12° Nicosia,
23 June, 2024


Displaying results 541-570 of 613 matches for query reform.

541. Teachers and government clash over strike

Union teachers decided Wednesday to go on a rolling strike, starting with a 48-hour industrial action next week while warning the government this is only the beginning...

542. Tsipras: Greece and Cyprus pillars of stability in a turbulent region

Greece and Cyprus are the only European pillars of stability and security in a turbulent region, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has told the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg...


544. Cyprus prepares new tourism body launch

A deputy tourism ministry is set to start operations by 2 January 2019, a long-awaited move expected to modernise Cyprus’ tourism industry...

545. Cyprus makes the case for regional headquartering

Cyprus has emerged as a serious contender in the world of international investment, putting a conference in Limassol next week in a unique position to promote the island as a regional headquartering centre...

546. Cabinet meets to address teacher crisis

The Cabinet is holding an emergency session Tuesday at noon to discuss the teacher crisis, with a whole host of problems in the backdrop including a slowdown by the unions...

547. Private schools unaffected by labour dispute

548. Teachers 'go slow' to show dissent

State teachers in public schools will take industrial action by ‘going slow’ in the first few days back to school, as unions seek a stronger mandate from members by asking them to approve a general strike...

549. Education crisis at end of tether

Difficult days lie ahead in public education, with state teachers unions saying a last-minute proposal by ruling party Disy, at least at face value, is no different than the latest government measures already rejected...

550. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...

551. Light reshuffle seeks balance

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras gave his cabinet a light reshuffle on Tuesday, promoting certain close associates and bringing in some new faces while keeping key ministry posts untouched....

552. Teachers march nine thousand-strong

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Presidential Palace Avenue on Tuesday, protesting a Cabinet decision to trim down the number of class-exempt teaching hours in state schools...

553. Teachers regroup ahead of big demonstration

States teachers unions rejected over the weekend a government attempt to seek middle ground in budgeting exempted hours, saying they had nothing to do with the proposal and warning they would resist any change without mutual agreement...

554. President makes final offer to teachers

President Nicos Anastasiades has weighed in on the ongoing debacle between state educators and the government, drawing up a final offer to teachers and expecting an answer before the weekend is out...

555. Education debacle full of suspense

The president is weighing in on the ongoing debate between the government and state educators in a last ditch effort to avoid a bumpy start of the school year, but it is not clear whether the highly contested issue of budgeting hours will be taken off the table...

556. Come back, support Greece

We are caught between celebrations over Greece’s “clean exit” from the bailout programs on one hand and, on the other, allegations that the country has effectively signed up to what can be considered a “fourth memorandum” and is headed to economic disaster....

557. Regling says Greece will remain linked to ESM

Greece will be monitored more closely by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the other institutions after its bailout ends six days from now compared to other countries that emerged from rescue programs, according to ESM chief Klaus Regling....

558. The mistakes of Greece’s creditors

A lot has been said about the mistakes made by Greece’s lenders during the bailout programs. The fact is they made many errors, including some serious ones. Meanwhile, Greek politicians were responsible for refusing to take ownership of the required reforms and failing to reach a degree of basic consensus. ...

559. European corruption watchdog calls FYROM ‘disappointing’‘disappointing

The Council of Europe’s anti-corruption group says the performance of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on preventing corruption is “clearly disappointing,” and is calling on authorities to take action....

560. Archbishop favours scrapping five religious school holidays

Archbishop Chrysostomos says religious holidays on school days no longer serve their purpose, suggesting that five of them should be eliminated while also taking a jab at union teachers...

561. Gap in education talks seems unbridgeable

A truce agreed upon ten days ago by state teachers and the government, which aimed to help reengage in a dialogue on school reform, appears to be collapsing...

562. Teachers agree to a truce

Three unions representing high school state educators have agreed to a truce with the government, in order to reengage in a weeklong dialogue aimed at finding common ground in school reform...

563. President invites enraged teachers to Palace

President Nicos Anastasiades has extended an invitation to public education union leaders in order to have an open dialogue on school reorganisation...

564. Teachers up in arms as minister rejects ultimatum

Unions of state educators are fuming as Education Minister Costas Hambiarouis rejected their ultimatum to start dialogue from scratch in public school reform...

565. EU enlargement commissioner arrives in FYROM

The European Union's enlargement commissioner has arrived in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to formally announce the start of preparations for the Balkan country to open accession talks with the bloc next year....

566. Minister unfazed by angry educators

Thousands of public teachers stood outside the gates of the Education Ministry on Friday, calling on Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris to resign and union members refusing to go to his office to talk things out...

567. Security Council expected to renew UNFICYP

Despite pressure to cut back on peacekeeping missions worldwide, it appears the UN Security Council will most likely vote to renew UNFICYP in Cyprus for another six months...

568. Government exploring ways to suspend pension cuts

The government is hoping that surpluses at the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) will allow the non-implementation of pre-legislated pension cuts on January 1 next year....

569. Cypriot drug companies accused of price gouging

A patients advocate group is accusing pharmaceutical agents of jacking up prices of non-prescription medication to cover their losses following mandatory price drops in certain prescribed medicines...

570. EU membership talks for Albania, FYROM set for June 2019

European Union member-states have agreed to opening membership talks with Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in a year if reform efforts in the two nations continue to progress....