12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1231-1260 of 1432 matches for query protection.

1231. Builder falls to his death in Limassol

Authorities are investigating an accident in Limassol where a local construction worker fell to his death on Friday...

1232. Minister offers way out of turtle nesting debacle

Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis says he is ready to work with experts and communities in protecting sea turtle nesting areas in such a way that local residents could also benefit...

1233. Natalie's body found in a ditch on Ikaria

The body of Natalie Christopher was discovered on Wednesday afternoon on the Greek island of Ikaria, putting an end to search efforts for the British Cypriot scientist who went missing on Monday while on vacation...

1234. Trump’s yuan move makes a China deal much harder

The decision to label China a currency manipulator boxes in Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. The U.S. Treasury Department made the move after Beijing allowed the yuan to slide below the key level of 7 to the dollar. It’s the first such designation for the People’s Republic since 1994. The sudden escalation will make it harder for both sides to reach a trade truce...

1235. Cyprus formally asks EU to share burden

Interior Minister Constantinos Petrides has made good on his promise to seek help in “practical ways” from his EU counterparts on the migration issue and redistribution of asylees...

1236. Cyprus ready to push on migration question

Interior Minister Constantinos Petrides is drafting a letter for his EU counterparts, in which he is expected to formally ask for a number of individuals under protection status in the Republic of Cyprus to be relocated to other member states...

1237. Digital Challenges for Internal Auditors & DPOs

1238. Carbo One and Cyprus NOC presented their partnership in the run-up to the Olympics

Carbo One Limited has joined the sponsorship family of the Cyprus National Olympic Committee, in the category of Major Sponsor, as announced by the Cyprus NOC on Monday, 29 July 2019, during an event at the Olympic House in Nicosia. The collaboration of the NOC with Carbo One, one of the largest companies in Cyprus, is an important step forward for the Committee in achieving its goals in the pre-Olympic year we are currently going through. ...

1239. Loggerhead ‘Pambos’ is quite the wanderer‘pambos-is-quite-the-wanderer

According to BirdLife Cyprus, a loggerhead tracked by satellite is proving to be a great wanderer with romance as his driving force....

1240. Britain begins escorting all UK vessels through Hormuz Strait

Britain has started sending a warship to accompany all British-flagged vessels through the Strait of Hormuz, a change in policy announced on Thursday after the government previously said it did not have resources to do so. ...

1241. New confrontation over turtle nests

Sea turtle conservationists in Paphos who take part in a nesting protection programme in the region have launched new allegations against locals while also criticizing police...

1242. Audit office weighs in on turtle nests debacle

A report by the audit office slams the forestry department for removing acacia trees very close to turtle nests earlier this year, just as another confrontation between locals and conservationists in a nearby area is gaining traction...

1243. Britain calls for European naval mission to counter Iran's 'piracy'

It is unclear how much influence Britain may have in Europe given it is about to have a new prime minister, widely expected to be Boris Johnson, who takes over a country divided over Brexit, its planned departure from the European Union. ...

1244. Police lineup for gang rape suspects

A 19-year-old British girl, who says she was gang raped in Ayia Napa last week by twelve Israelis, is expected to pick suspects in a police lineup...

1245. Confrontation over turtle nests caught on tape

A group of European experts in a sea turtle conservation programme was asked by police to leave a beach in Argaka on Thursday, after locals showed up and pestered the visitors...

1246. Turkey rejects EU sanctions, vows to continue drilling

EU Foreign affairs ministers who met in Brussels on Monday endorsed a decision to curb diplomatic contacts and funding for Turkey. In response the Turkish MFA issued a statement signalling that the conclusions adopted by the EU Foreign Affairs Council ‘’will in no way affect Turkey's determination to continue its hydrocarbon activities in the Eastern Mediterranean’’...

1247. New law criminalizes sex buyer behaviour

The House has passed a law criminalizing customers who pay for sex with trafficked women, while it rejected an amendment that would provide a legal recourse for defendants who use a plea of ignorance as their defence...

1248. The new government, image and symbolism

The first indications from the new government are sending out all the right signals. Tuesday’s handover ceremonies at the ministries confirmed a return to normalcy, after a decade-long crisis that painfully divided the country. Both sides should be given credit for the civilized political discourse that prevailed during the change of guard. It is hoped that this spirit will continue during the debates that are expected to take place in Parliament, not only in the sense of a more sophisticated rhetoric, but also, hopefully, in the approval of some government bills by the new main opposition....

1249. Six killed as severe weather hits Greece

1250. Cyprus aims to be among the first to regulate blockchain technology

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and more specifically, Blockchain, can offer endless possibilities in many different fields, according to speakers addressing the Cyprus Blockchain Summit, on Wednesday, in Nicosia. Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said that Cyprus aim to be among the first countries to regulate aspects of DLT. The creation of the regulatory framework should be flexible, so that it will promote innovation and provide legal certainty and protection for both consumers and investors, House President Demetris Syllouris noted from his part...

1251. Questions remain in Limassol murder-suicide

The funeral of a woman who was shot to death by her ex-boyfriend, in a murder-suicide over the weekend, is being held on Tuesday while questions remain over the circumstances of her death...

1252. Roman shipwreck discovered off Protaras

The Department of Antiquities announced on Thursday the discovery of a Roman era shipwreck off the coast of Cyprus. ...

1253. Cabinet approves 25,000 free dog chips

The Cabinet approved a plan on Wednesday through which up to 25,000 dogs would get microchipped for free...

1254. Cyprus on the right track to combat trafficking

A US report says the Republic of Cyprus fully meets the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, while also offering recommendations for improving prosecution of criminals and offering assistance to victims...

1255. Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus: No one stands to win in a trade war

1256. Dog shelter says Paphos fire was arson

New horrific details have emerged after a fire was averted outside Akamas, with a Paphos dog shelter saying a hateful act was behind an arson attack that threatened the wellbeing of about a hundred canines under their protection...

1257. Fishermen catch and release rare turtle

A giant turtle in search of food was caught accidently in fishing nets off Karpas Peninsula, while local authorities in the south went on high alert over a giant swarm of jellyfish...

1258. Bank culture should change Central Bank Governor says

1259. Competition authority actions ‘unfortunate and unnecessary’‘unfortunate-and-unnecessary

1260. Raid of CMA offices sparks debate

A raid by the Commission for the Protection of Competition was carried out on the building premises of the Cyprus Medical Association, stirring fierce debate with the newly-launched healthcare system in the backdrop...