12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 145 matches for query Pfizer.

91. Nicosia leaves booster shot up to Brussels

Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela says while government planning includes preparations for a third jab for vaccinated adults and seniors, the booster shot is subject to approval in Brussels...

92. Israel puts Cyprus in the doghouse

A partial cabinet meeting in Israel landed Cyprus in the doghouse, after ministers in the neighboring country recommended the island be off limits to Israeli travelers due to pandemic concerns...

93. Cyprus opens goody bag for the vaccinated

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus decided on Friday to subsidize summer vacations for citizens who are vaccinated, following the approval of a number of incentives and counterincentives aimed to boost vaccination rates on the island as daily cases now exceed 500...

94. Cyprus readies gratitude gift bag for vaccinated

New measures to reward vaccinated citizens in the Republic of Cyprus are to be decided in a Cabinet meeting on Friday following a sevenfold increase in daily COVID cases, with the government seeking ways to punish those who refuse to get the jab...

95. Cyprus under pressure to get it right

Tough measures amid a recent spike may be off the table for now in the Republic of Cyprus as a partial Cabinet meets to brainstorm on ways to boost vaccination, with a skeptical public remaining either unconvinced about the vaccine route or still in the dark over pandemic data...

96. Cyprus wants younger age groups jabbed

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou is calling on younger groups to get vaccinated, suggesting the vast majority of cases or hospitalizations were citizens who have not been jabbed, while a local expert points to lack of data on mutations as also worrisome...

97. New EMA warning over AstraZeneca shot

The EU drug regulator is recommending that people who have had a rare blood vessel syndrome are not immunised with AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine...

98. Cyprus adopts restrictions for AstraZeneca

The Republic of Cyprus is adopting age restrictions for the AstraZeneca vaccine, following a fatal blood clot incident and intense debate amongst health experts, with the decision coming just hours after the health minister had warned he would seek answers abroad if the advisory team failed to deliver a solid recommendation...

99. Vaxxed woman in serious condition in Cyprus

A woman in Cyprus was hospitalized this week with a rare case of a clotting event following her vaccination against COVID-19, with local media criticizing state authorities over lack of information...

100. More than half of Cyprus nursing staff opt out of jab

Less than half of total nursing staff at public hospitals have opted to get vaccinated against coronavirus, state health services organisation spokesperson Charalambos Charilaou said....

101. Doc wants govt to come clean about AstraZeneca

A local well-known health expert has called on officials in the Republic of Cyprus to take a clear position on the AstraZeneca vaccine and stop hiding behind an EMA statement...

102. Cyprus stands behind AstraZeneca vaccine

Authorities in the Republic of Cyprus have resumed the vaccination program using the AstraZeneca vaccine, after EMA said benefits outweigh the risks, with the health minister criticizing fellow member states for creating confusion by not sticking to plan...

103. Cyprus to resume AZ jabs Friday after EU agency gives nod

The European Union’s drug regulatory agency said Thursday that the AstraZeneca vaccine is not linked to an overall increase in the risk of blood clots and that the benefits of use outweigh the risks, paving the way for European countries to resume administering the shots....

104. Cyprus puts AstraZeneca on the back burner

The Republic of Cyprus has temporarily suspended AstraZeneca shots for Covid-19 until an emergency meeting on Thursday by the European Medicines Agency, with reports saying Nicosia has already entered negotiations with Moscow to add another jab in the mix...

105. EU regulator approves Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot jab

The European Medicines Agency has authorized Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose Covid-19 shot, giving the European Union a fourth licensed vaccine to fight the pandemic as its vaccination drive continues to proceed much more slowly than hoped. ...

106. EU to get 4mln more Pfizer/BioNTech Covid shots this month

The European Commission said on Wednesday it has reached a deal with drugmakers Pfizer and BioNTech for the supply of an additional four million Covid-19 vaccine doses to be delivered this month....

107. Cyprus a step away from the 100,000 jab mark

A total of 22,808 appointments will open up on Tuesday on the vaccination portal, who people aged 67 and over to be given priority....

108. Vaccination portal to open for 69+

The vaccination portal is set to open on Wednesday for those aged 69 and over, the Health Ministry announced Tuesday....

109. Peter Piot: Vaccination passports a one-way street

Professor Peter Piot, advisor to the Commission President, speaks to ‘K’...

110. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine set to get EU nod in early March

The European Union’s medicines regulator is expected to recommend drugmaker Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine on March 11, Bloomberg News reported on Friday, a move that could give the region its fourth coronavirus vaccine....

111. EU leaders seek to inject energy into slow vaccine rollout

European Union leaders are gathering Thursday to try to inject new energy into the bloc’s lagging coronavirus vaccination efforts as concern mounts that new variants might spread faster than authorities can adapt....

112. Cyprus and Israel agree on green passports

Cyprus and Israel reached an agreement on Sunday which would allow vaccinated Israelis to travel to the island without quarantine or other testing restrictions...

113. Astra offers small concession, EU pleads for UK-made shots amid vaccine row

AstraZeneca has offered to bring forward some deliveries of its Covid-19 vaccine to the European Union while the bloc has asked the British drugmaker if it can divert doses from the UK to make up for a shortfall in supplies, European officials told Reuters....

114. Slow vaccine rollout affecting Cyprus strategy, President tells EU leaders

President Nicos Anastasiades briefed EU leaders in a videoconference on Thursday evening on the problems Cyprus is facing due to the slow rollout of coronavirus vaccines mainly brought about by the production delays of pharmaceutical companies supplying jabs for the EU....

115. The chaos of the pandemic in the north

The coronavirus pandemic is continuing to affect the north against the backdrop of broad political and economic insecurity, with the recent manoeuvres of the Ersan Saner ‘government’ raising questions as to the ability of the Turkish Cypriot leadership to effectively address the pandemic....

116. Over half of Cyprus 80+ age group vaccinated

More than half of the 80+ age group in Cyprus has either been vaccinated against coronavirus or has set an appointment to get the jab in the coming days, the deputy director of the health services Olga Kalakouta said Monday....

117. Inoculated president sets tone for country

118. Moderna vaccine arrives in Cyprus

The first batch of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines arrived in the Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday, as part of a European vaccination programme, with officials pinning their hopes on AstraZeneca which is not far behind...

119. Cyprus places vaccine rollout hopes on AstraZeneca approval

A steady flow of the required number of vaccines depends on the EU’s approval of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, the Cypriot Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said Friday. ...

120. Pfizer suggests vaccine can beat mutations

Pfizer Inc and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine appeared to work against a key mutation in the highly transmissible new variants of the coronavirus discovered in the UK and South Africa, according to a laboratory study conducted by the US drugmaker...