12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1471-1500 of 1533 matches for query diploma.

1471. South Korea discussing peace deal with North Korea ahead of summit

South Korea and a US-led U.N force are technically still at war with North Korea after the Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty...

1472. European Commission warns Turkey over its aggression toward Cyprus

The European Commission report urged Turkey to avoid violence or to make threats for the use of violence against an EU member state...

1473. Leaders ponder next steps after dinner date failure

There was no breakthrough apart from the leaders not excluding any new moves from the UN...

1474. Cypriot leaders to sound each other out

The two Cypriot leaders are set to meet Monday evening in the buffer zone, with the two men being nowhere near a common agenda and the UN hoping at best for more meetings to follow....

1475. Putin predicts global 'chaos' if West hits Syria again

The United States, France and Britain have said the missile strikes were limited to Syria’s chemical weapons capabilities and not aimed at toppling Assad...

1476. Celebrating Israel’s 70th Independence Day in Cyprus

The significant natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean offer much potential for joint ventures and commercial growth...

1477. May says UK had no choice but to conduct missile strikes against Syria

More than 100 missiles fired from ships and manned aircraft, the allies struck three of Syria’s main chemical weapons facilities...

1478. US and allies launch air strikes in Syria

US, British and French forces pounded Syria with air strikes early on Saturday in response to a poison gas attack that killed dozens of people last week, in the biggest intervention by Western powers against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad....

1479. Open agenda for leaders dinner date

Expectations aren’t high about Monday’s social gathering which doesn’t signal a formal resumption of peace talks...

1480. Turkey and Greece ratchet up tension in the Mediterranean

With help from rabble-rousers on both sides, disputes over airspace and maritime borders, which have poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey for decades...

1481. Yulia Skripal declines help from Russia

Skripal said she was not yet strong enough to give a media interview and she said a cousin who had spoken to Russian media did not speak for her...

1482. Russia is drifting away

Michalis Tsikalas says the fact that Russia and Turkey are locked in an embrace, which is getting stronger over time, should not go unnoticed in Cyprus. Taking action on any chosen path remains difficult in the world of energy choices, but don’t have all the luxury in the world to pick and choose. ...

1483. Cyprus and Egypt prepare the ground for natural gas pipeline

The two countries will soon sign an agreement for a submarine natural gas pipeline from Cyprus' EEZ to a Liquefied Natural Gas plant in Egypt...

1484. Trump vows quick response to suspected chemical attack in Syria

Initial US assessments have been unable to determine conclusively what materials were used in the attack...

1485. Russian message said 'package has been delivered' before spy attack

Yulia and Sergei Skripal are recovering following Novichok attack in Salisbury...

1486. Egypt and Cyprus to hold talks on regional issues

The meeting's agenda is expected to touch on the unique relations between Cairo and Nicosia...

1487. Cyprus seeks to overcome regional tension for peace

Rival Cypriot leaders will meet for dinner on April 16 in an effort by the United Nations to reignite a stalled peace process...

1488. FYROM and its irredentist claims

Greece has never recognized an ethnic minority and the present government will be no exception...

1489. 'You'll be sorry' Russia warns Britain

It was the second showdown between Russia and Britain at the world body since the nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia ...

1490. A solution is the only way forward for Cyprus

The Cyprus issue is not a dice roll, but the dilemma that Cypriots once had – either we solve it or we stay as is – is no longer valid...

1491. Putin hopes chemical watchdog meeting can end Skripal row

At Moscow’s request, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will hold a special session on the Salisbury poisoning...

1492. Kammenos: Arrest of two Greek servicemen was pre-planned

The arrest of the two Greek soldiers who inadvertently strayed into Turkish territory during a regular border patrol last month was "pre-planned," Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said on Monday during a briefing of journalists in parliament....

1493. President Erdogan’s exasperation

His aim, in this case, is to exert pressure on the Greek government for the extradition of the eight...

1494. Cypriot leaders agree to informal meeting

It will be the first time Anastasiades and Akinci have met since the collapse of peace talks in Switzerland...

1495. Cyprus may turn to UN Security Council over Turkish drillship

Turkey has said it intends to start drilling offshore Cyprus and has accused Nicosia of acting unilaterally with its energy development...

1496. Yulia Skripal is getting better

British counter-terrorism police now believe Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia were poisoned with a nerve toxin...

1497. 'Bold leadership' needed to restore confidence in Cyprus talks

There is a loss of confidence between the two side since talks collapsed in Switzerland last year...

1498. Bank chief urges business to help in a speedier resolution of NPLs

He said that one of the biggest issues in Cyprus was the tolerance on non-performers lending...

1499. Russian spy poisoned by nerve agent outside home

Russia has denied any involvement in the attack and has said it suspects the British secret services of using the Novichok nerve agent...

1500. RT faux pas caught by Lobby for Cyprus

RT apologises for using wrong flag to depict the Republic of Cyprus...