12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 871-900 of 1323 matches for query daily.

871. Ministry urges caution as new report shows burdened health system

Though Cyprus has managed to regain control over the spread of coronavirus, with daily cases fluctuating around the one hundred mark, the Health Ministry said Friday that transmission within the local community is ongoing and the healthcare system remains heavily burdened....

872. Turkish minister says US behind 2016 failed coup attempt

Turkey's interior minister accused the United States on Thursday of being behind a 2016 failed coup that Ankara has blamed on a US-based Muslim preacher, the Hurriyet daily reported, at a time when Turkey is seeking improved ties with its NATO ally....

873. Cinemas, theatres to reopen Monday

The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to allow theatres and cinemas to reopen their doors next Monday....

874. The hidden world of soil and why we need to protect it

In the wake of the climate crisis over the last decades, we all talk about the state of the air we breathe and the quality of our water; both undoubtedly invaluable and essential to all life forms. However, we very often forget another key player; the part of Earth right under our feet, the soil....

875. Expert calls for stricter airport measures to curb new strain

Member of the government’s coronavirus advisory team Dr Petros Karayiannis called for stricter measures at airports to curb the spread of the South African strain detected in various countries, including Greece and the UK....

876. Police open to reexamine warrant procedures

The Chief of Police wants a special team to go over warrants that were rendered unlawful recently, following a high profile defeat before the Supreme Court in connection with a home search over a Twitter parody account about the justice minister...

877. Cyprus fires up engines as lockdown eases

The Republic of Cyprus launched on Monday a gradual unlock of a three-week lockdown, citing signs of improvement with fewer hospitalizations and a major ramp up in the state’s rapid testing strategy...

878. Cyprus marks decrease in daily new cases, hospitalisations

A new national surveillance report issued Friday detailing the data behind coronavirus developments over the two-week period between January 13 and 26 showed a significant decrease in the number of daily cases and hospital admissions....

879. Cyprus ranks fifth in pandemic management study

Cyprus ranked fifth in a Covid Performance Index published Thursday by the Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank, which ranked almost 100 countries for their successful handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with Britain and America near the bottom of the pile....

880. The key to a successful investment lies in… behaviour?…-behaviour

881. Gradual easing of measures starts next week

The President’s Cabinet approved a gradual lift of a partial lockdown starting on Monday, with the health minister saying the decision was designed to avoid making hasty moves...

882. Big if as Cyprus set to deliberate on measures

The Cypriot government is taking stock of recent restrictions against a further rapid spread of COVID-19, with reports pointing to plans being discussed to lift measures next month but also amid concerns over mutation fears and unknowns...

883. Experts mulling methodology of lockdown relaxations

Any relaxations to current restriction measures that are expected at the end of the month should be gradual and targeted, member of the government’s coronavirus advisory committee, Dr Maria Koliou, told the Cyprus News Agency on Tuesday....

884. Police lose state fraud case in Limassol

Defendants in Limassol’s case involving an alleged scam with food stamps and housing vouchers for homeless persons walked free this week, after prosecutors said they were unable to bring witnesses forward to testify in court...

885. Cyprus in ECDC red category

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) marked Cyprus in its red category along with most other EU countries, indicating that daily new coronavirus cases amount to 150 (or more) per 100,000 people....

886. Travel categories of SMS system that returns Sunday

The SMS system that Cyprus was happy to be rid of in late spring last year will be returning on Sunday as the island grapples with the rampant spread of coronavirus that has left the healthcare system increasingly burdened....

887. Quarantine hairstylist says he broke no laws

A hairstylist who tested positive for COVID-19 and suffered the wrath of the press after police cited him for violating health protocols says he did not break any laws, with police urging the public to remain vigilant in the fight against the spread of the virus...

888. A timeline of the coronavirus pandemic in Cyprus

The coronavirus pandemic in Cyprus, which kicked off mildly at first with double-digit daily new cases before the second wave sent the island into unprecedented terrain with hundreds of daily new cases and the healthcare system ready to give in at any given time, can be generally divided into four stages. ...

889. Healthcare system nearing its limits, Health Minister warns

The surge in coronavirus patients has begun to put intense pressure on the healthcare system, with the Health Ministry and State Health Services (Okypy) already working on a plan to restructure how hospitals will deal with the steady influx of coronavirus patients....

890. Police in the dark over Kolossi fight

Police investigators remain in the dark over a violent confrontation with political undertones in Limassol on Wednesday, with reports saying an army captain in remanded custody is refusing to cooperate with law enforcement authorities...

891. 5G bidding process wraps up, first licences in January 2021

The bidding process of the 5G frequencies auction wrapped up smoothly on Thursday, with the first licences expected to be distributed in January 2021, a press release by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, said....

892. Signs of stabilization as Cyprus preps for inoculations

The coronavirus situation is showing signs of stabilization and a drop in the number of daily cases is expected, member of the government’s health advisory committee Dr Petros Karayiannis said Wednesday....

893. Two coronavirus deaths, new cases hit record high

Daily new cases hit a new record high on Monday, when 416 cases were detected, while authorities announced two more coronavirus fatalities...

894. Experts mulling over holiday period restrictions suggestions

Health experts are mulling over maintaining current restriction measures or making them even stricter, while the holiday period lenience that was initially announced could be scrapped if daily new cases remain at the current level....

895. Health ministry responds to questions on new measures

The health ministry on Monday responded to five questions regarding the new restriction measures that are to affect the island until mid-December....

896. Cyprus braces for new coronavirus rules

The eagerly-awaited restriction measures that are to apply for December and the holiday period are to be announced by the heath minister during a press conference at noon on Thursday....

897. This week to define next coronavirus measures

The last week of November will be decisive, as its coronavirus figures will determine the next steps to be taken, both in terms of suggestions to be submitted by the government’s expert task force and government decisions....

898. North changes rules for crossings

Experts monitoring the coronavirus pandemic in the north issued new rules for people wishing to cross from the south after positive cases were detected among Greek Cypriots in the Karpas peninsula....

899. Council of Europe report critical of Greece's migrant pushbacks, detention conditions

A Council of Europe report, released Thursday, calls on Greece to stop pushbacks of migrants and calls out the country on the conditions in several migrant detention centers....

900. Pfizer ends Covid-19 trial with 95% efficacy

Pfizer Inc said on Wednesday that final results from the late-stage trial of its Covid-19 vaccine show it was 95% effective, adding it had the required two-months of safety data and would apply for emergency US authorization within days....