12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 398 matches for query unprecedented.

121. TechIsland equipped a new computer class in the Arakapas school after the wildfire

Non-profit organization TechIsland rebuilt the Regional Primary School in Arakapas, which suffered from a terrible wildfire. The organization has invested more than 200 000 euros in renovating the school. TechIsland also contributed to the opening of a computer class with the help of Asbis, one of the board members of the company. ...

122. COVID origin debate back in the news

A new classified report in the United States says COVID-19 was probably the result of a laboratory leak, fueling further debate on the origins of the pandemic as a House subcommittee prepares to tackle the issue that has divided the world politically and scientifically...

123. EY presents report on the Future of Banking in Cyprus

The report showcases the importance and contribution of Cypriot banks to the wider economy and society, and identifies current and upcoming challenges and opportunities...

124. Cyprus removes ban on vindicated Norwegian dad

An appeals court in Norway has vindicated a man who says his daughter was abducted twice by her Greek Cypriot mother and authorities on the island did nothing to help, with the news raising questions about judicial irregularities and further prompting Nicosia to take down an Interpol arrest warrant that had essentially prevented him from visiting Cyprus...

125. Cyprus' new president

Nikos Christodoulides was elected president of the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday, without the support of either of the country’s two main parties....

126. Nikos Christodoulides is now the 8th President of the Republic of Cyprus

After all the campaigning, the name-calling, an unprecedented split in one of the nation’s oldest parties and even the bitterness emanating from certain candidates who lost in the first round, it’s finally over. ...

127. US government moving ahead with intention to sell F-16's to Turkey

The Biden administration is moving ahead with its intention to supply Turkey with 40 new F-16 fighter jets and upgrade 80 of the country’s older ones....

128. The red warning from the beaches of Protaras

First and foremost, let me state that I am not an environmental expert. As an active citizen, I am recording my concerns about the changes brought about by climate change...

129. First group of asylum seekers relocated to Germany from Cyprus

Repatriation flights from Cyprus to Germany and France began at the end of December as part of the EU's support policy for Nicosia in the refugee crisis. ...

130. Anastasiades says Russia forced Cyprus to change

Cyprus’ commander-in-chief says Russia forced his country to adopt an EU stance against Moscow, in response to Russian criticism that suggested Europeans were toeing an American line against the Kremlin and Nicosia and Athens were suffering because of it...

131. Cyprus talks up imminent Chevron announcement

Cypriot Energy Minister Natasa Pilides is waging a battle to ensure Chevron’s reluctant development concept for Aphrodite will stick to plan, but cost-cutting ideas, merger wars, and maritime issues continue to blur options backed by an administration on its last leg...

132. Cypriot author claims police trying to ban his book on corruption

A Cypriot investigative journalist accused the police on Wednesday of trying to prevent him from publishing books he wrote about corruption in his country....

133. Nikos Christodoulides: Discussing changes to the Guterres framework

"I didn't hear anyone mention Mr. Kasoulides, the foreign minister, after the wreckage in Crans Montana. Nobody could blame him. He was not the most directly involved, nor was he the one who would take the final decisions..." ...

134. Pope Benedict XVI laid to rest as faithful mourn

Pope Francis joined tens of thousands of faithful in bidding farewell to Benedict XVI at a rare requiem Mass Thursday for a dead pope presided over by a living one, ending an unprecedented decade for the Catholic Church that was sparked by the German theologian’s decision to retire....

135. Cyprus police publish confident promo video

Cyprus Police rang in the New Year with a new promotional video, a cinematic film showing all aspects of law enforcement in action from combating terrorism to policing the streets with friendly community officers...

136. Economic events that will be remembered in 2022

The energy crisis, which intensified after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and resulted in skyrocketing gas prices, took the lead throughout the year....

137. Former Pope Benedict XVI dies

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the shy German theologian who tried to reawaken Christianity in a secularized Europe but will forever be remembered as the first pontiff in 600 years to resign from the job, died Saturday...

138. Cypriot judge slams Chinese justice in extradition case

A Cypriot judge denied last week an extradition requests citing a lack of fair trials in China, a decision said to be a precedent for many other cases on the island, in Europe, and around the world...

139. Calls to protect vulnerable borrowers from interest rate hike

The Association for the Protection of Bank Borrowers (SYPRODAT) has accused the government of "complete apathy" in the development of support measures for vulnerable borrowers in the aftermath of the European Central Bank's (ECB) continuous increase in interest rates and amid conditions of unprecedented accuracy....

140. NHS nurses walk out in first strike in over a century

Nurses across much of the UK launched a historic strike on Thursday, as they walked out of hospitals and onto picket lines after several years of falling pay and declining standards left the country’s nationalized health care system in a state of crisis....

141. 18.5 thousand irregular migrants crossed the Green Line this year

Members of the EU High-Level Network on Returns will communicate to the EU and their countries the true dimension and source of the Republic of Cyprus's migrant flow problem, which is none other than the crossing of migrants through the Green Line....

142. Report highlights police inaction in cases of violence against women in Cyprus

The Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO)’s first review of existing policy approaches and legislation on violence against women in Cyprus has revealed many areas in which redoubled action is needed to comply with the standards of the Istanbul Convention. ...

143. Russian officials denied visas for OSCE meeting in Poland

The government of Poland will not issue Schengen visas to officials from the Russian Federation for attending a meeting of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) set to be held in the city of Łódź in Poland on December 1 and 2....

144. No OneLove armbands for England, Wales and EU countries

England, Wales and other European nations will not wear the OneLove armband at the World Cup in Qatar because of the threat of players being booked....

145. EY Cyprus presents the Transparency Report 2022

ΕΥ Cyprus has released its Transparency Report 2022, which provides an update on the firm’s efforts to execute high-quality audits, identify and mitigate risks and enhance trust in business and the capital markets, in support of sustainable, long-term value creation. ...

146. Civil protection's role in disaster management at the Nicosia Risk Forum 2022

The role of civil protection and international solidarity in disaster management as a result of climate change is being discussed at the two-day Nicosia Risk Forum 2022 (#NRF2022) on Civil Protection, which began today in Larnaca and is organized by the CERIDES Foundation of the European University Cyprus....

147. Finance Minister calls for the repeal of foreclosure suspension

The Ministry of Finance proposes delaying the law on divestiture suspension. ...

148. Wim Van Aken talks recession and the predictions for Cyprus

We are facing a double shock. First, we had the Covid-19 shock and now the global and European economies are facing a new shock with the war in Ukraine. Both events are unprecedented for many of us....

149. US opposed to a Turkish-Russian gas hub

The State Department has expressed its opposition to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's announcement yesterday of a gas hub in collaboration with Russia....

150. Government offers cash for whistleblower’s torched cars

The transport minister in the Republic of Cyprus has been credited with a Cabinet decision to compensate a state employee, whose family vehicles were torched after he blew the whistle on a car sales scam...