12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1711-1740 of 4305 matches for query Republic.

1711. Police want parents help combat illegal fireworks

Angry citizens in different districts across Cyprus have been calling police to complain over the use of illegal fireworks, with law enforcement saying the issue was complicated and society also had a role to play in curbing the unlawful activity...

1712. Christodoulides the undisputed favorite in the race for the presidency

Nikos Christodoulidis remains the undisputed favorite in the presidential election race, according to a Symmetron poll for "Kathimerini"....

1713. Weekend urgent care clinics aim to undo ER misuse

The government of the Republic of Cyprus launched a new urgent care program over the weekend where citizens could visit a clinic for minor problems in an effort to unclog the emergency room...

1714. Masks are back but scientist says not a setback

Face masks in all indoor closed spaces once again became mandatory on Friday in the Republic of Cyprus, with the country going through another pandemic wave and a local expert saying this is not a setback...

1715. Political parties from both sides eager to continue bi-communal dialogue

Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political parties have expressed their continued willingness to regularly meet in the format of the bi-communal dialogue under the auspices of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in order to contribute to the creation of a positive political atmosphere....

1716. Cyprus makes Russophobia list in Moscow report

Cyprus was among countries listed in a Moscow report on attacks and discrimination against Russians living abroad, with allegations on the island ranging from bullying in schools to stalking, threats of violence and financial sanctions...

1717. ECHR vindicates Cypriot journalist

A Cypriot journalist won his lawsuit against the Republic of Cyprus this week, after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that he was censured in violation of the right to freedom of expression...

1718. Scandal shakes things up in Cypriot health

Health officials in Cyprus are fast tracking special software to distribute drugs to cancer patients, following shocking allegations of vote trading and deep state politics in a system overseen by House representatives off the record...

1719. Cops keep tight lid on sex trafficking case

Police continue to keep a tight lid on a sex trafficking investigation, with prosecutors filing a case against a male suspect after two other men have been accused of seeking services from a woman described as a possible victim...

1720. Presidential elections to take place on the 5th of February 2023

The upcoming presidential elections in Cyprus will take place on the 5th of February, 2023, the Ministry of Interior has announced....

1721. Rumors of Pegasus purchase by Cyprus not put to rest

The possibility that NSO sold Pegasus to Cypriot authorities remained unanswered last week when a Cypriot MEP grilled the company’s general counsel, who stopped short of saying who actually bought it...

1722. President to finalize minimum wage talks with unions

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades will meet trade unions on Tuesday to conclude negotiations for the introduction of the minimum national wage in Cyprus....

1723. The US would act in an Aegean confrontation

It was the habit of American presidents to take their breakfast at the Willard Hotel back in the 1930s, just a block from the White House. The lobby would always be packed with people who wanted a few moments of their time to raise all sorts of issues – and thus lobbyists were born....

1724. Cyprus wins gold in women's basketball

Cyprus' Women's National Basketball Team won the Gold Medal at the FIBA Women's Small Countries European Championship held in Nicosia....

1725. Cyprus defends migration stance for ‘love of country’‘love-of-country

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says he would be happy if the Republic of Cyprus could bring down irregular migration by following the example of Greece, a country facing EU criticism over ‘violent’ deportations, with the Cypriot official calling on fellow citizens to show their 'love of country'...

1726. High ranking UN official to undertake mission for resumption of peace talks

Assistant UN Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas in the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Miroslav Jenča informed President Nicos Anastasiades that he will undertake an investigative mission to create the conditions for the resumption of Cyprus peace talks, Government Spokesperson Marios Pelekanos said on Friday....

1727. An 'historic' day as Pafos-Polis highway constructions begins

The construction of the Pafos-Polis Chrysochous highway officially began on Friday. The Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Yannis Karousos, was on hand to mark the "historic" day, as he called it....

1728. Government takes steps to break Cyprus' reliance on fossil fuels

The government today took steps to break Cyprus’ reliance on fossil fuels....

1729. Increasing demand for mail-order abortion pills after SC ruling

Telehealth abortion providers have reported a surge in inquiries following the US Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe vs Wade, as the rapidly proliferating number of states banning terminations forces more women to turn to mail-order pills to end their pregnancies....

1730. Sexual abuse and exploitation of children reaches alarming levels

Deputy Attorney General, Savvas Angelides noted on Wednesday that the increase of sexual abuse and the exploitation of children has reached alarming levels in recent years, adding that "this has resulted in the filing of a significant number of cases before the Assize Court and the district courts."...

1731. Anastasiades and Erdogan exchanged views on the Cyprus issue

The President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Anastasiadis participated in the Euro-Atlantic working dinner hosted in Madrid on Wednesday night by the Prime Minister of Spain Mr. Pedro Sanchez....

1732. EastMed feasibility study hindered due to Turkey's harassment

The commercial viability study of the EastMed pipeline is not proceeding as planned because Turkey is "interfering with the Nautical Geo ship conducting environmental surveys," Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides told the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs....

1733. A number of migrants deported on Tuesday by Cyprus Police

Cyprus police participated in the repatriation of 15 third-country nationals on Tuesday. All were on the island illegally....

1734. There is a conflict in US society

The decision of the US Supreme Court to abolish the right to abortion, leaving each state to judge the issue alone, has many "benefactors"....

1735. Cyprus thrown a curveball as Turkey lifts veto

Turkey lifted its veto over Finland and Sweden applying to join NATO after the three nations agreed on Tuesday to protect each other's security, with some of terms potentially raising issues for Nicosia...

1736. Nicosia jittery about US demand to ban vessels

The Republic of Cyprus reportedly has concerns over a US request to ban vessels transporting Russian oil, with the small island but major maritime player feeling pressure as Washington leads a G7 effort to sharply reduce Russian oil revenue...

1737. Commando very critical after helicopter jump

A paratrooper in the Republic of Cyprus is on life support following an accident at sea, with the defense ministry calling for an investigation after reports suggested the private jumped incorrectly from a helicopter into water...

1738. Seniors in Cyprus remain skeptical of fourth shot

A spectacularly small number of people over 60 got their fourth COVID jab so far in the Republic of Cyprus, with the health ministry contemplating to lower the age threshold at a time while medical experts advocating for the vaccine are jumping ship on the immunity debate...

1739. Lack of trust on both sides a 'fundamental issue'

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Colin Stewart discussed today the need to build trust among people as a foundation for finding some way to move forward on the political process with regard to the Cyprus problem....

1740. Greece's Karagiannis appointed to coordinate final stage of local governement reform

The Director-General of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, Yiannis Karagiannis, has been appointed as the expert to coordinate the provision of Greek expertise to the Republic of Cyprus for the implementation of the final stage of local government reform....