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29 September, 2024


Displaying results 511-540 of 724 matches for query opposition.

511. Authoritarian, divisive, hard right?

A few days ago, the New York Times published an opinion piece on political developments in Greece on its front page in which the author denounced the return to power of the “hard” right under the leadership of an “authoritarian” prime minister with “anti-democratic instincts.” ...

512. Substantive debate and ministers who listen

All of the participants on the Committee for Public Administration need to be applauded for the outcome. The former minister of administrative reform in the SYRIZA government, Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, publicly lauded the stance of State Minister George Gerapetritis, stressing that he showed a very creative and positive mood. ...

513. Greece 2021

Milestones often present opportunities and the upcoming 200-year anniversary of the start of the Greek War of Independence in 1821 could serve as an opportunity for a new beginning...

514. Central Banker mulls bridging framework on foreclosures

The Central Bank will present recommendations aimed at rectifying the foreclosure framework it was announced on Thursday...

515. Foreclosures: Parliament rejects President's referral

The House of Representatives today rejected a presidential referral regarding a number of foreclosure legislation amendments. ...

516. Early signs of civility and consensus

Despite some natural degree of skirmishing and isolated criticism, rays of civility, consensus and cooperation are breaking out across the Greek political landscape. ...

517. President's response to Akinci's proposal being drafted

Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades` response to the proposal of Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci on the co-management of the natural resources is already being drafted, a government source has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA). Anastasiades` response will be sent to Akinci as well as to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres and the EU officials to which Akinci`s proposal was also delivered....

518. Which way will SYRIZA go?

It will take a couple of months before we see what kind of style SYRIZA plans to adopt in its reprised role as the country’s main opposition party. For the time being at least, it appears willing to cut some slack to the new government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. ...

519. The new government, image and symbolism

The first indications from the new government are sending out all the right signals. Tuesday’s handover ceremonies at the ministries confirmed a return to normalcy, after a decade-long crisis that painfully divided the country. Both sides should be given credit for the civilized political discourse that prevailed during the change of guard. It is hoped that this spirit will continue during the debates that are expected to take place in Parliament, not only in the sense of a more sophisticated rhetoric, but also, hopefully, in the approval of some government bills by the new main opposition....

520. Nicosia bypass closer to the start line

The long-awaited Nicosia bypass on the perimeter of the capital is a step closer to the start line, with reports saying a tender could be announced as early as next week...

521. UK opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus, calls for de-escalation

London opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus and calls for de-escalation, noting that disputes such as this are resolved through dialogue...

522. Labour would back remain in second Brexit referendum

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn challenged whoever becomes the country’s new prime minister to test their Brexit plan with a second referendum on European Union membership, saying his opposition party would campaign to remain. ...

523. A wise verdict

The Greek people voted wisely, as they have done in the past. They have given Kyriakos Mitsotakis a comfortable majority and a strong mandate. A percentage so close to 40 percent is unprecedented in the years of the crisis, as is a government with an outright majority. ...

524. President congratulates new Greek prime minister

President Nicos Anastasiades, who was released from hospital on Sunday evening, tweeted a congratulatory message to center-right leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis who won the elections in Greece...

525. The others were Merkel’s puppets, we were just naive

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted to being naive enough to believe that his European counterparts, whose countries have loaned Greece billions of euros, would go easy on him...

526. The letter to Guterres

Following criticism by opposition AKEL calling for President Anastasiades to share with the public a letter the President had sent to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Kathimerini has obtained the text in question...

527. Greek elections: The main questions

Who will win? This is usually the fundamental question in any election, but very few people seem to have doubts this time around. The outcome of the recent European Parliament election and the bolstered credibility of opinion polls make virtually everyone – both winners and losers in May’s Euro vote, both experts and ordinary voters – believe that New Democracy will win Sunday’s ballot....

528. The liberal narrative and the risks

529. ND maintains 9 point lead over SYRIZA in opinion poll for Skai

Just over a week before snap general elections, center-right opposition New Democracy is nine percentage points ahead of leftist SYRIZA, according to the results of a new opinion poll carried out by Pulse for Skai....

530. When necessity becomes history

531. Erdogan suffers defeat in Istanbul rerun

Turkey’s opposition has dealt President Tayyip Erdogan a stinging blow by winning control of Istanbul in a re-run mayoral election, breaking his aura of invincibility and delivering a message from voters unhappy over his policies...

532. Johnson and Hunt fight for British PM job

533. Christodoulides: Ozersay leadership ambitions a negative development for the Cyprus issue

534. Facebook to launch cryptocurrency called Libra

535. The truisms of Mr Pamboridis

Will the Democratic Rally’s political bureau tackle all the issues or are they going to sweep things under the rug on the pretense that DISY remains the strongest party?...

536. Greek-American leaders: AKEL's Kyprianou wrong about US' east Med policy

537. The silent vote

538. Undiplomatic behavior

539. Israel to hold new elections after Netanyahu fails to form coalition

540. The election results and ND’s next challenge