The launch of the ferry link service between Limassol and Piraeus occurred this Sunday amid great fanfare led by the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and attended by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anita Demetriou, and various other Ministers....
Across Europe, intrepid artists, planners, and architects are transforming the flat, grey rooftops of the continent into lively community hubs....
With a budget increased by 40%, and a potential to increase even further and with increased grants by 50%, the Grant Scheme for thermal insulation on roofs and installation of photovoltaic systems in houses was announced by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry during a web conference, on Tuesday....
The Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Giannis Karousos, announced today amendments to the Incentive Plan for the purchase of a bicycle in order to allow more vulnerable groups to apply for bike subsidies....
Inflation in Turkey reached record levels of almost 70% in April, rising by 8.83 points in a month, according to official statistics released today....
The Shipping Deputy Ministry in the Republic of Cyprus says a successful bidder for a state-subsidized ferry link to Greece has been asked to submit a proposal, with reports saying a summer connection could be launched this year...
Inflation is the rate at which prices rise, which means that we need more money to buy the same product or service. Consequently, if your salary stays the same, then your purchasing power will decrease, as you will be able to buy fewer goods and services....
Cyprus will be affected by inflationary pressures and higher energy costs due to its dependence on oil imports for electricity generation, according to European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde....€158-million-for-households-and-businesses-to-be-doled-out-in-2022
Grant schemes, worth €158 million, will be made available in 2022, Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasa Pilides announced during an online workshop, on Wednesday, 16 February....
CLDC plans to build more than 800 housing units in the coming years, which will be allocated either through the affordable housing plan or through the new affordable rent plan for economically vulnerable households....
Complaints from beneficiaries of government subsidies are increasing, especially during the month of January, due to the significant delay in disbursements....
The Deputy Ministry of Tourism on Friday presented 12 subsidy schemes aimed at making Cyprus one of the 30 countries with the most developed tourism in the world by helping local authorities, organizations and companies to improve their services and attract more visitors....‘save-christmas
The government in the Republic of Cyprus has approved more pandemic measures ahead of the holiday season, including state subsidies for self tests for vaccinated individuals, while those who have not received the jab will need to pay if they want to want to screen for the bug in the comfort of their own home...
The car market is going through a difficult period, as evidenced by the statistics of new motor vehicle registrations....
A Christmas subsidy was approved today by the Council of Ministers, chaired by President Nicos Anastasiades....
In a letter, the European Commission Delegation to Cyprus clarified the amounts of the subsidies allocated to Cyprus from the EU during 2 program periods. ...
Cabinet Ministers today announced the reduction of VAT charged to electricity bills of vulnerable households. ...
The Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry is in the process of preparing a Sponsorship Plan for the replacement of electrical appliances in the homes of vulnerable electricity consumers, following and announcement made by Minister Natasa Pilides. ...
Labor minister Zeta Emilianidou says her office has simplified paperwork for the hiring of asylum seekers, but the country's chamber of commerce says cutting red tape and shuffling less paper does not solve staff shortages in fields that are still inaccessible to those applicants...
The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that on November 1, 2021 it will launch the first electronic platform through which citizens can apply for a subsidy to purchase a new non-electric bicycle....
Europe 's households are facing much higher energy bills in winter due to rising global energy and gas prices, and consumer organizations have warned that the most vulnerable could be hit by energy poverty....
The Cypriot government is expected soon to announce incentives that would encourage young people to get vaccinated, while subsidized hotel stays for those who got the jab begin later this week...
The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has added a few finishing touches on its latest Safe Pass measures as daily COVID cases continue to rise, with the government allowing more flexibility for businesses willing to cater to people who are vaccinated...
Two Cypriot ministers have joined forces this week to call on the EU’s Competition commissioner to allow more state subsidies for airlines amid the pandemic, citing improvements in scheme criteria but also the remoteness of the island...
Shipping transport companies remained unconvinced over Cyprus’ effort to revive and subsidize a ferry link with Greece, with the government going back to the drawing board after no bidders came forward by Friday’s deadline...
The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the United Kingdom and the European Union came into effect on January 1, 2021, capping a tumultuous four-and-a-half-year period since the shocking result of the July 2016 Brexit referendum, in which 51.9% of the British voters voted in favor of leaving the EU. Subject to the delayed assent of the European Parliament, this UK-EU free trade agreement (FTA) extends zero-tariff and quota-free trade in goods between the two economic areas....
Cyprus remains an attractive investment destination, especially among established investors
Along with the new restrictions imposed to curb the recent spike in coronavirus cases, the labour minister Zeta Emilianidou said Thursday that the Cyprus government agreed on a new batch of support measures budgeted between 130 and 150 million euros....€800-million-in-q2-due-to-covid-19-impact
Cyprus General Government posted a deficit of €800 million in the period of April – June 2020 compared to a surplus of €140 million in the respective period of last year, according to data released today by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat)....
EY Attractiveness Survey Cyprus 2020: Investors are optimistic about the country’s attractiveness over the coming years, but state that there is room for improvement...