12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 841-870 of 1323 matches for query daily.

841. Soldier killed in Nicosia motorcycle accident

A young man was killed and another injured in a late night accident over the weekend, after their motorcycle struck a utility pole in western Nicosia...

842. Ministry says Cyprus under new wave of hospital admissions

The number of coronavirus cases being detected in Cyprus has been rising consistently over the past two weeks, while hospitals have also seen increasing numbers of patients under 60 being admitted, a new national surveillance report published Friday showed. ...

843. Greece makes self test kits available this week

The first batch of do-it-yourself Covid-19 tests will be distributed to an estimated 11,000 pharmacies across Greece as of Tuesday, after being shipped into the country over the weekend...

844. Experts submit list of suggested new relaxations

The team of experts advising the government on managing the coronavirus pandemic has submitted a list of additional relaxations mainly involving recreational and sports activities, expert Petros Karayiannis said Monday....

845. Cyprus urges public to use Covid tracer app

The Republic of Cyprus’ health ministry is calling on the public to use the CoVTracer-EN, the country’s national application for mobile phones, in a bid to avoid congestion and contribute to the containment of daily coronavirus infections...

846. Health Minister shares concerning Covid data with Cabinet

Cyprus’ restrictions de-escalation strategy will be carefully implemented to avoid setbacks, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Tuesday...

847. Cyprus to resume AZ jabs Friday after EU agency gives nod

The European Union’s drug regulatory agency said Thursday that the AstraZeneca vaccine is not linked to an overall increase in the risk of blood clots and that the benefits of use outweigh the risks, paving the way for European countries to resume administering the shots....

848. UK variant gaining ground in Cyprus

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou expressed concern over the spread of the British coronavirus variant in Cyprus, issuing a fresh call to the public to comply with measures in place to contain the pandemic so that "the worst scenario can be averted."...

849. 8.3% of local youth has social media addiction symptoms

A survey on the likelihood of young people getting addicted to social media and the internet has shown that 8.3% of Cypriot youth is faced with symptoms of addiction to social media, while the replies of 24% of participants suggested an overall problematic use of the internet. ...

850. Ioannou: Matter of time until health system brought to its knees

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou warned Wednesday that if the current trend of rising new cases and hospital admissions continues, it will only be a matter of time until the healthcare system is brought to its knees....

851. EU Commission gets halloumi PDO ball rolling

The European Commission has launched the process for a vote in the Quality Committee on March 26 on the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) of the Halloumi/Hellim file, an EC spokesperson told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA) on Tuesday....

852. Pharmacies get nod to conduct rapid tests

Pharmacists’ long-standing wish to contribute to the island’s rapid test efforts has received the Health Ministry’s nod, the head of the Pancyprian Pharmaceutical Association Eleni Piera-Isseyegh told Kathimerini Cyprus....

853. Health Minister consults experts before Friday's measures announcement

The Health Minister consulted the government’s health advisory committee on Thursday for an evaluation of the island’s coronavirus situation before the Cabinet is set to take final decisions on Friday on whether we’ll be moving forwards or backwards....

854. Limassol restaurants accepting 'chosen' customers through back door

Against the backdrop of intensifying concerns over the island’s deteriorating epidemiological situation, culminating in the government’s decision to hold off on announcing any further relaxations on Wednesday, some appear to not be fully grasping the severity of the situation and are flouting restrictions in place to curb the spread of the virus....

855. Cyprus' main Covid hospital at 96% capacity

The Famagusta general hospital reached 96% capacity on Wednesday, the hospital’s scientific director Amalia Hadjiyianni said....

856. Cyprus holds off decision on more relaxations

The Cabinet has pushed back a crucial announcement, through which the government was expected to move forward with further relaxations, citing a rise in daily cases and hospitalizations...

857. President seeks consensus to relax measures

Health experts on the government’s pandemic task force met with President Nicos Anastasiades on Tuesday, with reports saying the commander in chief got the nod to proceed with scheduled relaxing of measures but details were still not fully clear...

858. The bet that Cyprus is winning

The decision taken yesterday by Germany’s Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) to allow the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged over 65 years old was met with strong reactions domestically due to the bad reputation built up for the vaccine by the early statements of German officials on the efficacy of the specific jab....

859. Harrowing images of Hilarion castle ablaze

A fire at Saint Hilarion Castle is believed to have been caused by a lightning strike, with videos showing harrowing images of the historic bastion ablaze...

860. Cyprus response to pandemic gets tested

Another pandemic death was recorded Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, as critical voices against the government’s response continue to multiply calling for fewer tests and more vaccinations...

861. Vaccination portal to open for 69+

The vaccination portal is set to open on Wednesday for those aged 69 and over, the Health Ministry announced Tuesday....

862. Second thoughts as relaxation plan unravels

Health minister Constantinos Ioannou was due to consult with health experts online Tuesday during an emergency meeting, following alarming news over multiple chains of infection and a rise in daily cases amid a plan to relax measures step by step...

863. Health Ministry announces 302 cases

The Health Ministry on Thursday announced 302 coronavirus cases on Monday, marking a steady increase in the number of daily cases, though the number of tests being performed over the past few days has also increased significantly....

864. Health Ministry announces 199 new cases

The Health Ministry on Thursday announced 199 coronavirus cases on Tuesday, marking a steady increase in the number of daily cases. Total coronavirus cases reached 33,909. ...

865. EU leaders seek to inject energy into slow vaccine rollout

European Union leaders are gathering Thursday to try to inject new energy into the bloc’s lagging coronavirus vaccination efforts as concern mounts that new variants might spread faster than authorities can adapt....

866. Cyprus moving forward with more relaxations

The Cabinet on Thursday agreed to move forward with a steady lifting of restrictions, as starting Monday each week will see additional relaxations culminating in the lifting of restrictions on food and drink businesses on March 16....

867. Daily new cases in Cyprus mark steady climb

The Health Ministry on Tuesday announced 176 coronavirus cases on Tuesday, marking a steady increase in the number of daily cases. Total coronavirus cases reached 33,567....

868. Doctor’s sexual misconduct trial goes forward

A sexual assault case against a doctor with a large medical practice in Cyprus is moving forward, while questions have been raised over a messenger company that failed for months to serve him court documents as well as a prior conviction that fell through the cracks...

869. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

870. Cyprus takes another bold step mid-pandemic

The Republic of Cyprus entered on Monday a second phase of relaxing lockdown measures for COVID-19, including the reopening of retail stores, shopping malls, and schools...