12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 157 matches for query transfers.

121. UNHCR steps in to ensure refugees in Cyprus receive proper protection

The UNHCR office in Cyprus has stressed that refugees must be included in the government’s planning and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, offering hands-on solutions to the myriad problems in the government’s handling of refugee and asylum procedures that have only been exacerbated by the current crisis....

122. Greek Government to proceed with new island camps, despite reactions

The Greek government is determined to move ahead with its plan to build new holding facilities for migrants and refugees as part of a plan to accelerate asylum procedures and deportations on the five islands hosting camps, its spokesman said on Tuesday, amid reactions to the scheme from island residents....

123. Turkey warns US over Cyprus arms embargo

Ankara has warned Washington that an impending lift of a US arms embargo on the Republic of Cyprus is a “dangerous escalation” that would hamper efforts to reach a peace settlement on the divided island...

124. US arms embargo to be lifted on conditions

President Donald Trump will have discretion over a current US arms embargo imposed on Cyprus, as both Senate and House conferees have reached an agreement on the defence budget for next year...

125. Chavez daughter got funds through Cyprus

More allegations of money laundering implicate Cyprus with a special report saying a Florida account accessed by the daughter of late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez had money transfers from a bank on the island...

126. Two dead in Greek migrant camp fire

A mother and child died in a fire started by rioting migrants at the identification and reception center of Moria on the southeastern Aegean island of Lesvos on Sunday, the state-run Athens-Macedonian News Agency has reported...

127. Cyprus fiscal surplus at 4.3% of GDP

Cyprus general government surplus was at 4.3% of GDP in the first eight months of 2019, mainly due to the increase in social contributions and revenue from taxes, according to the preliminary General Government fiscal results for the period of January-August 2019 released Friday by the Statistical Service of Cyprus. ...

128. Teacher strike looming over semesters

State high school teachers are preparing to strike over their opposition to a semester-based exam schedule, with OELMEK union calling on its members to show no interest in putting the exams together...

129. Cyprus should not be on the list of countries not getting US arms

In 1987, the US Department of State placed the Republic of Cyprus on a list of countries to which sales and transfers of defense articles and services is prohibited under the International Trade in Arms Regulations (ITAR). ...

130. Amendments to Menendez Rubio bill 'unfortunate'

President Nicos Anastasiades described on Thursday the amendments made to the bipartisan legislation of Robert Menendez and Senator Rubio on an updated United States strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean as ''unfortunate'' ...

131. Taxi drivers go on strike

City taxi drivers went on strike Thursday morning to protest a number of issues including city permits, social security, and the traffic code...

132. US bill calls for end to Russian military vessels refueling in Cyprus

The Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 would allow the U.S. to fully support the trilateral partnership of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus through energy and defense cooperation initiatives...

133. US Congressmen introduce bill that lifts arms embargo on Cyprus

134. CBC ready to examine ambiguities in AML laws

135. 'Whole new day' for Cyprus' relationship with US, says senator

136. US Senator Menendez to visit Cyprus next week

137. US senators introduce legislation to reshape East Med strategy

138. Will the US and Turkey break up over Russian S-400?

139. Bill pushes for police taser guns

A bill sponsored by the government aims to put taser guns in the hands of law enforcement officials, while also take away hunting rifles from criminals convicted of domestic violence...

140. Letter claims hospital official preys on female staff

Female nurses and cleaners at a state hospital are being sexually harassed by an official who uses his status to threaten women according to an anonymous letter...

141. From the auditoriums

142. CBC introduce sharper rules against the so-called “Shell and Letterbox Companies”

The central bank of Cyprus has redefined the definitions of the so-called “shell and letterbox companies”, in an attempt to tighten the directive for the prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing...

143. Economic growth in Cyprus remains strong

144. Cops warn online romance seekers

Police are warning the public, especially those actively looking for love online, not to fall victims to unscrupulous imposters who are after money while pretending they are interested in a romantic relationship...

145. Greek banks to chase borrowers who refused to open their accounts

Banks have firmly focused their attention on debtors who have resorted to the provisions of the so-called Katseli law – named after former economy minister Louka Katseli – for protection now that their bank account secrecy has been lifted....

146. AHI says US ban on arms sales to Cyprus «unlawful»

The US prohibition on sales of defense and military technology to Cyprus is “unlawful” and can be removed without the need for legislation, a Greek American lobby group has said....

147. Probe into Stavros’ death still open

Members of a Health and Safety Task Force Committee are visiting Alethriko elementary on Wednesday, a Larnaca school where 10-year-old Stavros Georgallis got injured last month and whose death hours later was shrouded in controversy and allegations of incompetence...

148. Capital controls eased further as of Monday

Capital controls were eased further on Monday with depositors now permitted to withdraw a monthly maximum of 5,000 euros from bank accounts, up from 2,300 euros....

149. Education minister calls for special task force

Organised parents and teachers met with the education minister to discuss safety and health issues in public schools, but union representatives did not take part during talks over teacher evaluations...

150. Venezuela's re-elected Maduro faces overseas censure

Venezuela’s socialist leader Nicolas Maduro faced fresh international censure on Monday after re-election in a vote foes denounced as a farce cementing autocracy in the crisis-stricken OPEC nation...