus and Greece commit to Eastern Med security

Defence Minister Vasilis Palmas stressed the joint commitment of Cyprus and Greece to make every possible effort to maintain peace, security, stability and cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean......

6. Ukrainian startups build low-cost robot army to combat Russia

Facing manpower shortages, overwhelming odds, and uneven international assistance, Ukraine is looking to an unlikely source for a strategic edge against......

7. ''We don't come here just to take'' (video)

“Many afternoons, I look at the opening between the trees and think, I’d like to go there too, but I know I can’t...'' says the 15-year-old from...

8. Stranded and struggling: Asylum seekers in Cyprus' UN buffer zone

The UN Buffer Zone in Cyprus has become a temporary refuge for asylum seekers who arrived via Turkey, with 25 individuals currently stranded in the Aglantzia area....

9. Cyprus ranks among top innovators in Europe

Among the best-performing countries in terms of innovation between 2023 and 2024 is Cyprus, according to the latest European Commission data....

10. Domestic violence cases on the rise in Cyprus

Reports of domestic violence in Cyprus have seen a significant rise, with incidents reaching alarming numbers, Justice and Public Order Minister Marios Hartsiotis told a parliamentary committee on Monday....

11. Interior Minister stresses President's diplomatic pursuit for reunification

Minister of the Interior, Constantinos Ioannou, who, on Saturday, attended events that took place in Serres and Vergina in Greece to condemn the coup and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974,...

12. Reunification talks face challenges, UN envoy finds parties far apart

The ongoing efforts to reunify Cyprus have hit another roadblock, as the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, former Colombian Foreign Minister Ms. Holguin, finds significant gaps between the negotiating parties. ...

13. Lifeguard bans blacks from occupied area's beach

A controversy has ignited at Kymides Beach in the occupied areas, sparked by a lifeguard's discriminatory social media post outlining restrictive rules targeting specific nationalities and races....

14. UNHCR concerns over asylum-seekers trapped in buffer zone

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has raised alarms over the safety and well-being of 31 asylum-seekers, including seven children, who are reportedly stranded in the UN Buffer Zone in Cyprus....

15. Foreign Minister begins US diplomatic blitz

Cyprus Minister of Foreign Affairs, Constantinos Kombos, embarks on a significant working visit to the United States, starting with engagements in Washington, New York, and Chicago....

16. Cyprus faces obstacles in efforts to repatriate Syrian refugees

According to a report by Pavlos Xanthoulis in Kathimerini's Sunday printed edition, Nicosia's efforts to designate certain areas of Syria as "safe" for the purpose of facilitating the return of Syrian refugees have encountered significant political, legal, and humanitarian obstacles....

17. Israeli settler defies US sanctions, gains community aid to access frozen funds

For weeks after being sanctioned by the United States, Yinon Levi struggled to pay the bills, living at his farming outpost atop a hill in the occupied West Bank. But the Israeli settler’s problems didn’t last....

18. Commissioner calls for improvements in Nicosia's detention facilities

Maria Stylianou Lottidi, the Commissioner for Administration and Protection of Human Rights, has issued recommendations following a visit to the Nicosia Police Station's detention facilities on April 11. ...

19. Christodoulides offered Cyprus on a silver platter?

''You can consider Cyprus as a member-state of the EU, as your ambassador in Brussels, and I look forward to our consultations so that we can further strengthen our relations,'' President Christodoulides said...

20. Turkey grapples with stray dog crisis

Dogs rush over and greet Nilgul Sayar when she arrives by car to feed them in the countryside near Istanbul, one of many Turks with affection for Turkey’s estimated four million stray dogs, whose fate now lies in the government’s hands....

21. Palestinian delegation urges action, not just words, from Australia

Palestinian officials have asked for Australia’s help in ''building vibrant democratic institutions'' and fighting corruption, as part of talks aimed at meeting the Albanese government’s conditions for recognising Palestine as a state....

22. AKEL accused of anti-European populism ahead of elections

In the past week, Annita Demetriou presented DISY's positions for the European elections while launching a simultaneous offensive against AKEL....

23. EU-Lebanon migration deal sparks fury over alleged pushbacks

A recent EU-Lebanon agreement has come under intense scrutiny from NGOs and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who decry its ''brutal border control'' measures aimed at facilitating the ''voluntary return'' of Syrian refugees to contested ''safe areas'' in Syria, according to a report by Pavlos Xanthoulis in today's printed edition of Kathimerini....

24. Pet and Family Fun Day returns to Nicosia

The highly anticipated Pet and Family Fun Day, a beloved community event created a decade ago by the LefkosiaZO Volunteer Network and the Nicosia Municipality, is set to make a triumphant return to the Nicosia Municipal Garden and Nicosia Municipal Theatre on Sunday, May 26, 2024, from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm....

25. US fund eyes investment in Greece-Cyprus-Israel sea link

The US sovereign wealth fund, SWF, is keen on joining the Greece-Cyprus-Israel Great Sea Interconnector project. ADMIE, the Transmission System Operator for the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System, confirmed SWF's interest, which could involve funding or loans....

26. Israeli police and military help settlers block Gaza aid convoys

Individual members of Israel’s security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of aid trucks delivering vital supplies to Gaza, enabling the groups to block and vandalise the convoys, according to multiple sources....

27. Investigator Matsas reveals three suspects linked to Thanasis' death

In a startling development, criminal investigator Savas Matzas has disclosed the presence of three suspects in the tragic case of Thanasis Nikolaou, shedding light on the grim details of how the unfortunate national guard met his demise....

28. Combatting money laundering: Insights from Katerina Sikioti Charalambaki

Money laundering poses a significant threat to the EU's economy and society, with organized crime generating revenues of at least €139 billion annually, as emphasized by Katerina Sikioti Charalambaki, a professor and lawyer at the High Court of Justice....

29. Russian troops advance, Blinken affirms US support in Ukraine

The escalating conflict in northeastern Ukraine has reached a critical juncture, highlighted by the ominous sight of Russian troops advancing in a frontline town, captured by drone footage....

30. Hezbollah leader calls for migrant boat access to Cyprus

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Monday called on Lebanese authorities to allow migrant boats to head to Europe amid rising anti-Syrian sentiment and accusations that Western countries aim to confine refugees in Lebanon....