12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 241-270 of 410 matches for query civilian.

241. SBA land run rules in foreign investors

More opportunities and fewer restrictions for land development on SBA land went into effect on Monday in Cyprus, where foreign nationals will be allowed to invest along with locals who now have to review details and move quickly with any possible objections...

242. Moscow calls Athens out over diplomatic choices

Maria Zakharova released a statement on Friday warning that 'historical parallels' between Greece and Russia were in danger of becoming 'a solid double line between us' while focusing on Greece’s decision to declare 12 Russian officials personae non gratae on April 6 ...

243. Clock ticking for Mariupol on Holy Thursday

A top ally of President Vladimir Putin said Russian forces will seize the last main stronghold of resistance in the besieged city of Mariupol on Thursday, after Ukraine proposed talks on evacuating troops and civilians there...

244. Russia renews surrender deadline at Azovstal

Russian troops gave Ukrainian fighters holding out in the basements of Azovstal a fresh ultimatum to surrender on Wednesday, as conflicting reports made it unclear whether unarmed civilians could also be inside in Mariupol’s steel plant...

245. Bloodbath warnings as Ukraine awaits Orthodox Easter

Moscow says Kiev is 'completing preparations for monstrous provocations' against Orthodox churches to blame it on Russians, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky vows to push back the offensive in the Donbas region...

246. Russian chemical weapons in Ukraine could see NATO troops deployed

The UK's under-secretary for the armed forces, James Heappey, has revealed that "all possible options are on the table in terms of how the west might respond" if it is confirmed Russia used chemical weapons on Ukraine....

247. More than 30 dead, 100 wounded from rocket strike at train station

More than 30 people were killed and over 100 were wounded in a Russian rocket strike on a railway station in east Ukraine on Friday as civilians tried to evacuate to safer parts of the country, the state railway company said....

248. Op-ed: The fall of the US Republic

Sometimes I am not sure if I became a historian because I am pessimistic by nature, or if I became pessimistic because I am a historian....

249. Lavrov: Ukraine has presented an 'unacceptable' draft agreement

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that Kyiv had presented Moscow with a draft peace agreement containing "unacceptable" elements, but that Russia would nevertheless continue the talks and try to secure its own demands....

250. Ukraine rushing to evacuate civilians as the war hits its 6th week

Fearing a new offensive in the six-week-old war, Ukraine rushed to evacuate civilians as Russian forces pounded cities and towns in the east and south, and Kyiv called on the West to place "ruinous" sanctions on Moscow....

251. Greece declares 12 Russian diplomatic staff unwelcome

Greece on Wednesday declared 12 Russian officials persona non grata, joining other European states that have taken similar steps in recent days as accusations of atrocities committed by Russian forces against civilians in Ukraine pushed diplomacy to its limits....

252. Russia teetering on brink of default as US stops bond payments

The United States stopped the Russian government on Monday from paying holders of its sovereign debt more than $600 million from reserves held at U.S. banks, in a move meant to ratchet up pressure on Moscow and eat into its holdings of dollars....

253. Bucha atrocities bring about fresh sanctions and deportations

Following the revelations about the atrocities against civilians that took place in Bucha and other areas near Kyiv, the EU is preparing fresh sanctions against Russia to "hit them where it hurts". ...

254. ‘UN’certainty reigns supreme over Bucha atrocities

All eyes are on the United Nations this week as western countries point the finger at Moscow over civilian killings outside Kiev, while Russia says it is prepared to reveal evidence that images of atrocities were a staged 'provocation'...

255. World horrified over Bucha death footage

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply shocked” by images of civilian deaths in Ukraine posted online over the weekend, with Kiev blaming Moscow and Russia rejecting the accusations and calling for a special Security Council meeting on Monday...

256. UN official gets ‘donkeyed’ Cyprus-style‘donkeyed-cyprus-style

UN official Colin Stewart was amused over two gag gifts he received at a bicommunal gathering in north Nicosia, with one elder of the group presenting him with a donkey ornament to remind him he would 'need a lot of patience' on the island...

257. Op-ed: Let's imagine Putin didn't miscalculate

The conventional wisdom is that Vladimir Putin catastrophically miscalculated. He thought Russian-speaking Ukrainians would welcome his troops. They didn’t. ...

258. Russian troops begin moving away from positions around Kyiv

Some Russian units suffering heavy losses in Ukraine had been forced to return home and to neighboring Belarus, British military intelligence said a day after Russia promised to scale down military operations around Kyiv and another city....

259. Russia to reduce military activity in Kyiv and Chernihiv, Ukraine to adopt neutral status

Russia promised at peace talks on Tuesday to scale down its military operations around Kyiv and northern Ukraine, while Ukraine proposed adopting a neutral status but with international guarantees that it would be protected from attack....

260. Putin not seen ready to compromise ahead of peacetalks

Ukraine and Russia were preparing on Monday for the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks, but a senior U.S. official said Russian President Vladimir Putin did not appear ready to make compromises to end the war....

261. Shanghai facing biggest lockdown in 2 years

Shanghai, the Chinese financial capital of 25 million people, is facing the worst outbreak of covid-19 cases in two years and entering a two-phase lockdown....

262. Ukraine pleads for help, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused the West of cowardice Sunday while another top official said Russia was trying to split the nation in two, like North and South Korea...

263. Op-ed: You can help 'Break the Bias' against women

This year for Women’s History month, in Cyprus, the United States, and around the world we recognized the achievements of women and girls, celebrated progress made towards achieving equality, and recommitted ourselves to ensuring the full measure of dignity and opportunity due all humans is available to women everywhere. ...

264. Madeleine Albright, the first female US secretary of state, has died at the age of 84

Madeleine Albright, the first female US secretary of state, has died at the age of 84, her family has said....

265. Putin spokesman not ruling out use of nuclear weapons

Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief spokesman has conceded that Russia has yet to achieve any of its military goals in Ukraine and refused to deny that Moscow could resort to the use of nuclear weapons....

266. Ukrainians run out the clock in Mariupol

Russian forces called on Ukrainian nationalists in surrounded Mariupol to lay down their weapons on Monday morning and leave the city before civilian evacuations by noon, with Ukrainian officials putting Moscow on notice that there would be 'no talk of any surrender'...

267. Athens put Kiev and Moscow on notice

Athens’ top diplomat says he wants to personally lead a humanitarian mission into Mariupol following a private debriefing he had with the Greek consul general of Ukraine’s besieged city...

268. Zelensky to US Congress: 'Is it too much to ask for a no-fly zone?' (video)

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine is going through 9/11 and Pearl Harbor every day, urged the US to protect his skies as he invoked Martin Luther King and the Founding Fathers in a heart-wrenching speech to Congress on Wednesday morning....

269. Ukraine rejects Russian neutrality idea as Zelensky prepares to address Congress

Ukraine on Wednesday dismissed Russian proposals to turn it into a neutral state, as the United States readied a huge package of military aid ahead of a historic address to Congress by Kyiv's defiant leader....

270. Moscow says western media not impartial

Moscow says western media and UN officials have fallen short of being impartial in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, citing backstage stunts in a humanitarian resolution and a deadly attack in Donetsk that did not appear in mainstream news media...