12° Nicosia,
27 October, 2024

Outdoor work suspended amid heat wave

Safety measures enforced by Labor Department


The Labor Inspection Department has issued a directive mandating the suspension of all heavy and medium outdoor work, as well as activities involving the transportation or delivery of goods using two-wheeled vehicles or personal mobility devices, due to the ongoing heat wave.

The ban, effective from noon on Monday (14/08) until 4:00 PM on the same day, is a response to the orange-level danger warning issued by the Department of Meteorology. This warning covers both inland areas (regions below 300 meters in altitude, located more than 10 kilometers from the coastline) and higher mountainous regions (ranging from 1150 to 1650 meters).

The Department of Labor Inspection, operating under the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, has notified employers and self-employed individuals of the necessity to halt the following operations between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM:

1. Outdoor heavy and moderate work.
2. Activities related to the transport and/or delivery of goods using two-wheeled vehicles (such as motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles) or personal mobility devices (such as scooters, e-scooters). This includes the conveyance of goods, food, mail, or other materials.

The orange hazard level warning and the associated operational suspension apply to inland areas (regions with an altitude below 300 meters, located more than 10 kilometers from the coastline) and higher mountainous areas (elevations ranging from 1150 to 1650 meters).

For areas not covered by the orange warning, employers and self-employed individuals must adhere to the Occupational Safety and Health (Code of Practice on Thermal Exposure of Workers) Orders of 2014, 2020, and 2023 (Decrees 291/2014, 206/2020, and 231/2023). According to these decrees:

1. Employers and self-employed individuals must monitor key parameters like temperature and relative humidity in work areas that contribute to thermal load.
2. Based on prevailing conditions of air temperature and humidity, adjustments to work schedules, tasks, breaks, and interruptions must be made to prevent or mitigate thermal stress.
3. Measures like frequent short breaks, shaded resting areas, rotation of workers, avoidance of strenuous work during peak heat hours (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM), provision of cool drinking water, appropriate clothing, and training of workers are to be implemented.

The enforcement aims to ensure the well-being of workers amid rising temperatures, in line with comprehensive safety guidelines.

Cyprus  |  business  |  heatwave  |  labor

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