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30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1381-1410 of 1533 matches for query diploma.

1381. EU’s Barnier offers better Irish terms to get Brexit deal

1382. US warns Moscow is trying to buy off individuals and spread disinformation

1383. Kotzias sees Lute in Athens

Jane Holl Lute, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General, is set to meet with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias on Tuesday afternoon as part of her ongoing Cyprus tour...

1384. Kasoulides bestowed Legion of Honour

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian praised Ioannis Kasoulides during a special ceremony in Nicosia, where France awarded the Legion of Honour to the Cypriot former foreign minister...


1386. Le Drian says France stands ready to help

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian says Cyprus and France and the presidents of the two countries both wish for further cooperation, while also expressing support for restarting peace talks...

1387. Cyprus argues British Military Bases in Cyprus violate UN Charter

1388. Ronys Toungoulos achieves highest Mark in Module 2-ADIT

K. Treppides & Co Limited congratulates Manager Ronys Toungoulos for achieving the highest mark in Module 2-Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (ADIT). He is rewarded with the International Fiscal Association (IFA) prize which is highly recognized within the professional community worldwide....

1389. Indian President speaks of shared values with Cyprus

Indian President Ram Nath Kovind addressed on Monday the House of Representatives plenary in the presence of Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and spoke of the shared values and deep relations between Cyprus and India...

1390. India president in Nicosia for talks

Indian President Ram Nath Kovind is on an official two-day visit to the Republic of Cyprus, where he is expected to sign a number of bilateral agreements between the two countries...

1391. Cypriot jihadist facing extradition to Guantanamo

The US government is requesting for the “Beatles of ISIS” squad, one of them of Cypriot origin, to be moved to Guantanamo Bay, a move that could p[ossibly make them eligible for the death penalty...

1392. Ozersay accuses south of putting the clamps on north

A Turkish Cypriot top official has accused the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus of unfairly targeting the shipping industry and universities in the north at a time when there are calls for better relations between the two communities...

1393. Court ruling stirs Turkey tension

Greek-Turkish relations took a turn for the worse on Wednesday, with the Turkish Foreign Ministry and other senior officials accusing Athens of violating the Geneva Convention and of protecting terrorists....

1394. Seizing opportunities

Greece needs to play its cards right if it wants to profit from the opportunities arising on the international stage, but also to keep in mind that all of the big players are unpredictable and the game at hand incredibly complex....

1395. Stephen Lillie: There is only plan A for Cyprus

There is a clear plan A for Cyprus, that of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation solution, and there is no plan B, UK High Commissioner in Nicosia, Stephen Lillie, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), stressing that “for plan A to succeed the negotiations need to be well prepared, and the public opinion needs to be well prepared” as well....

1396. US-Turkish tensions add to regional risk

US-Turkish relations have never been easy to manage. But the current standoff between Washington and Ankara is striking, even by the standards of an historically difficult relationship....

1397. State Department welcomes soldiers' return from Turkey

The US State Department has welcomed the return of the two Greek soldiers to Greece after five months’ imprisonment in Turkey, congratulating the Greek people and the foreign ministry. ...

1398. AHI says US ban on arms sales to Cyprus «unlawful»

The US prohibition on sales of defense and military technology to Cyprus is “unlawful” and can be removed without the need for legislation, a Greek American lobby group has said....

1399. Judith Gail Garber to be appointed new US Ambassador to Cyprus

US President Donald Trump has announced on Tuesday his intention to appoint Judith Gail Garber of Virginia, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Cyprus....

1400. Should we listen to President Trump or the diplomats?

As Greece finds itself faced with a wide range of challenges – from Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean to its relationship with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and developments on the Balkan peninsula – it would be useful to have a clear idea of Washington’s strategic objectives regarding these issues. This is regrettably not an easy task considering that what President Donald Trump says does not necessarily reflect official US policy....

1401. Two Greek soldiers released from Turkish jail return home

Two Greek soldiers freed after months in a Turkish prison returned to Greece by government jet early Wednesday after their unexpected release by a provincial court....

1402. Greece: Russia's decision to expel embassy personnel 'arbitrary and retaliatory'

Russia’s decision to expel members of the Greek embassy in Moscow is “arbitrary, retaliatory and not based on any evidence,” the Greek Foreign Ministry said in a lengthy announcement issued on Friday....

1403. Russian expulsion of Greek envoys ‘asymmetric’‘asymmetric

Greece's Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador to the country, Andrey Maslov, to protest Moscow's decision on Monday to expel Greek diplomats in retaliation to a similar move by Athens....

1404. Russia expels Greek diplomats in retaliatory move

Russia said on Monday it had summoned Greece’s ambassador to Moscow and told him it was responding in kind to what it called an unfriendly decision by Athens to expel two Russian diplomats....

1405. US posture could overpower Cyprus solution agenda

Following July’s meeting with the two Cypriot leaders, sources say special UN envoy Jane Holl Lute appeared unconvinced regarding the basis for further peace talks and that a meeting in New York could be in the works to clarify once and for all...

1406. Trump imposes sanctions over Turkey's detaining of pastor

The White House is announcing that the Treasury Department is imposing sanctions on two Turkish officials over a detained American pastor who is being tried on espionage and terror-related charges....

1407. Ankara puts Nicosia ambassadors on notice

The Turkish foreign ministry is warning foreign diplomats in the Republic of Cyprus not to overstep their authority, following comments by Israeli and Egyptian ambassadors in Nicosia during a diaspora conference last week...

1408. Lute sees Cavusoglu in Ankara

Jane Holl Lute, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General, wasted no time following a busy week by visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday...

1409. No more pretexts

The world will never be the same since Donald Trump was installed in the White House. In a sense, his election was unavoidable. Not because matters became unbearable in the last 30 years after the fall of the communist system in Europe. Rather, it was because they became in a way unnatural....

1410. The positions of SYRIZA, New Democracy and our allies

Diplomats, analysts and officials from international institutions visiting Greece have a hard time understanding and assessing what in their eyes appears to be a bizarre political reality....