12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 120 matches for query economic migrant.

31. Dozens drown in deadly migrant shipwreck off Greece

At least 32 migrants drowned early on Wednesday when their boat capsized and sank off Greece, the country’s coast guard said...

32. Australian embassy celebrates 50 years of diplomatic ties with Cyprus

A wonderful reception took place yesterday within the historic walls of Nicosia, as the Australian embassy commemorated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and Cyprus. ...

33. EU Ministers reach historic deal on migration crisis

European Union ministers agreed on Thursday on how to share out the responsibility for looking after migrants and refugees, after 12 hours of negotiations got Italy and Greece to sign up to a deal that has eluded the bloc for nearly a decade....

34. France 24: The dark side of higher education in occupied Cyprus

According to a report from France 24, education has become the leading economic sector in occupied Cyprus. ...

35. Green Line border agents get ready for action

Over two hundred Green Line border agents will report on duty later this month on the Greek Cypriot side of the UN buffer zone, but the newly-hired sergeants will only focus on irregular migrants, leaving drug trafficking and other crimes off the agenda...

36. Germany desperate for migrant workers to fill open positions

A new study carried out by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research has shown that the worker shortage in Germany has reached an all-time high level. ...

37. Cyprus scraps online visa appointments after scandal

Immigration authorities in the Republic of Cyprus scrapped an online appointment platform on Monday after allegations were made public about agents selling available slots to foreigners for profit and causing months of waiting for those who did not shell out the cash...

38. The who's who of the Christodoulides government

On Monday afternoon (27/02), Nikos Christodoulides, the country's new leader, unveiled his new administration. Read the detailed biographies of the individuals who make up the new government....

39. MEP's propose solutions to the growing migration problem in Europe

In a plenary discussion with the Swedish Presidency and President von der Leyen, MEPs presented their views on how to deal with the migratory challenges facing Europe....

40. Wronged worker slams Cyprus over migration crisis

Thousands of asylum seekers in Cyprus were sent back to their countries last year but one foreign worker, who feels he has no good options following a dispute with his employer, says many people who come to work on the island are forced to seek asylum because the system is not in their favor...

41. Migration: Nikos Christodoulides can and wants to deal with it

One of the biggest and most serious problems Cyprus faces now, and one of the biggest challenges, is the issue of migration. Our country must deal with disproportionate flows of migrants, both in relation to its size and resources and in relation to its population....

42. UN chief sees no common ground in divided Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' report on the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, released on Wednesday night as an official document of the Security Council, number S/2023/3, records the lack of common ground between the two sides for peace talks leading to a mutually agreeable solution...

43. Leaked UN report on Cyprus raises eyebrows

A draft report by the UN Secretary General on the peacekeeping force in divided Cyprus has been leaked to Greek Cypriot media, prompting political pundits to point to bleak and candid references to a host of divisive issues including...

44. The week that shook Brussels saw a police stakeout, piles of cash, and reform promises

The police had been waiting since dawn. Officers from the special unit of Belgium’s federal police gathered on Rue Wiertz, close to the European Parliament in Brussels. ...

45. Germany eases rules for internationals to obtain citizenship

The federal government of Germany has unfolded its plans to introduce new changes to its immigration law, among others, to make it easier for internationals to obtain citizenship....

46. Sizable migrant flows pushing national asylum systems to breaking point

The disproportionate migratory flows have led to a situation of force majeure, forcing to their limits the national asylum and reception systems, said Interior Minister Nicos Nouris....

47. Cyprus is bursting, like a fat guy out of his leotard

Cyprus’ changing demographics are causing havoc to the real estate market, accentuating socio-economic imbalances and creating polarised communities. A bit dramatic? Let’s see....

48. 36.5% increase of 'permanent residents' in the occupied areas since 2011

The online newspaper Ozyur Gazette reports, under the headline "Along with cultural erosion, the demographic structure is changing from day to day," that the number of people permanently residing in occupied territories has increased by 36.5 percent in ten years. ...

49. Turks slam Greeks over fake ‘push-forward’ story‘push-forward-story

Turkey has slammed Greece’s migration minister over a video tweet allegedly showing members of the Turkish coast guard beating refugees during an alleged push-forward, with Ankara rushing to provide context and accusing Greek media of failing to properly retract a fabricated story...

50. Cyprus hopeful about EU migration pact

The interior ministry in the Republic of Cyprus says an EU council draft that makes adoption of asylum and migration rules a priority includes a Green Line reference, seen by Nicosia as an important step in its attempt to block flows from the northern part seen by the south as 'instruments of Turkey'...

51. Germany to revise immigrant laws to allow more skilled migrant workers

In the coming months, the German Ministry of Labor will come forward with a proposal to the federal government to introduce a new immigration option for skilled foreigners....

52. Refugees transfer boats in high sea pushback off Cyprus

About a hundred presumptive refugees, whose boat was blocked from entering Cypriot waters on Monday night, were reportedly transferred to another vessel bound for Lebanon over their objections...

53. Dad’s hurried deportation stirs debate in Cyprus

The hasty deportation of a detained man, whose wife and teenage son remain in Cyprus, has stirred up debate this week, bringing the child commissioner head to head with the state’s law enforcement authorities and even the interior minister himself...

54. UN not keen on hi tech near buffer zone

A draft on UNFICYP renewal expected to pass Thursday in the Security Council includes concerns over military surveillance equipment being placed near the divided island’s buffer zone...

55. Cyprus defends migration stance for ‘love of country’‘love-of-country

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says he would be happy if the Republic of Cyprus could bring down irregular migration by following the example of Greece, a country facing EU criticism over ‘violent’ deportations, with the Cypriot official calling on fellow citizens to show their 'love of country'...

56. Lawmakers approve private 'green line' armed cops

The parliament in the Republic of Cyprus has approved legislation allowing the hiring and training of 300 private armed police officers tasked with combating illegal migration along the UN buffer zone, but regulations were still unclear...

57. Immigration problem?

The biggest challenge that the European continent will face in the near future is immigration. Of course, it is not something new, since in recent years the migratory flows, legal or otherwise, were huge, but the countries of the south were the ones facing the problem....

58. What is Turkey up to?

This summer, for the first time in many years, the omens concerning Greek-Turkish relations are particularly gloomy. There are many objective reasons why Turkey causing a heated incident is not the most likely scenario;...

59. How likely is a Greek-Turkish military conflict?

"Conflict over the Aegean Islands: Erdogan Threatens Europe with Next War." This is the title of a comment by the Greek-born editor-in-chief of the Munich newspaper Münchner Merkur, George Anastasiadis, on Turkey's new threats against Greece over sovereign rights in the eastern Aegean islands....

60. The Anatolian Greeks who settled in the US

“There was Antonis, a man who emigrated to America from Greece, who thought he was a ‘real Greek’ and that everyone from Alatsata [present-day Alacati] and Asia Minor were inferior....