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03 October, 2024


Displaying results 5281-5310 of 5656 matches for query President.

5281. Lute wants to cut to the chase while in Cyprus

UN special envoy Jane Lute will reportedly keep a low profile during her much anticipated visit on the island, where she will hold separate meetings with the two Cypriot leaders...

5282. Greek Cypriot journalists reject bicommunal glossary

The Cyprus Journalists Union has rejected a controversial bicommunal glossary, saying it acknowledges the good faith effort behind the project while finding the results unacceptable...

5283. Email phishing scams on the rise in Cyprus

The police cybercrime unit is warning the public of a money extortion scheme, following complaints from people who recently received threatening emails...

5284. Leak trial of ex deputy police chief up in the air

The trial of former deputy police chief Andreas Kyriacou, who is accused of leaking confidential documents, is up in the air after a court deadline last week came and went...

5285. Erdogan says 'will never forget those who embraced coup-plotters'

In a speech to a large crowd marking the second anniversary of a foiled military coup, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that he would "never forget those who embraced the coup-plotters" in an apparent dig at Greece where eight Turkish servicemen have sought asylum....

5286. Anastasiades says guarantees cannot be part of solution

President Nicos Anastasiades says there can be no solution to the Cyprus problem if a settlement includes guarantees, adding that France is sending a similar message...

5287. Security Council expected to renew UNFICYP

Despite pressure to cut back on peacekeeping missions worldwide, it appears the UN Security Council will most likely vote to renew UNFICYP in Cyprus for another six months...

5288. Diko calls for inquiry on controversial glossary

The House foreign affairs committee will discuss a controversial glossary of political terms aimed at journalists in Cyprus, following debate and criticism on Greek Cypriot social media on fears of censorship...

5289. Lute on the move

UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute is reportedly on the move, with sources learning that she is expected to meet with President Nicos Anastasiasdes on July 23 during her tour to Nicosia, Athens, and Ankara...

5290. Browder case in Cyprus pushed back another week

The Bill Browder case had been pushed back for another week due to a scheduling conflict with his defence attorney, with a Nicosia judge setting a new hearing date for July 18...

5291. New law marks the end of tourism bureaucracy

The House voted this week to scrap the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO), essentially transferring tourism responsibilities from a large bureaucracy to a leaner structure to boost flexibility and competitiveness...

5292. Erdogan points fingers at Greek Cypriots

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan visited the northern part of Cyprus Tuesday, saying his country will not abandon Turkish Cypriots and criticising Greek Cypriots for what he described as lack of vision for peace on the island...

5293. Johnson pushes the eject button right after Davis

Two leading eurosceptic ministers have quit British Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet, calling into question her ability to deliver the vision of continued close ties with the European Union that she said they had agreed to last week...

5294. President thanks parliamentary caucus for Sunday votes

President Nicos Anastasiades praised the ruling and opposition parties for approving state guarantees for Hellenic Bank as well as passing new foreclosure and bankruptcy laws, adding he would not respond to criticism...

5295. FYROM’s NATO accession hinging on name deal

The final declaration of the NATO summit in Brussels this week is expected to state that the accession of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to the North Atlantic Alliance hinges on its ratification of the name deal signed with Athens last month, according to a draft seen by Kathimerini. ...

5296. FYROM president says ‘no amount of pressure’ will change his mind on name deal‘no-amount-of-pressure-will-change-his-mind-on-name-deal

The president of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on Friday issued a statement saying that “no amount of pressure or blackmail” will make him change his mind and support the name deal signed with Greece last month....

5297. Turkish FM reiterates claims Tsipras promised extradition of officers

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Friday reiterated claims that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had promised to see to the extradition of eight Turkish officers who fled to Greece after the coup attempt in the summer of 2016....

5298. Spehar holds separate meetings with Cypriot leaders

Elizabeth Spehar is laying the groundwork with separate meetings with the two Cypriot leaders, just weeks prior to UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute’s visit to the island...

5299. FYROM parliament approves name deal for second time

The Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) approved for the second time the deal signed with Greece on the country’s name, which had been returned to the House after the country’s President Gjorge Ivanov refused to rubber-stamp the first decree....

5300. House shifts into gear with Sunday bad loans session

It will be a long weekend for the House finance committee, which will hold emergency sessions ahead of a crucial Sunday vote on bad loans and state guarantees for Hellenic Bank...

5301. Government cuts red tape on traffic camera plans

The President’s Cabinet is cutting red tape when it comes to traffic cameras, in an effort to have a system installed sooner than later...

5302. Leaders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia meeting in Thessaloniki

The leaders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia gather in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on Wednesday for the fourth Quadrilateral Summit....

5303. Energy talks with TOTAL still ongoing

French energy giant TOTAL’s plans in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) were the topic of discussion in a Paris meeting on Saturday between between President Nicos Anastasiades and CEO Patrick Pouyanne...

5304. Cabinet okays homeowner plan ahead of crucial House session

The Cabinet approved on Tuesday the “Estia” scheme aimed at addressing the high volume of non-performing loans in the Cypriot banking sector, but time is running out as a crucial legislation package on bad loans is also up for a vote on Friday...

5305. House prepares to define good and bad borrowers

The distinction between responsible and irresponsible borrowers is at the forefront of heated debate this week, with Presidential Palace and Parliament scrambling to strike balance ahead of a crucial vote...

5306. Government welcomes Diko support on bad loans

The Cyprus government says it can work with opposition centrist party Diko to pass much needed comprehensive legislation on bad loans that would also pave the way for a co-op deal to go forward...

5307. Erdogan plans visit to north Nicosia

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will visit Turkish Cypriots in north Nicosia on July 9, marking his first trip overseas following his victory in a watershed election...

5308. Nicosia court stunned in Interpol media leak trial

A state prosecutor could be held in contempt by a Nicosia court if she fails to hand over a criminal probe finding in connection with the leaking of Interpol information in the Ayia Napa mob killings of 2016...

5309. Cyprus sounding neighbours out over Israeli pier

Israel has asked Cyprus to examine the possibility of establishing a shipping point on the island for sending goods to the Gaza Strip, a Cypriot government spokesman said this week...

5310. Ditch the bag or pay the charge

Supermarkets and other shops will be required to charge customers for plastic bags on Sunday, based on a new executive order by the President’s Cabinet...