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30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2011-2040 of 2108 matches for query power.

2011. Stormy weather causes electricity and traffic problems

Unexpected thunderstorms in the middle of May are causing power outages for a third day in Limassol with emergency crews trying to restore electricity and clear the way in many areas...

2012. UN frustrated over Turkey stalling on envoy to Cyprus

Ankara’s reluctance to give the green light for the arrival of Jane Holl Lute in Cyprus, as the Secretary-General’s personal envoy to probe the potential resumption of settlement talks is causing frustration at the United Nations...

2013. The 'guards' are waiting

Today, Greece is being run by a combination of “pink guards” officials of the old PASOK, friends and relatives...

2014. Israel's Netta beats Cyprus

Israel’s Netta Barzilai won the Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon on Saturday, bringing Israel its fourth victory in the glitzy pageant, watched by over 200 million people around the world, and the right to host the event next year...

2015. New British High Commissioner wants to deepen special relationship

On presenting his credential in Nicosia new British High Commissioner in Cyprus Stephen Lillie said there was a great deal for the two countries to celebrate despite the complexities....

2016. Bank of England keeps powder dry on rate rise

The Bank of England held interest rates and said weak growth during a snowy start to 2018 was likely to be only temporary, but it wanted to see a pick-up in the economy in the next few months before raising borrowing costs...

2017. EU can't save Iran deal after Trump nuked it

European countries are powerless to salvage the nuclear deal with Iran after the United States pulled out, the deputy head of the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said ...

2018. Changing the constitution of FYROM

As talks aimed at resolving the name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) intensify, it has to be understood by all sides that any name that is agreed should be used domestically as well as internationally...

2019. US committed to preserving Cyprus peacekeeping

Jonathan Cohen, the nominated Deputy Representative of the United States to the UN, vowed to preserve the UN Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus...

2020. Chemical attack accusations ‘a farce’ Assad tells Kathimerini‘a-farce-assad-tells-kathimerini

In an exclusive interview with Kathimerini, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons against civilians while taking aim at both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump...

2021. Battery charger for car toy withdrawn from the market

Authorities are warning the public that a battery charger under the name brand “Shortcut” is not suitable for European consumers and are urging consumers to discontinue any use immediately...

2022. Akinci says East Med pipeline not a route for peace

Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci says plans to push forward for the EastMed pipeline are counter to peace efforts in the region, adding that an energy solution which excludes Turkey would be a mistake...

2023. Cyprus 'fired up' ahead of Eurovision final

Cyprus is going for the big prize in the Eurovision song contest final, after Eleni Foureira put up a fiery performance Tuesday night during the first semi final and quickly became a top favourite...

2024. Global impact of US withdrawing from Iran nuclear deal

President Donald Trump has made his decision. The United States is going to withdraw from what he called Tuesday a "defective deal"...

2025. Europe urges US not to block it from sticking to Iran deal

Britain, Germany and France urged the United States not to take steps that would make life harder for other countries that still want to stick to the Iran nuclear deal that US President Donald Trump has spurned...

2026. Revolution sweeps Armenian opposition leader into power

Opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan was elected Armenia’s prime minister on Tuesday, capping a peaceful revolution driven by weeks of mass protests against corruption and cronyism in the ex-Soviet republic...

2027. Cyprus, Greece, Israel recommit to a way forward

President Nicos Anastasiades says a ‘code of conduct’ has been established between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel, following the completion of a trilateral meeting in Nicosia that yielded a long declaration and paved the way for another meeting before the year is out to discuss an ambitious EastMed pipeline...

2028. Cyprus to set up special crime-fighting agency

Cyprus police is trying to set up a special law enforcement agency to fight organised crime and terrorism but also offer top notch intelligence analysis in serious crimes...

2029. Hawaiians brave volcanic lava to rescue their pets

Lava spewing in fountains up to 90 meters high from an erupting Hawaiian volcano has destroyed 35 homes and other buildings, officials said, warning residents allowed brief visits to their properties to be prepared to flee at a moment’s notice...

2030. Clock ticking for Cyprus reunification 

Former South African President F.W. de Klerk is a man who knows how to read the warning signs of history and he urges Cypriot leaders not to miss another opportunity to make peace before it’s too late...

2031. Combative former teacher to challenge Erdogan

Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) on Friday nominated one its most prominent and combative lawmakers to challenge President Tayyip Erdogan in June 24 snap presidential polls...

2032. May avoids London blitz in local elections

Theresa May’s Conservative Party avoided a wipeout in London local elections and eked out gains in Brexit-supporting regions elsewhere, partial results on Friday showed, denting the opposition Labour Party’s hopes of a big win....

2033. Scientists raise alarm over Turkish nuclear reactors

A team of Greek scientists have called on the government, the European Union, the International Atomic Energy Agency, NATO and other international organizations to take measures that will halt the creation of nuclear power facilities in the seismically active region of Akkuyu in neighboring Turkey....

2034. Israel and Cyprus mull electricity grid link

Israel and Cyprus are expected to discuss linking the two countries’ electricity grids as part of a European Union programme to create a broad European-Asian electricity network...

2035. Israel says Iran lied on nuclear arms, pressures US to scrap deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled what he said was evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program that could step up pressure on the United States to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran...

2036. Hypocrisy over defence spending

Beyond the competition that has always existed between France and Germany in this field, Greece is being accused of spending European taxpayers’ money on a shopping spree...

2037. Sainsbury's and Asda agree 13.3 billion pound merger

Sainsbury’s and Asda, the UK arm of Walmart, confirmed they had agreed a 13.3 billion pounds merger to create Britain’s biggest supermarket group by market share, surpassing current leader Tesco...

2038.  North Korea hails summit as Trump presses for full denuclearisation

U.S. President Donald Trump said he would maintain sanctions pressure on Pyongyang ahead of his own unprecedented meeting with Kim Jong Un...

2039. Russia believes Cyprus doesn't need guarantor powers

The most effective way to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus could come from the UN Security Council itself, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday...

2040. Bill Cosby once beloved 'America's Dad' convicted of sexual assault

Comedian Bill Cosby was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting a onetime friend in 2004, marking the first such conviction of a celebrity since the #MeToo movement that has brought down rich and powerful men for their treatment of women...