12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1111-1140 of 2079 matches for query Risk.

1111. New COVID action plan for Cyprus airports in place from February 21

The Council of Ministers decided today that new measures regulating travelers arriving into Cyprus will take effect on February 21st instead of March 1st....

1112. Relaxation of measures to begin next week

New covid measures have been announced today following the meeting of the Minister of Health and the Scientific Advisory Committee this morning. ...

1113. Unvaccinated Djokovic could skip French Open, Wimbledon

If forced to choose, Novak Djokovic said he would skip the French Open and Wimbledon, foregoing the chance to overtake Rafael Nadal’s record haul of 21 Grand Slams titles, rather than get vaccinated against COVID-19....

1114. Officials keep tight lid on relaxations formula

Cypriot experts are signaling a relaxation of measures against people who are unvaccinated, but government officials maintain that any new criteria would still be based on individual risk assessment linked to vaccination status...

1115. Saudi sees Cyprus as bridge between Europe, Middle East

Saudi Arabia views Cyprus as a “bridge” between the Middle East and the European Union, helping the 27-nation bloc “understand what’s going on” in the region, the Saudi foreign minister said Sunday....

1116. Russia has surrounded Ukraine on three sides

Russia has amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border in recent weeks, according to US estimates, raising fears from Western and Ukrainian intelligence officials that an invasion could be imminent....

1117. Kasoulides: 'We need to save Varosha even at a dear price'

Instead of sanctions, we will present Confidence Building Measures, foreign minister Ioannis Kasoulides said in an interview with "K", clarifying that we have already reviewed the policy of sanctions, which until recently was a key issue for Nicosia....

1118. Alpha bank group sells €2.4 billion NPL and real estate portfolio in Cyprus€2-4-billion-npl-and-real-estate-portfolio-in-cyprus

Alpha Services and Holdings S.A. (together with its subsidiaries) has reached an agreement with an affiliate of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. for the sale of a portfolio of Cypriot non-performing loans and real estate properties of a total gross book value of 2.4 billion euro....

1119. Op-ed: 'Russia may annex one-third of Ukraine'

He knows Russia and Ukraine pretty well as he served as US ambassador to NATO in 2008-09 and US representative for Ukraine negotiations in 2017-19. ...

1120. Sweden ends COVID-19 testing as pandemic restrictions lifted

Sweden has halted wide-scale testing for COVID-19 even among people showing symptoms of an infection, putting an end to the mobile city-square tent sites, ...

1121. 'CAR-T cells can cure patients with leukemia', according to a decade long study

Ten years after receiving a treatment that modifies a patient's own immune cells to attack cancer, two patients who had a form of blood cancer show no signs of the disease, researchers report....

1122. Credit Suisse faces money laundering charges in Bulgarian cocaine traffickers trial

Credit Suisse faced charges in a Swiss court on Monday for allowing an alleged Bulgarian cocaine trafficking gang to launder millions of euros, some of it stuffed into suitcases....

1123. EU: Taking the first steps to freedom and the arguments for relaxation

The de-escalation of the health crisis brings further relaxation of measures in Europe. In Spain, from Thursday, citizens will be able to walk outdoors without masks. The measure was imposed in mid-December in order to reduce the risk of "Omicron"....

1124. Op-ed: The charismatic leadership of Archbishop Makarios

On August 3, 1977, Hellenism was struck by a tragedy of unspeakable magnitude: the president of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III, passed away of a heart attack....

1125. No to relaxations for now, the Omicron could cause serious illness

Relaxations of measures against the further spread of Covid-19 will depend on the epidemiological picture, Dr. Petros Karayiannis told the Cyprus News Agency on Monday, pointing out that though there has been a stabilization in daily cases, the number now is at around 3,000....

1126. Austria passes Covid vaccine mandate

Austria has become the first country in the EU to make vaccinations against Covid-19 mandatory for all adults, but questions remain over whether it can sway those skeptical of taking the jab and how much the Alpine state’s government is willing to press those who won’t comply....

1127. MSD pill: How many Cypriots received it and how many were hospitalized

More and more drugs are being included in doctors' inventories in order to deal with the pandemic. At the moment, at the European level, eight are available - pills and monoclonal antibodies - which Cyprus has taken care to secure....

1128. Police off limits as House tackles light bar use

A House committee is currently examining new rules to minimize the use of light bars by towing trucks, following complaints by motorists, but the bill won’t address ambulance and police vehicles even as some usage remains unclear ...

1129. Tesla recalls all 53,822 vehicles with its 'full self-driving' feature

Tesla will recall all 53,822 vehicles with its "full self-driving" driver-assist feature after it was intentionally programmed to slowly roll through stop signs in some scenarios....

1130. 'Take back life’: More nations ease coronavirus restrictions

Late-night partying at clubs. Elbow-to-elbow seating in movie theaters. Going without masks in public, especially in Europe and North America: Step by step, many countries are easing their COVID-19 restrictions amid hopes the omicron wave may have passed its peak....

1131. Scientists developing 'revolutionary' test to detect risk of four cancers in women in a single swab

Scientists are developing a “revolutionary” test to predict a woman’s risk of four cancers using a single sample collected during cervical screening....

1132. Britain: Released 'partygate' report cites 'failure of leadership' in Downing Street

Boris Johnson faced a moment of truth on Partygate today as the Sue Gray report was finally published condemning 'failures of leadership and judgment' in Downing Street. ...

1133. IMF: Forecasts for global recovery reduced to 4.4% for 2022

"The world economy is entering 2022 weaker than previously expected," the International Monetary Fund said in a statement on economic forecasts for the new year. Pandemic, inflation and climate crisis will determine global growth, according to a report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)....

1134. Antiviral pill by Pfizer expected in Cyprus by mid-February

Plaxovid, the Pfizer antiviral pill against COVID-19 has been approved by EMA and is expected in Cyprus by mid-February,...

1135. Security Council expected to renew UNFICYP mandate

The UN Security Council is expected to approve a resolution on Thursday morning (New York time) that will renew the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for six months, until July 31st, 2022....

1136. Parents in Cyprus get jabbed to fly sick child to Germany

The parents of a young child in need of surgery got vaccinated in Cyprus on Thursday after being told they could not fly to Germany for treatment unless they got jabbed, but it was still not clear whether the order was based on medical or travel policy...

1137. COVID-19: US hospital rejects man for heart transplant because he is not vaccinated

An American hospital has rejected a patient for a heart transplant because he is not vaccinated against COVID-19, his family has said....

1138. Coronavirus: Which patients are at risk of long Covid-19

Scientists in Switzerland have announced that for the first time they have found a way to predict whether a patient is at risk of developing the so-called long Covid-19, ...

1139. Freedom of movement within the EU will no longer be regulated by country of origin

After calls to simplify COVID travel rules within the EU, EU Ministers meeting at the General Affairs Council in Brussels agreed on Tuesday that the three main criteria for travel within the EU will be vaccination status, covid test results or recovery certificates....

1140. Cypriot court says unvax ban serves common good

Α Nicosia district judge sided with the government on banning unvaccinated persons in restricted venues, saying the decision was for the common good and based on science...