12° Nicosia,
09 October, 2024


Displaying results 4951-4980 of 6722 matches for query Euro.

4951. The EU did not act in united fashion, Cyprus President tells Le Figaro

In an interview with the French daily Le Figaro published Thursday, President Nicos Anastasiades said that in responding Turkey’s actions in the eastern Mediterranean, the EU did not act in a decisive and united fashion, while refuting that Cyprus vetoed sanctions against Belarus....

4952. Fear grows over multiple chains of infection

A local health expert has expressed concern over the increase of COVID-19 cases in Cyprus, particularly Larnaca, saying he expected the coronavirus spike would spread to the rest of the island...

4953. Another refugee boat intercepted off Cyprus

Syrian refugees on a boat that was blocked from disembarking were eventually on their way to Pournara migrant camp after reaching shore Wednesday morning, with one child hospitalized for unspecified reasons...

4954. Commission presents new migration plan for EU

The European Union's executive proposed on Wednesday overhauling the bloc's broken migration and asylum rules, seeking to end years of feuds and bitterness over the many people fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa....

4955. The four scenarios after the 'veto'

The decision on EU sanctions has been postponed for the meeting of the 27 leaders of member states, likely to take place on October 1 and 2 due to a case of coronavirus. At that meeting, it will become clear whether the case of Belarus will be linked with whether sanctions will be imposed on Turkey for its provocations in the Cyprus EEZ or not. Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides made it clear to the Council of Foreign Ministers that what was agreed in Berlin should be respected, in essence using his veto. Whether Nicosia will maintain this position until the end will be seen at the summit of the 27....

4956. Coronavirus measures bring sharp drop in EU asylum applications

First-time asylum applicants in the EU recorded a sharp drop of almost 70% during the second quarter of 2020, mainly as a result of coronavirus emergency measures imposed by member states from March, Eurostat figures showed Wednesday....

4957. Michel pulls plug on EU leaders summit

European Council President Charles Michel on Tuesday postponed without prior notice this week's EU leaders summit, where the bloc’s credibility is said to on the line, saying he would isolate himself following a coronavirus scare...

4958. Turkey, Greece ready to resume exploratory talks

Turkey and Greece stated they are ready to resume exploratory talks to address their contested maritime claims in the eastern Mediterranean and Aegean, the Turkish presidency said, after a call between the leaders of Turkey, Germany and the European Union on Tuesday....

4959. Cyprus uses EU veto amid Turkey push

A scheduled teleconferenceon Tuesday between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Council President Charles Michel is expected to be pivotal for a crisis in Greek-Turkish relations which Berlin has been trying to defuse ahead of a summit of European Union leaders later this week...

4960. EU fails to unblock sanctions due to lack on unanimity

European Union foreign ministers failed to overcome a diplomatic standoff over Belarus on Monday despite an appeal by the country's main opposition leader to approve sanctions on officials accused of rigging the election last month....

4961. Transport minister reveals future plans for trains, trams in Cyprus

"The Republic of Cyprus recognizes that the railways can play an important role in improving the efficiency of the transport of goods and people, for short and long distances," transport minister Yiannis Karousos said Monday during a teleconference shared with his European counterparts...

4962. Nearly 100 asylum seekers flown out of Cyprus

Fourteen unaccompanied minors have been transferred from the Republic of Cyprus to Finland, while another 84 foreign nationals were flown back to their countries in what the government described as ‘voluntary returns'...

4963. NATO keeps France-Turkey probe under wraps as tempers flare

A NATO investigation into a naval standoff between French and Turkish ships in June has been rated too sensitive to discuss in public and does not apportion blame, as Paris and Ankara wage a war of words, diplomats have told Reuters....

4964. Public transport islandwide free this coming Sunday

Public transport islandwide will be free to the public on Sunday in the framework of the European mobility week running from September 16 to 22, the transport ministry said Friday....

4965. Commission signs vaccine contract with Sanofi-GSK

A contract between the European Commission and pharmaceutical company Sanofi-GSK came into force on Friday, allowing for EU member states to purchase up to 300 million doses of the vaccine being developed....

4966. France stands behind Cyprus, defends sanctions against Turkey

The EU must be ready to activate all its tools, including sanctions, against Turkey, French State Secretary for European Affairs Clément Beaune said Friday during a visit to Cyprus....

4967. EP adopts resolution condemning Turkey's EastMed activities

With 601 votes in favour, 57 against and 36 abstentions, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution condemning Turkey’s activities in the EEZ of Greece and Cyprus, ahead of next week’s extraordinary European Council summit that will focus on the heightened tensions in the eastern Mediterranean....

4968. Berlin pushing Greece, Turkey dialogue

Berlin’s intense efforts to get talks between Athens and Ankara under way were underlined by Wednesday’s teleconference German Chancellor Angela Merkel had with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a few hours after one with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis....

4969. Berlin to take in 1,553 refugees from Greece

As Germany indicated on Tuesday that it would take in more than 1,500 refugees from Lesvos and other Greek islands, the Greek government welcomed the move, indicating however that it should not be seen as rewarding irregular immigration. ...

4970. Von der Leyen: rule of law violations through 'golden passports' won't be tolerated

The European Commission has prepared the first annual report the rule of law in EU member states, to be published later in September, Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen said Wednesday, indirectly referring to the Cyprus Investment Program....

4971. EU solidarity to go beyond words, Michel tells Anastasiades

In a meeting with the European Council President Charles Michel on Wednesday, the President of the Republic of Cyprus expressed hope that EU member states will show a united front during next week’s extraordinary European Council summit on Turkey....

4972. Turkey accuses Greece of treaty violations

Turkey has issued a navigational telex to mariners accusing Greece of violating the Lausanne Treaty by militarizing the Greek island of Chios just 10 miles from a Turkish port...

4973. EU foreign affairs chief asks for ‘space to work with Turkish leadership’‘space-to-work-with-turkish-leadership

The European Commission’s vice president in charge of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, on Tuesday urged leaders meeting later in month at an emergency European Council summit on Turkey and recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, “to create the urgently needed space to work with the Turkish leadership, to achieve a de-escalation that will allow to pursue lasting solutions to the underlying problems of today’s crisis.”...

4974. Cyprus-Piraeus ferry connection by May 2021 viable

The goal of launching the Cyprus-Greece ferry connection in May 2021 is on track, the Cyprus deputy shipping minister Vasilis Demetriades said Tuesday....

4975. Athens and Ankara in dialogue rehearsal

In the wake of the almost month-long standoff between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, the foreign ministers of both countries, Nikos Dendias and Mevlut Cavusoglu, give their analysis of the situation and the way forward in articles they wrote exclusively for Kathimerini...

4976. European Council president to visit Cyprus

European Council President Charles Michel is due to visit Cyprus on Wednesday, ahead of a meeting of European Union leaders on September 24 and 25...

4977. NATO to host Greek-Turkish meeting in Brussels

Representatives from Greece and Turkey are due to meet at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday for technical military talks aimed at de-escalating tension in the eastern Mediterranean, diplomatic sources in Athens said on Monday....

4978. Sanctions unfeasible and ineffective

Nathalie Tocci was a close adviser to former EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, during the years when the Cyprus Problem came – according to many - closer than ever to a solution. Today, she is a close advisor to Josep Borrell and, having monitored the Cyprus Problem for many years and having played a central role in the effort to formulate a European strategy for foreign policy, she has a strong view not only on Cyprus but also on the Greek-Turkish conflict. At the same time, she takes a critical approach to the efforts exerted by Athens and Nicosia to link sanctions against Turkey with those against Belarus. ...

4979. Pompeo 'deeply concerned' over eastern Med

The United States remains 'deeply concerned' about Turkey's actions in the eastern Mediterranean, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Saturday, urging a diplomatic end to a simmering crisis over offshore natural resources...

4980. UK, Swedish travel agents regaining confidence in Cyprus

Major travel agents from Britain and Sweden seem to be overcoming their reservations regarding the mandatory coronavirus test and are starting to bring tourists to Cyprus again, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said Friday, speaking before the Parliamentary Transport Committee....