12° Nicosia,
10 June, 2024


Displaying results 361-390 of 672 matches for query player.

361. Claims abound as Kremlin’s flagship sinks

Russia's guided missile cruiser Moskva has sunk in the Black Sea while it was being towed due to damage, with Kiev saying the flagship was attacked in a military operation and Moscow pointing to an explosion caused by fire on board...

362. ‘Immediate solutions’ test Cyprus’ take on EastMed‘immediate-solutions-test-cyprus-take-on-eastmed

A US energy official urged Nicosia to seek 'other options' if the island wanted to get energy quickly into markets, with Italy doing just that earlier this week when Rome clinched a deal with Algeria to replace Russian gas imports through the Transmed pipeline...

363. Euler Hermes is now Allianz Trade

Todaymarks a new chapter in our story: Euler Hermes, the world leader in trade credit insurance, becomes Allianz Trade – a natural moveas we have been fully part of the Allianz Group since 2018...

364. Zelensky wants Cyprus to get tough on island’s Russians

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is urging the Republic of Cyprus to strip Russians of their golden passports 'without exception' and only ease up on dual citizens if they condemn what he called 'war crimes of their military' in Ukraine....

365. Cyprus feels quake as hypersonic race continues

Reports of an earthquake felt along the western coast of Cyprus on Tuesday were quickly dismissed by officials, who said no seismic activity had been picked up by instruments despite residents saying they heard a noise shaking their windows...

366. Ukrainian soldiers adopt freezing puppy (video)

It’s not all doom and gloom in the trenches in Ukraine—sometimes it’s head pats and belly rubs of gratitude....

367. Wargaming ceases operations in Russia and Belarus

Wargaming has decided that it will not maintain or operate any business in Russia or Belarus....

368. World horrified over Bucha death footage

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply shocked” by images of civilian deaths in Ukraine posted online over the weekend, with Kiev blaming Moscow and Russia rejecting the accusations and calling for a special Security Council meeting on Monday...

369. Cops get new toy to catch speeders

Police patrol cars in Cyprus are now equipped with Doppler radar, making it easier and safer for officers to go after speeding offenders anywhere day or night...

370. Cypriot volunteer doctors travel to Romania to help Ukrainian refugees [VIDEO]

A group of Cypriot doctors and nurses arrived on Tuesday in the Romanian border town of Siret to volunteer their services for the health care of Ukrainian refugees fleeing their war-torn country....

371. Op-ed: Fertilizer inflation presages a global food supply crisis

We know that the war in Ukraine has led to sharp increases in prices for both food and fuel. This in turn has sparked concern that we may see a repeat of the famine and food riots that took place in 22 countries in the years following the global financial crisis, caused by a perfect storm of rising commodities prices....

372. Russians pile into property in Istanbul and Dubai to shelter from sanctions

Wealthy Russians are pouring money into real estate in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, seeking a financial haven in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and Western sanctions, according to many property companies....

373. Phil Collins performed his last ever concert in London on Saturday (video)

The 71-year-old music legend - who can no longer hold a drumstick after surgery on his back - performed with Genesis at the O2 Arena in London on Saturday night....

374. Op-ed: You can help 'Break the Bias' against women

This year for Women’s History month, in Cyprus, the United States, and around the world we recognized the achievements of women and girls, celebrated progress made towards achieving equality, and recommitted ourselves to ensuring the full measure of dignity and opportunity due all humans is available to women everywhere. ...

375. Union crowd turns violent over strikebreaker bus driver

A crowd of bus company workers on strike in Nicosia became aggressive after a march on Wednesday, with police officers unable to clear way for a driver who broke ranks and attempted to get back to work...

376. Chinese Boeing 737 plummeted 8,000 meters in three minutes

A Boeing 737 carrying 132 people that plummeted 30,000ft to the ground and burst into flames in China suffered a catastrophic 'loss of control event', experts have warned....

377. Everything You Need to Know About Crypto Today (at least for the next 8 hours!)

Don’t be intimidated by my headline if you know nothing about Bitcoin or the Bored Ape Yacht Club. You are in the majority....

378. Moscow jumps on Burisma links to Kiev

Moscow has put together an elaborate diagram alleging Biden connections to Ukrainian biological labs, with new revelations initially described by Washington as “Russian disinformation” now gaining traction in the United States and reaching all the way to Cyprus...

379. Luminous glow in the skies of Japan immediately before 7.4 magnitude earthquake hits

Videos showing the moment a 7.4 magnitude quake struck off the coast of Japan at 23:36 local time yesterday are incredible to watch. The quake was initially estimated to have a magnitude of 7.3 but was later revised to 7.4 by the Japan Meteorological and Seismological Service. ...

380. Zelensky to US Congress: 'Is it too much to ask for a no-fly zone?' (video)

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine is going through 9/11 and Pearl Harbor every day, urged the US to protect his skies as he invoked Martin Luther King and the Founding Fathers in a heart-wrenching speech to Congress on Wednesday morning....

381. Where have wealthy Russians disappeared to?

It stretches into the Persian Gulf from Dubai. The man-made archipelago in the shape of a huge palm tree is full of luxury hotels, apartments and villas....

382. Moscow says western media not impartial

Moscow says western media and UN officials have fallen short of being impartial in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, citing backstage stunts in a humanitarian resolution and a deadly attack in Donetsk that did not appear in mainstream news media...

383. Larnaca students evacuate bus that caught fire

Students on a large bus in Larnaca carried out an emergency evacuation on Tuesday after the driver spotted a fire in the back and pulled over...

384. Porsche Cyprus breaks stereotypes with the launch of the ''SHIFT project''

Porsche globally breaks stereotypes with an innovative strategy titled the ''SHIFT project''. In exactly the same direction, Porsche Cyprus and A.I. MOTOKINISI LTD are taking active action on the issue and join this international campaign in order to send a strong message to actively support women regarding what they can and are entitled to do in today's world. ...

385. American journalist killed in Ukraine

An American freelance journalist was shot and killed in Ukraine after a car came under fire near a checkpoint outside Kiev, but it was unclear who targeted the vehicle...

386. Parents face manslaughter in preemie’s death

Prosecutors in Cyprus are moving forward with manslaughter charges against a couple whose preemie died last week, with police suspecting abuse in a case of shaken baby syndrome and the parents saying they were trying to revive their little girl...

387. New cancer therapy completely destroys advanced ovarian and colorectal tumors in 6 days

A new cancer therapy has completely destroyed advanced ovarian and bowel tumors in just six days....

388. S&P downgrades RCB, places bank on CreditWatch with negative implications

Rating Agency Standard and Poor’s downgraded RCB bank’s long-term lender rating to `B+` from `BB-` and placed its ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications,...

389. A war of endurance

It is very difficult to say how the war in Ukraine will end and how long it will last. It is purely a question of endurance, of who will last longer....

390. Study: Certain blood types may be more or less vulnerable to covid

Blood type doesn’t affect much in our daily lives. In fact, most people don’t even know whether they’re Type A, B, AB, or O. But the seemingly-banal detail might be a factor in who comes under the thumb of 2020’s worldwide tyrant—that is, coronavirus....