Entrepreneurs and businesses eyeing opportunities in the Eastern Mediterranean have reason to celebrate. Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt have formalized a powerful partnership with the establishment of a Trilateral Business Council...
The process of renewing vehicle registration permits for the year 2025 starts in a few days via the Department of Road Transport's website....
According to a report by Dorita Yiannakou in today's 'Oikonomiki', labor disputes across several key sectors in Cyprus are causing widespread unrest, as workers and unions push for improved conditions and contract renewals....
According to an article written by Lena Argyris, Cyprus is strategically positioning itself for a potential future membership in NATO,...
The creation of online services for the benefit of citizens is a high priority for the government, said Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou on Thursday during a joint press conference with Deputy Minister......
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced on Thursday that Greece is on the cusp of a migration agreement with India to bring in unskilled and skilled workers to the country to be employed in the agricultural, construction and tourism sectors....
Cyprus residents are reminded that the deadline for renewing vehicle registration permits for 2024 is fast approaching. The renewal period, which began on January 4, will conclude on March 11 at midnight. ...
PwC Cyprus issued an announcement today, revealing that it has achieved a significant milestone in its quest for zero emissions. The electricity powering its operations in Nicosia and Limassol is now sourced entirely from renewable sources. ...
The issue surrounding the renewal of Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) CEO Andreas Neocleous's contract for another five years and a requested bonus sparked discussions within the Council of Ministers about executive bonuses in semi-governmental organizations. ...
Working in EU: Recent Changes You Must Be Aware of If You Are Planning to Get a Job in Any of the Member States...
There are only a few days left until the deadline for renewing registration licenses and, as a result, drivers who fail to renew will face a charge or even a fine if they are caught by the police....
Greek Cypriots want UN reports on the Cyprus Problem to continue every six months, but sources say the Security Council is leaning towards an annual extension at least for the peacekeeping force mandate following 'no meaningful progress' on the issue...
The following is a notice from the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works (Department of Road Transport) regarding the renewal of vehicle registration permits for the year 2023:...
Certain American citizens living or traveling abroad will be able to return to the United States if their passports have expired....
The Department of Road Transport (TOM) announces the following, in relation to the renewal of vehicle registration licenses for the year 2022:...
Police have reportedly found a third gun in connection with a thwarted alleged plot against Israeli businessmen in Cyprus, while the prime suspect’s lawyer is resorting to the Constitution and crying foul over consecutive remand renewal tactics against his client...
Transportation officials say there will be no deadline extension for motor vehicle registration renewals, with police saying fines will be issued to road tax violators after March 11...
The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a new resolution on Tuesday, providing for the renewal of the mandate for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for another six months while also invoking mixed reactions...
Republic of Cyprus Interior Minister Nikos Nouris is urgently seeking a constitutional amendment to shorten the time of due process for asylum applicants, calling a set of government-sponsored bills a “holistic approach” to immigration during a press conference on Thursday...‘silence-procedure
A resolution renewing the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for an additional six months is under the “silence procedure” and it is expected to be adopted on Thursday if no member breaks the silence...
Nicosia is intensifying efforts over the final makeup of an UNFICYP draft resolution in New York, as the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus is expected to be renewed ahead of its expiry at the end of the month...
In statements in Limassol after President Anastasiades had a meeting with UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus and head of UNFICYP Elizabeth Spehar, Prodromou announced that “Anastasiades has convened a meeting with political party leaders on Monday, August 5, at 1030 hrs to hold discussions in view of his meeting with Akinci.”
Robotic cameras head back in the water on Monday in search for little Sierra, with officials still contemplating a partial drain of the lake...
The website for road tax renewal payments went live on Monday, with vehicle owners having until early March to pay for either three, six, nine, or twelve months...