12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1051-1080 of 1993 matches for query claim.

1051. Turkey singing the same old song

In a letter dated June 5, 1963, and addressed to the elderly Turkish prime minister Ismet Inonu, US President Lyndon Johnson sought to avert a military invasion of Cyprus by threatening that in the case of a Soviet attack, the United States and NATO would not come to Ankara’s aid....

1052. Anastasiades scrutiny grows after Zakharova tease

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades’ cold shoulder to his Russian counterpart in New York is back in the news after Moscow’s spokeswoman poked fun at western leaders, claiming officials from big EU countries have been discretely requesting meetings while dissuading others in the bloc from sitting down for a chat...

1053. CNN journalist cancels interview with Iranian president when asked to wear headscarf

CNN's Christiane Amanpour canceled an interview with the Iranian president after he asked her to wear a headscarf amid the civil unrest in Tehran....

1054. Council pulls plug on Cyprus' Titina Loizidou case

The Council of Europe has tossed aside the Titina Loizidou case, a human rights political football between Turkey and Cyprus, with Nicosia noting its disappointment after some countries decided to pull the plug after many years...

1055. Will the riots in Iran be the catalyst for an uprising?

Riots erupted during the funeral of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Iran. Amini died under dubious circumstances last Friday after being arrested by the country's morality police....

1056. Spain gave 'golden visa' to former Mexican president being investigated for corruption

The Spanish authorities have finally confirmed that the former Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who is being investigated by Mexico’s attorney general’s office for alleged money laundering, illicit enrichment, and illegal international transfers, is a legal resident of the country....

1057. Iran: Massive protests continue after the death of Mahsa Amini

Surrounded by a crowd chanting slogans, a woman picks up a pair of scissors and cuts off her ponytail, revealing her head. In a sea of people, many of them men, neither a hijab nor a headscarf is visible....

1058. Gun report adds new twist in Azeri case

The Azeri suspect in a contentious thwarted plot against Israelis in Cyprus has admitted some charges essentially throwing a curve ball at the prosecution, with the defense raising serious questions over murder-for-hire conspiracy and terrorism accusations...

1059. Lawyer in soldier’s death cover-up issues ultimatum

The lawyer for the family of a soldier, who was strangled to death in 2005 during his mandatory army service, has given the state’s attorney general ten days to hand over an independent report or face legal action...

1060. Putin threatens: 'It's not a bluff'

Vladimir Putin has threatened to use weapons of mass destruction against the West, as he announced a partial military mobilization in an escalation of the war on Ukraine....

1061. The Russian plan to annex occupied territories

It now holds about 60% of Donetsk and had captured nearly all of Luhansk by July after slow advances during months of intense fighting. But those gains are now under threat after Russian forces were driven from neighbouring Kharkiv province this month,...

1062. Increasing number of asylum seekers using fake documents to leave Cyprus for Europe

The number of people attempting to leave the territory of Cyprus by using fake documents has been increasing in the last few months....

1063. Turkish Cypriots predict direct Russian flights to north

Turkish media are citing information that Turkish Cypriots could be closer to getting direct flights between Russia and north Nicosia, an otherwise politically unworkable task due to the division of the island that has come under challenge in recent years...

1064. Turkey threatens Cyprus and East Med security over arms issue

Turkey has threatened Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean and condemned the United States after the US decided to lift an arms embargo on Cyprus....

1065. Alvaro de Soto says solution still viable while criticizing Greek Cypriot side

It is still possible to find a solution to the Cyprus problem, says the former UN Secretary General's Special Representative in Cyprus, Alvaro de Soto, claiming that not many changes are needed in the peace plan, while he also criticizes the Greek Cypriot side. ...

1066. Israeli minister in Nicosia as gas bargain heats up

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar is visiting Cyprus on Monday to talk gas directly with her Cypriot counterpart, after companies tasked by the two governments to negotiate a joint reservoir failed to agree on a buyout deal...

1067. US lifts embargo on Cyprus but with Russian caveat

Washington says it will go all the way in lifting an arms embargo on the Republic of Cyprus starting next month, but defense trade restrictions could be reapplied at any time if Nicosia fails to implement certain steps against Russia...

1068. Ankara accuses Greece of fatal pushback

Ankara says Greece is responsible for the deaths of six irregular migrants, including young children, whose boat sunk this week during an alleged pushback, with Athens denying the allegations and pointing out that the incident took place in Turkish waters...

1069. EU plans to cap gas prices risking cutoff from Russia

The European Union proposed a price cap on Russian gas on Wednesday hours after President Vladimir Putin threatened to halt all supplies if they took such a step, raising the risk of rationing in some of the world’s richest countries this winter....

1070. Washington scratches beneath surface in Aegean dispute

The State Department called on Turkey and Greece 'to refrain from rhetoric and actions that could further escalate tensions,' with a statement from Washington that Greece’s sovereignty over these islands was not in question tying to Turkey’s grievances over 'width of territorial waters and national airspace'...

1071. Larnaca headmaster sends 50 students home due to inappropriate hairstyles (Update)

The beginning of the school year in Larnaca did not get off to a good start this morning. According to reports, the Headmaster of Larnaca High School sent 50 students home, without so much as a "good morning", due to their haircuts....

1072. Cyprus spits bars in latest Greek-Turkish spat

The foreign ministry in the Republic of Cyprus is accusing Turkey of hyping 'rhetoric madness' following Ankara’s criticism towards Athens, as the two NATO allies continue to accuse each other of harassment...

1073. Ryanair blames 'lack of incentives' for closing its Athens hub

The intense competition in the domestic market, which started to shrink Ryanair’s share, is the reason why it decided to close its base in Athens this winter....

1074. Rumors about Israel-Lebanon gas pact as Cyprus sits out

America’s energy czar is purported to be mediating a secret gas arrangement between Israel and Lebanon, a Herculean task given delineation complexities but not farfetched given ongoing efforts to resolve similar disputes between Tel Aviv and Nicosia...

1075. Greece: Bishop says women who get raped 'want it'

An Orthodox bishop has been universally condemned for saying that women who are raped “want it.”...

1076. Akar takes F-16 flight over northern Aegean

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar flew in an F-16 fighter jet over the northern Aegean on Friday....

1077. AKEL calls out DISY on investor contributions

The second meeting of the Audit Committee, with the report of the Auditor General of the Republic on the Cyprus Investment Programme being the only item on the agenda, confirmed that the Golden Passports will be at the forefront of the opposition's election campaign. In an inkling of what's to come, AKEL seems to be leading the way in keeping corruption issues at the center of the opposition's discourse during this election season. ...

1078. Poland, Spain & Italy are a favorite for working migrants

The median age in the 27 European Union countries is projected to mark an increase of 4.5 years between 2019 and 2050 to reach 48.2 years....

1079. Erdogan insists Greece’s S-300 locked on Turkish plane

The theory that Greece’s Cypriot-bought Russian-made S-300 could be heading for Ukraine got some attention this week, after Ankara insisted that Athens used the previously-forgotten missile system to lock on a Turkish plane over the weekend, a claim Greek officials deny...

1080. Trump demands reinstatement as 'rightful' president

Former President Donald Trump demanded reinstatement as president or "a new Election, immediately" after news that Facebook temporarily limited a controversial story about Hunter Biden's laptop in users' news feeds before the 2020 election. Trump demands reinstatement as 'rightful' president or 'a new Election, immediately!' as some Republicans seek distance from him...