12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 871-900 of 1559 matches for query stress.

871. Agriculture Minister: Cyprus faces difficulties in food supply and raw materials

The EU’s Ministers for Agriculture discussed the current situation in the agricultural market as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, during the Agriculture and Fisheries Council which was held in Brussels on Monday....

872. COVID face masks are a ticking plastic bomb

Every minute of the day we throw away 3 million face masks. Many end up as potentially toxic micro- and nanoplastic or carriers for other toxicants in the environment, researchers warn....

873. Averof Neofytou promises an end to corruption and radical education reform

The Supreme Council of the ruling party Democratic Rally (DISY) unanimously ratified the candidacy of the party’s president Averof Neofytou for the Presidency of the Republic....

874. Op-ed: 'Only a leap in consciousness will end human slavery'

With the number of women and children fleeing the war in Ukraine, experts say that many of them may become victims of trafficking given their vulnerability. This article is even more relevant today and attempts to present the attitudes that have enabled human slavery throughout history, and the solution to eradicate this crime across the globe....

875. Ukraine conflict: Putin lays out his demands in Turkish phone call

On Thursday afternoon, President Vladimir Putin rang the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and told him what Russia's precise demands were for a peace deal with Ukraine....

876. Luminous glow in the skies of Japan immediately before 7.4 magnitude earthquake hits

Videos showing the moment a 7.4 magnitude quake struck off the coast of Japan at 23:36 local time yesterday are incredible to watch. The quake was initially estimated to have a magnitude of 7.3 but was later revised to 7.4 by the Japan Meteorological and Seismological Service. ...

877. Energy Minister expects developments on Cyprus' confirmed gas deposits

Cyprus’ Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasa Pilides has told CNA she expects developments soon regarding the exploitation of Cypriot natural gas fields, given the large increase in natural gas prices internationally....

878. Ukraine rejects Russian neutrality idea as Zelensky prepares to address Congress

Ukraine on Wednesday dismissed Russian proposals to turn it into a neutral state, as the United States readied a huge package of military aid ahead of a historic address to Congress by Kyiv's defiant leader....

879. Perdios: 'We will cover the loss of revenue from Russian tourists'

Despite losing ground in the Russian and Ukrainian markets due to the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, Deputy Tourism Minister Savvas Perdios was optimistic on Tuesday that this year's tourist arrivals could catch up with 2021 from the promotion of other markets, which may fill part of the gap from Cyprus' second largest tourist market....

880. The Cypriot oligarch and passports

On the first day of the invasion, Thursday, February 24, as Ukrainian cities were being bombed by the Russian army, Vladimir Putin met with 37 businessmen and members of his government to assess the impact of sanctions already imposed by the United States and members of the European Union....

881. Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme launches in UK

The government has launched its Homes for Ukraine site for those wanting to host a refugee, with 89,000 signing up within the first day....

882. Finance Minister concerned over rising energy and grain prices

Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said today that he is concerned about the rising prices of grain and energy and the possibility of 'stagflation', but excluded the possibility of the Cypriot economy slipping into recession....

883. Anastasiades: 'Turkey’s non-alignment with EU’s sanctions on Russia is problematic'

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades underlined the role that Cyprus can play in providing the European Union with energy and the problematic fact that Turkey has not aligned itself with the EU’s sanctions against Russia after the invasion of Ukraine...

884. Russian soldiers face public anger in Kherson - 400 arrests (video)

More than 400 people protesting against the Russian occupation have been arrested by Russian forces in the Ukrainian peninsula, according to Ukrainian authorities....

885. $100,000 grant for an interactive platform to promote shared cultural heritage$100-000-grant-for-an-interactive-platform-to-promote-shared-cultural-heritage

A grant agreement for the implementation of an interactive shared cultural heritage education program for Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot youth was signed on Wednesday by United States Ambassador to Cyprus Judith Garber and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Chief of Mission in Cyprus Jakhongir Khaydarov, during an event held at the Home for Cooperation in Nicosia....

886. US to ban all Russian oil imports, reports say

Joe Biden has decided to ban Russian oil imports to America in a dramatic ratcheting up of the economic squeeze on Vladimir Putin’s regime, according to reports from the US....

887. Moscow announces harsh sanctions against British interests in Russia

The Russian Foreign Ministry today pledged to impose tough but proportionate measures against British interests in Russia over what it called a "sanctions hysteria" by London in the midst of the war in Ukraine. ...

888. Versailles summit: Difference of views on Ukraine's accession, Eurobond

VERSAILLES - RESPONSE. Resistance within the EU is strong against new excesses to deal with the multifaceted crisis that erupted with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ...

889. Averof calls on government to abolish Cyprus Flight Pass from 1 April

The President of the DISY, Mr. Averof Neophytou, had successive meetings with the political leadership and tourism organizations today, with the aim of coordinating the efforts to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine....

890. Cyprus stands by the Ukrainian people says House Speaker

Cyprus stands by the Ukrainian people, committed to international law, respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states and for the fundamental European principles and values, House Speaker Annita Demetriou said on Thursday....

891. Cyprus to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, not military equipment

Only humanitarian aid to Ukraine and not military equipment to Cyprus The teleconference of the EU Council of Defense Ministers has been completed...

892. Six American special ops veterans join the fight in Ukraine

Six American special ops veterans are on the Polish border, ready to enter Ukraine and join the resistance against Putin's army after a call for help from President Zelensky....

893. EU plans to grant Ukrainian refugees right to stay for up to 3 years

The European Union is preparing to grant Ukrainians who flee the war the right to stay and work in the 27-nation bloc for up to three years, senior EU and French officials said, thanking volunteers at the borders for helping those who arrive....

894. How $300 billion in Russian money can shake markets$300-billion-in-russian-money-can-shake-markets

Credit Suisse's strategic analyst Zoltan Pozsar, who shows that Russia has about $ 300 billion in foreign currency swaps abroad,...

895. Police on high alert following Russian invasion in Ukraine

Cyprus Police are taking increased measures outside embassy buildings in Nicosia, following the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Police spokesperson Christos Andreou told the Cyprus News Agency, adding that measures are being taken in other places in the capital Nicosia but also island-wide....

896. Russia pounds Ukraine by air, land and sea - Siege of Kiev

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is in full swing. There are reports that dozens have died. Fighting fronts are located in various parts of the country, as the Russian operation is multifaceted, while the attack on the outskirts of Kiev is intensifying. ...

897. Russian Ambassador to Cyprus, Stanislav Osadchiy, discusses Russia's plans in Ukraine

Russia`s plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories, but the protection of civilians and Russian citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk, Russian Ambassador to Cyprus Stanislav Osadchiy said in a statement to CNA on Thursday....

898. The secret service hardliner who was at a loss for words in front of Putin (video)

Commenting on Monday's torturous meeting with Russian intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin, the Guardian noted that he was one of the "hawks" of the Russian government known for his tough anti-Western stance. ...

899. Putin: Moscow is ready to find 'diplomatic solutions' with the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin has assured that he is ready to find "diplomatic solutions" with the West to de-escalate the crisis over Ukraine....

900. Cyprus opposed to secession and annexation of part of another country, says Kasoulides

Cyprus' position on what is taking place in Ukraine is related to the case of Cyprus and stems precisely from it, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioannis Kasoulides said in a statement ahead of the extraordinary Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Paris, ...