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27 July, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 120 matches for query economic migrant.

91. Cyprus blocks another boat citing coronavirus

A video showing a Republic of Cyprus coast guard vessel pursuing a boat of undocumented migrants has emerged, with police saying they blocked the boat due to the coronavirus crisis...

92. Cyprus readies to deport suspected terrorists

The Republic of Cyprus says it is getting ready to deport 17 undocumented migrants suspected of having ties to foreign terrorists, but proceedings could be delayed due to ongoing pandemic and other legal issues...

93. Migrant camp declared ‘local infected area’‘local-infected-area

Human rights advocates in the Republic of Cyprus are crying foul over the government's handling of asylum seekers at Pournara camp, after the health ministry declared the migrant centre a “local infected area” citing public health laws due to an infestation...

94. Migrant camp near boiling point

Police said three people were arrested at Pournara migrant centre during a protest on Wednesday, one day after a hunger strike, as camp residents demand better living conditions and the right to leave camp...

95. Report draws attention to migrant centres

A report published this week by Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou-Lottides takes stock of current conditions in migrant facilities in the Republic of Cyprus, pointing out medical challenges, problems associated with weather, and asylum issues...

96. Greece eyes gradual easing of lockdown measures

The Greek government is working on a plan to ease some of the restrictions that have been introduced to curb the spread of the coronavirus, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis expected to make announcements next week....

97. Future for rescued refugees in north unknown

The fate of 175 Syrian refugees, trapped in the north of the island amid the coronavirus pandemic, remains unknown while a human rights group is calling on Greek Cypriot authorities to take them in...

98. The era of asymmetric threats

Kyriakos Mitsotakis would never have expected to star in a Greek edition of the perfect storm. Yet fate and events have put the Greek prime minister in charge of the country at a very crucial moment. He has shown determination in dealing with the migration/refugee issue, which has also bolstered his political image. The public was craving for a strong leader – a notion that was largely eclipsed by a sense of humiliation over the past 10 years....

99. Μeasures needed to curb flow of migrants through Green Line, Anastasiades tells Akinci

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades expressed grave concern about the “organised and increasing illegal flow of migrants through the Green Line” and told the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, that measures need to be taken. ...

100. Cyprus says it cannot cope with migrant influx

The interior minister of the Republic of Cyprus says the island cannot host more “economic migrants” as another boatload of refugees arrived on Tuesday, clarifying that authorities would not send back those whose lives may be in danger...

101. President says increasing migrant flows from Turkey distorting demographic

President Nicos Anastasiades expressed concern over the flow of immigrants from Turkey, which he said is an attempt to distort the demographic character of Cyprus....

102. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....

103. Interior Minister talks migration, Cyprus investment program with EU officials in Brussels

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris informed the EU Commission’s Vice-President Margaritis Schoinas on Cyprus’ needs and the issues the country faces in dealing with the increased flow of migrants, ahead of the presentation of relevant proposals by the Commission next month....

104. Nicosia stabbing sparks migration debate

Debate over crime and migration in the Republic of Cyprus was renewed this week following a video showing the moment a young man was killed in downtown Nicosia as well as statements by officials regarding foreigners on the island...

105. Cyprus gets tough on economic migrants

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is determined to cut down on asylum and residence permit applications by blocking economic migrants from filing non-legitimate petitions...

106. Greek position on EU migration pact

Greece’s position regarding the future of the migration and asylum pact that the European Commission is expected to table in the coming months rests on three fundamental principles: a European solution to a European challenge, a fair system that will stand the test of time, and the preservation of the European Union’s core values as enshrined in the EU Treaty....

107. Refugees spotted off Cape Greco

A vessel with about 80 presumptive refugees on board was spotted on Monday off Cape Greco in eastern Cyprus...

108. Revamped migration policy in the works

A revamped migration policy is currently in the works, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris announced on Monday, reiterating the striking numbers of incoming migrants and refugees compared to the European migration hotspots. ...

109. Turkey reacts to EU sanctions over Cyprus

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the European Union’s decision to sanction Turkey over drilling off the coast of Cyprus could disrupt talks with the bloc, and he warned that Turkey could send captured Islamic State fighters to Europe...

110. Trump hopes to mediate between Turkey and Kurds

US President Donald Trump has put three options on the table for US action following heavy criticism and worldwide condemnation of Turkey’s military offensive in Syria...

111. Minister says migration ‘extremely challenging’‘extremely-challenging

Interior Minister Constantinos Petrides says the numbers of asylum applicants are going up, increasing the social and economic burden on the island...

112. Migration and geopolitics

The significant increase in the arrival of refugees and migrants recorded on Greece’s Aegean islands over the past few weeks is cause for concern as it indicates that Turkey is seeking to exploit the issue in order to remind the European Union of Ankara’s critical role in containing inflows. ...

113. Far-right soundly defeated in Greek elections

114. Cyprus on the right track to combat trafficking

A US report says the Republic of Cyprus fully meets the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, while also offering recommendations for improving prosecution of criminals and offering assistance to victims...

115. What’s with all the horrifying details?

The most shocking aspect was not so much the discovery of the little girl’s body as it was actually the way we take part and become a part one way or another in this sensationalism of human pain...

116. Interview with Jeffrey Sachs

117. Merkel expresses support for reform effort, Prespes deal

On her first visit to Athens in four years, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday expressed her support for the Prespes name deal as well as Greece’s ongoing economic reform efforts, saying the country was entering a new phase....

118. United States - Greece strategic dialogue joint statement

119. Britain’s Cypriot dialect under pressure

London, 1990. Six-year old Skevi, of Cypriot background, was late for class at her Greek community school, which left her unable to find somewhere to sit....

120. The solitary third age of Greek Australians

Thirty-three-year-old Dimitra will lock her door tomorrow morning and breathe in the chilly Melbourne air. ...