12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1501-1530 of 1533 matches for query diploma.

1501. UK strongly supports Cyprus talks resumption

1502. China says North Korea committed to denuclearization

North Korea is willing to talk with the United States and hold a summit between the two countries...

1503. Greece and Trump's new foreign policy team

it is imperative that Athens establish channels of communication with the new powerful officials as regards American foreign policy...

1504. US gifts customs equipment to Cyprus

The US donates detection equipment to the Cyprus Customs Department in a move described as helping combat illicit trade, especially narcotics, and illegal weapons transfer....

1505. Cyprus says EU condemnation of Turkey is unprecedented

Anastasiades argued that the real aim of Turkey was to control energy supply routes in the region...

1506. Ankara told to improve relations with Cyprus

European Council President Donald Tusk expressed concerns about Turkish actions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean...

1507. Nicosia will not follow EU and expel Russians

Cyprus is among the 14 EU countries that will not take such measures...

1508. Trump expels 60 Russians

Moscow has denied responsibility for the March 4 attack on former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal...

1509. Cyprus Foreign Minister pays a working visit to Jordan

The Foreign Minister will hold talks with his counterpart Ayman H.Safadi...

1510. EU leaders host Turkish President Erdogan for uneasy summit

Erdogan will seek more money for Syrian refugees, a deeper customs union and progress on letting Turks visit Europe without visas...

1511. EU backs Britain in blaming Russia for spy attack

The show of support from the EU, at a time when Britain is grappling with its departure from the bloc, will boost Prime Minister Theresa May...

1512. EU leaders condemn Turkey for 'illegal actions' as transgressions continue

European Union leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday unanimously condemned Turkey for its aggression toward Greece and Cyprus and called on Ankara to release two Greek soldiers who have been in Turkish custody for more than three weeks....

1513. Foreign Minister to visit Israel

Nicosia will be looking for strong Israeli backing for its energy search - which is opposed by Turkey - as both countries seek to pool their natural resources in the region...

1514. Erdogan to send drillship into East Med

Erdogan: Turkey's stance towards exploration projects for oil and gas has “hopefully taught some a lesson”...

1515. EU agrees Brexit transition

May has described as unacceptable any possible deal that cuts Northern Ireland off from the rest of the UK...

1516. Inspectors analyse toxin used on Russian spy

Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) began running independent tests...

1517. Putin easily wins another six-year term

The longer-term question is whether Putin will soften his anti-Western rhetoric now the election is won...

1518. Greece fears protracted crisis with Turkey

Turkey is resorting to a strategy that includes the arrest of people as a means of blackmail, especially of Western countries...

1519. London says corrupt Putin allies may be targeted

Britain’s National Crime Agency and Economic Crimes Unit is nvestigating a wide range of individuals...

1520. UK expels 23 Russian diplomats over chemical attack on ex-spy

No ministers or members of the royal family will attend the World Cup in Russia...

1521. Britain and Russia brace for showdown

England may also cut back participation in the World Cup which Russia is hosting in June - July...

1522. Trump dumps chief diplomat Tillerson after clashes

Senior State Department officials said Tillerson was unaware of why Trump pushed him out...

1523. Visit of US diplomat is seen as 'important'

The Spokesman said that Cyprus’ energy programme continues as normal ...

1524. Akinci's dithering is harming peace efforts

The Greek Cypriot side believes that Akinci’s dithering is not unrelated to the EU-Turkey summit in Varna later this month...

1525. Turkish Cypriots vow to launch gas search unless Nicosia pulls back

Greek Cypriots have repeatedly said a peace deal would allow both communities to benefit from any offshore resources...

1526. Trump and North Korea's Kim plan first-ever meeting

Trump had previously said he was willing to meet Kim under the right circumstances but had indicated the time was not right...

1527. Crisis Management

When collective decision-making takes place in a haphazard manner, it means that the process is seriously flawed...

1528. Britain says former Russian spy poisoned with nerve agent

Government scientists had identified the specific nerve agent but are not saying what it is...

1529. There is nothing natural about gas debate

There are many interests at stake, of multiple colours since we are dealing with flags, and so there will definitely be a discussion on gas. And even if we are talking about something found in nature… I expect this discussion to be anything but natural....

1530. UN urges Syria to ensure truce for Ghouta aid

The UN humanitarian coordinator in Syria appealed to the government on Thursday to commit to a ceasefire in eastern Ghouta to let in an aid convoy containing emergency medical supplies that were stripped from a delivery on Monday....