12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 3031-3060 of 3133 matches for query east.

3031. European Commission's report on Turkey most critical

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed the view that a European Commission progress report on Turkey published on Tuesday is the most critical one since 2005 and has also agreed with a Commission assessment that the implementation by Turkey of its Cyprus related obligations would significantly boost its relations with the EU....

3032. A need to upgrade Greece’s F-16 fighter jets

Lawmakers are awaiting a joint report by the State and Defense departments on how the country can help Greece upgrade its existing F-16 fleet...

3033. Turkey hits back at EU over Cyprus criticism

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn said Turkey was taking “huge strides away” from the EU as Brussels delivered its harshest criticism yet of what it sees as Ankara’s shift toward authoritarianism...

3034. Anastasiades calls on May to persuade Turkey to behave

Talks with the UK Prime Minister, "were very useful because it provided an opportunity to explain and project the problems we face with regard to the efforts for the resolution of the Cyprus problem"...

3035. Cyprus registers record number of tourists in March

Tourist arrivals in March rocketed 36.4%...

3036. Flag claim sparks fresh tension between Greece and Turkey

Ankara’s dispute of Greek sovereignty brought the two countries to the brink of war in 1996 over the islet of Imia...

3037. Syrian air defences shoot down missiles over two air bases

Shayrat air base was targeted last year in a U.S. cruise missile attack in response to a chemical attack that killed at least 70 people...

3038. Leaders ponder next steps after dinner date failure

There was no breakthrough apart from the leaders not excluding any new moves from the UN...

3039. Celebrating Israel’s 70th Independence Day in Cyprus

The significant natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean offer much potential for joint ventures and commercial growth...

3040. Cypriots protest outside RAF Akrotiri over Syria strike

Protestors are demanding the closure of RAF Akrotiri, from where four British Tornado jets hit Syria targets...

3041. US says air strikes cripple Syria chemical weapons programme

US President Donald Trump called the operation a success...

3042. Are we heading for a West v East showdown in Syria

Following the allied strikes on Syria, the regional map is changing and Cyprus is the only EU-Member state stuck in the middle...

3043. Threat of US-Russia battle hangs over Syria

Two days ago U.S. President Donald Trump warned that missiles “will be coming” in response to that attack...

3044. Banks in Cyprus, Greece and Portugal may need further reserve build-up

Fitch also notes that average NPL/total loan ratios at the EU`s largest banks had declined to 4% by end-2017 from 6.5% at end-2014...

3045. Cyprus airspace safe despite challenges

Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou says Cyprus Civil Aviation needs an upgrade to handle increasing demands in the industry and also face Turkish challenges, including the illegal operation of Ercan airport in the north. ...

3046. Turkey and Greece ratchet up tension in the Mediterranean

With help from rabble-rousers on both sides, disputes over airspace and maritime borders, which have poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey for decades...

3047. Greece in mourning after death of fighter pilot

The jet piloted by 34-year-old Captain Giorgos Baltadoros was one of two Mirages sent to intercept a pair of Turkish F-16s...

3048. Paphos mosaics cleaning method raises eyebrows

A rather unusual photograph is doing the rounds on social media in Cyprus, showing a cleaning lady using a broom and a shovel to clean ancient mosaics at the Paphos Archaeological Park. ...

3049. UK mulls Syria attack that could lead to confrontation with Russia

Syria’s military has repositioned some air assets to avoid fallout from possible missile strikes...

3050. Syrian government raises flag in Douma

Russian military police were deployed in Douma in accordance with the rebel surrender deal...

3051. Cyprus asks the US to lift arms embargo

Cyprus wants to "further grow and deepen bilateral relations and cooperation in the areas of defence and security with the US”...

3052. Cypriots fighting lionfish invasion

Cypriots are getting worried over a lionfish invasion, a venomous invasive species, with scientists, fishermen and divers launching a campaign to reduce the potential threat of the venomous predatory fish. Video by AFP....

3053. Trump warns the missiles are coming for Syria

The White House pushed back against suggestions that Trump had broadcast his plans for military strikes via Twitter...

3054. The dust is back

There is dust over Cyprus again, as a high-pressure system is affecting the area, with no signs of leaving until Friday evening. ...

3055. Commission extends Greece's visa-at-the-gate scheme for Turks

The European Commission on Wednesday approved a one-year extension to a special visa agreement between Greece and Turkey that allows Turks who want to visit seven Greek islands to apply for a visa directly at their destination....

3056. Airlines re-route flights

Some major airlines were re-routing flights on Wednesday after Europe’s air traffic control agency warned aircraft flying in the eastern Mediterranean to exercise caution due to possible air strikes into Syria....

3057. RAF bombers on standby in Cyprus

RAF bombers on standbyTornado bombers at RAF Akrotiri are on standby and ready to strike against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if such an order is given out, just days after a US missile destroyer left Larnaca port....

3058. USS Donald Cook on the move after Larnaca visit

The USS Donald Cook is on the move again, after leaving Larnaca port on Monday, with experts noting that the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer is fully capable to take part in any action in Syria....

3059. Cyprus and Egypt prepare the ground for natural gas pipeline

The two countries will soon sign an agreement for a submarine natural gas pipeline from Cyprus' EEZ to a Liquefied Natural Gas plant in Egypt...

3060. Greek troops fire warning shots at Turkish helicopter

It was not clear what type of helicopter was involved in the incident...