12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 661-690 of 905 matches for query mass.

661. International EastMed tension-diffusing efforts battling on

International moves to de-escalate tension in the eastern Mediterranean continued on Tuesday, with the German Chancellor holding a tete-a-tete with the NATO Secretary General and the kickstarting of the informal meetings of EU ministers in Berlin, where regional tensions were at the top of the agenda....

662. NAVTEX wars continue in east Med

Athens has issued an advisory to mariners concerning Greek air and naval forces conducting exercises in an area that overlaps with the one reserved by Ankara in a similar advisory issued on Sunday...

663. Erdogan reveals massive gas find in Black Sea

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered on a promise for a surprise on Friday, when he announced that Turkey has carried out the largest natural gas reserve exploration in the Black Sea...

664. Restrictions on Limassol gatherings eased slightly

Cyprus’ developing epidemiological situation was discussed on Tuesday in an emergency teleconference meeting between the Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou and the government’s coronavirus advisory team, with participants agreeing to relax certain restrictions in Limassol....

665. At least seven die in massive flood on Evia

At least seven people died and one person was still missing after a storm hit the Greek island of Evia early Sunday, causing massive floods and blocking exit roads...

666. Cyprus President urges public to generously donate to Beirut relief campaign

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the Cyprus public, companies and businesses to contribute to the relief campaign collecting dry and canned foods for the Beirut population that was brought to its knees by the deadly blasts earlier this week....

667. Still hot but noticeable drop on the way

Weather officials issued a yellow warning for Thursday due to extreme high temperatures in the interior, while strong winds are expected along the southern coastline...

668. Cyprus lends a hand to frantic Beirut search and rescue efforts

A Cyprus search and rescue team departed for neighbouring Lebanon on Wednesday afternoon to contribute to ongoing frantic efforts to locate missing persons and survivors of the massive blasts that rocked Beirut on Tuesday afternoon....

669. Cyprus President expresses condolences to Lebanon, readiness to provide assistance

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has expressed his deep condolences to the government and people of Lebanon, stressing the island’s readiness to provide any assistance necessary, following the two explosions which shook Beirut on Tuesday....

670. Cyprus at the ready to help Lebanon

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides says the government has expressed its “immediate readiness” to assist the neighbouring country following two powerful explosions that rocked Beirut...

671. Death toll rises in Beirut

Over 100 people were killed and thousands wounded in a massive explosion that shook the Lebanese capital on Tuesday, with sound waves of the deadly blast reaching as far as Cyprus...

672. New orange weather alert for Cyprus

Weather officials issued a heat warning Friday due to extreme high temperatures in Cyprus, with temperatures dropping gradually after the weekend but still remaining above normal levels...

673. Cyprus under two heat warnings

Weather officials have issued two simultaneous warnings for extreme high temperatures in Cyprus, with maximum levels reaching 41 degrees inland and a whopping 35 in the mountains...

674. Cyprus under hot weather orange alert

An orange weather alert has been issued Wednesday for Cyprus, with inland maximum highs reaching 42 degrees Celsius and temperatures expected to climb further in the coming days...

675. Hot weekend with hotter week days ahead

A new yellow warning has been issued for Friday afternoon due to extreme high inland temperatures, with levels remaining unchanged over the weekend but then gradually starting to go up...

676. Cyprus, Greece issue counter-Navtex voiding Turkish advisory

Greece and Cyprus have issued a Navtex in response to the advisory published by Turkey’s navy on Tuesday for seismic surveys in an area of sea between Cyprus and Crete....

677. Cyprus to draw over €2.7b from EU pandemic recovery fund€2-7b-from-eu-pandemic-recovery-fund

European Union leaders reached a deal on a massive stimulus plan for their coronavirus-blighted economies at a pre-dawn meeting on Tuesday after a fractious summit that went through the night and into its fifth day....

678. Mini heat wave to hit Cyprus this week

This week started with an extreme high temperature warning issued for Cyprus, with inland highs expected to reach 40 degrees on Monday and further increases later in the week...

679. Number of people allowed to gather to increase on July 12

Cyprus’ positive epidemiological indicators allowed the Health Ministry to fast track raising the number of people allowed to gather in homes, public spaces, food and drink spots, and mass gatherings. The new rules will come into effect on July 12....

680. Week starts with high heat index and rain

A combination of a low pressure system and a warm air mass is still affecting Cyprus this week, with officials warning of extreme high temperatures along with chances of rain due to unstable air over the island...

681. Heatwave sparks 'code orange' in Cyprus

An orange alert for Cyprus goes into effect Sunday due to extreme high temperatures reaching 43 Celsius in the interior, with next week’s first noticeable drop expected not before Wednesday...

682. Interior minister presents bills for streamlining asylum procedures

The house legal committee discussed on Tuesday a bundle of four bills, submitted by interior minister Nicos Nouris, that seek to streamline procedures for the processing of applications filed by asylum seekers as well as appeal proceedings....

683. Cyprus blocks another boat citing coronavirus

A video showing a Republic of Cyprus coast guard vessel pursuing a boat of undocumented migrants has emerged, with police saying they blocked the boat due to the coronavirus crisis...

684. Decision to postpone weddings until September 'political'

Though many were disappointed to hear that wedding and baptism ceremonies won’t be permitted to take place until September, and though the health advisory committee suggested these could resume from as early as June 25, committee member Petros Karayiannis said the government made the right move in taking the political decision....

685. Health Ministry clarifies rules governing number of people at gatherings

After the Health Minister announced Wednesday morning that the 10 person rule governing gatherings would be scrapped at the end of phase three on June 24, an announcement issued later in the day clarified that we won’t be jumping into normality straight away....

686. Greece to make massive riot police equipment purchase

Greece is planning purchases worth millions of euros to equip the Hellenic Police’s (ELAS) riot force with shields, helmets, uniforms, bullet-proof vests and other supplies, including large quantities of tear gas, in anticipation of a fresh push on the northeastern border with Turkey by undocumented migrants and refugees trying to force their way into the European Union....

687. 42 private hospitals join phase two of Gesy

The full rollout of the island’s universal healthcare system (Gesy) on Monday will take place with the participation of 42 private hospitals, with the Health Insurance Organization on Friday expressing its content after two large Nicosia hospitals, the Apollonion and Aretaeio, agreed to participate....

688. Communion ritual unchanged in Orthodox Church despite virus

One by one, the children and adults line up for the centuries-old ritual of Holy Communion, trying to keep a proper social distance. The priest dips a spoon into the chalice of bread and wine, which the faithful believe is the body and blood of Christ, and puts it into the mouth of the first person in line....

689. Greece, Turkey exchange barbs over migrants

Greece on Thursday pushed back on criticism by Turkey that is violating the rights of refugees and migrants attempting to reach the country, saying Ankara has “instrumentalized human suffering”...

690. Mass deportations underway in Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus has begun expelling foreign nationals who have been turned down for asylum, citing concerns over security threats and changing demographics due to a migration crisis...