12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 571-600 of 1469 matches for query Central.

571. MI6 chief urges Russians to share info

The head of the British Secret Service MI6, Richard Moore, urged Russians who are against the war to "share" information or documents they possess with the British secret services, to bring the war to a faster end....

572. NPL crisis highlights tug of war between borrowers and legislation

The concealment, or "camouflage," of non-performing loans (NPLs) in commercial banks before 2013 and their subsequent explosion have been, and may continue to be, the most significant challenge for the Cypriot economy. ...

573. Banking on success: Greek and Cypriot banks show remarkable credit improvement

Fitch Ratings released a new report on Monday stating that the credit profiles of Greek and Cypriot banks have significantly improved over the past year due to de-risking and restructuring....

574. Gasoline trade in divided Cyprus

The issue of gasoline from the occupied territories is one of the most well-known psychodramas of Cyprus. It is a distortion of the market due to the country's division and the occupation of part of it by another country. ...

575. Bugs attack patrons in Paphos' restaurants

The chaos caused by an 'invasion' of Pangaeus bilineatus bugs in Kato Paphos over the past four days has been emphasized in recent reports by Philenews....

576. Philippos Soseilos: Significant investment opportunities in Cyprus

577. Heatstroke claims life, hospitalizes three amid scorching temperatures

One fatality and three hospitalizations due to heatstroke have been reported, according to Charalampos Charilaou, spokesperson of the State Health Services Organisation. ...

578. Orange Warning: Kleon's heatwave crisis escalates

Heatwave "Kleon" intensifies in the Central Mediterranean, causing scorching temperatures in recent days....

579. Murder or setup? Russian General's fatal jog

The Russian submarine commander Stanislav Ritski, who was murdered by an unknown man in Krasnodar on Monday evening, was possibly a victim of surveillance by his killer on the popular jogging app "Strava," according to the Russian news agency Tass....

580. Cyprus Parliament rejects bills on borrowers' rights

The Cyprus Parliament voted against two non-government bills regarding borrowers' rights on Thursday, disregarding warnings from the government and the Central Bank about potential threats to the stability of the financial sector....

581. Transformative Identities: New Conceptual Exhibition in Minthis

582. Double the number of tourist transfers to the occupied territories

The arrival of 11 tourists in Cyprus, through the country's legal airports, and then a number of them arriving in the occupied areas, is not a daily phenomenon....

583. Loan demand in Cyprus falls, interest rates rise

The Cypriot banking institutions are holding a small basket for demand in new loans....

584. Proposed foreclosure reforms spark debate in Cyprus

Three proposals will be discussed at the last Plenary Session of the House of Representatives before the summer recess, along with three scenarios regarding the outcome of the foreclosure framework....

585. Contentious foreclosure legislation sparks debate in Parliament

The issue of foreclosures remains unresolved and will be the focal point of the upcoming plenary session on Thursday, July 13. ...

586. Heatwave 'Kleon' set to sear Cyprus and Greece

By the end of the week, the heatwave named "Kleon" will reach Cyprus, which will begin to affect Greece from Wednesday (12/07), bringing extremely high temperatures....

587. Cyprus sees decrease in bounced checks

A total of 35 dishonoured cheques, with a total value of €67,609, were issued in June 2023, while 16 persons (10 legal and 6 natural) were recorded in the preliminary list of the Central Information Register (CIR) for dishonoured cheques, maintained by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC)....

588. Ministry of Culture to launch 'Kypria' pilot for art festivals

We have fully entered the summer, and the eagerly awaited cultural events have either begun or will soon begin. ...

589. Eurobank's vision: Controlling Hellenic Bank and conquering new markets

According to Bloomberg, Eurobank's deputy chief executive, managing director, and head of international operations, Stavros Ioannou, expressed the bank's desire to eventually gain full control of Hellenic Bank in Cyprus....

590. US Ambassador urges immediate steps towards a unified Cyprus

Cyprus reunification must not be deferred any longer, US Ambassador Julie Fisher said, speaking Thursday evening during a reception for the 4th of July, in the presence of President Nikos Christodoulides....

591. Parliament approves foreclosure law

A significant mobilization by the Government and the Central Bank of Cyprus took place this week regarding the framework of foreclosures, primarily to withdraw the "problematic" proposal that, according to the state and banks, would have negative consequences for the Cypriot economy....

592. Cyprus inflation at 1.9%

Inflation in Cyprus reached its lowest level in 25 months in June 2023 and stood at 1.9% on an annual basis, mainly due to the decline in food prices....

593. EU Commission proposes digital euro as cash alternative

Digital currencies have grown in popularity. Unlike bitcoin, the digital euro would be a central bank digital currency (CBDC), essentially, electronic cash. ...

594. Parliament to vote on law for borrowers' foreclosure appeal

The news from the "Oikonomiki Kathimerini" about the suspension of first home foreclosures up to €350,000 until the end of October has been confirmed. ...

595. Another Greek tanker embroiled in US-Iran oil wars

A Greek-owned oil tanker sailed out of trouble on Wednesday when a US missile destroyer responded to an incident with the Iranian Navy, as Tehran still has an axe to grind with Athens over oil seizures based on American sanctions...

596. Hottest day on record

The world has experienced its hottest day on record, according to meteorologists....

597. President urges solution as foreclosure laws vote approaches

Cyprus is heading towards suspending first residence property foreclosures up to 350,000 euros until the end of October....

598. Serious charges for escaped prisoners

599. Manhunt in Cyprus after detainees escape

Three detainees managed to escape during their transfer from the court in Nicosia to the central prisons, prompting a manhunt by the so-called "police authorities" of the pseudo-state....

600. Paphos mayor worried about protest against Quran burning

A group of protesters in Paphos marched on Sunday against the burning of the Quran in an incident in Sweden last week, prompting the town’s mayor to express concern over 'religious fanaticism' creeping into Cypriot society...