12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 721-750 of 905 matches for query mass.

721. Government orders extension of checkpoint closures

The closure of all schools in Nicosia for three days, a ban on events and gatherings of over 75 people until March 31, as well as an across the board cancellation of all public events such as concerts and parades, are only some of the measures agreed by the Cabinet on Thursday in a bit to contain the coronavirus outbreak on the island....

722. Updated guidelines for arrivals from high-risk countries

Updated guidelines for travellers were issued on Tuesday afternoon by the Health Ministry, which bumped the UK from a Category 2 high-risk country to Category 3, reportedly due to fears of massive economic implications....

723. No suspects in dog mass grave

Police say they have no suspects yet in connection with a mass grave of dog carcasses that was discovered last month in rural Nicosia...

724. Eight Turkish Cypriots rushed to hospital after Ledra checkpoint protest

Protesters gathered on both sides of the Ledra Street divide on Saturday to demonstrate against the closure of four checkpoints by the government of the Republic of Cyprus, a move it said was part of a bundle of coronavirus protection measures but which has been criticized as a measure veiling ulterior political motives....

725. EU criticizes Turkey on migration as border clashes resume

Clashes between Greek riot police and migrants attempting to cross the border from Turkey erupted anew Friday as European Union foreign ministers took aim at what they called “Turkey’s use of migratory pressure for political purposes.” ...

726. Greek army, police dig in along Turkey border after migrant clashes

Greek troops and riot police remained on high alert on Tuesday along the land border between Greece and Turkey, the main flashpoint in an escalating row between the EU and Ankara over how to deal with a new wave of migrants and refugees....

727. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....

728. Winds pick up in rainy afternoon

An air mass is forming in low altitudes just north of Cyprus, with strong winds affecting the island along with chances of local showers...

729. 14 EU countries demand Syria govt, Russia return to 2018 ceasefire deal

Foreign ministers from 14 European countries, including France and Germany, demanded on Wednesday that Syrian government forces and their Russian backers end their offensive in Idlib province and return to the terms of a 2018 ceasefire deal....

730. Military clash with Syria is imminent, Erdogan says

Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday a Turkish military operation to push back a Syrian government offensive against rebel strongholds in northwest Syria was now “a matter of time” after talks with Russia failed to halt the assault....

731. Cyprus in the midst of massive football corruption storm, Justice Minister says

“We’re in the midst of a massive storm,” Justice Minister Giorgos Savvides said on Tuesday, referring to the wave of football corruption allegations that has been sweeping over Cyprus recently....

732. Coronavirus emergency 'holds a very grave threat' for world, says WHO

China’s coronavirus outbreak poses a “very grave threat for the rest of the world,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday in an appeal for sharing virus samples and speeding up research into drugs and vaccines, Reuters reported. ...

733. Cyprus gets yellow warning ahead of cold blast

A wind advisory and a flood warning went into effect Friday, ahead of a cold weekend, with weather officials warning of gusty winds as an incoming cold front and high pressure battle it out...

734. The beginning of Brexit

At the stroke of midnight in Brussels, Britain will officially leave the European Union, setting off negotiations in which London will seek to gain as many benefits as it can from the Union. At the same time, it will work toward bilateral agreements with EU member-states and countries outside the bloc....

735. Theocharis Lalacos appointed Greek Ambassador to Cyprus

736. Flamingo deaths raise alarm in Cyprus

Over a dozen flamingos were found dead at Aliki salt lake in Larnaca, with officials playing down the incident while members of the Green party are calling for an investigation...

737. Effort at international level for Cyprus missing persons to be intensified

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and the Pancyprian Organisation of the Relatives of Undeclared Prisoners and Missing Persons discussed on Tuesday, ways to intensify the effort at an international, political and diplomatic level to be intensified so that Turkey can be pressured to cooperate in the matter of the missing persons in Cyprus, during a meeting at the Presidential Palace, in the presence of Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Christodoulides and Presidency Commissioner on Humanitarian Issues Photis Photiou....

738. Renewable power is only part of the solution to meet net-zero targets

739. Diplomatic hype over eastern Mediterranean

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias attended Christmas Mass in Istanbul amid diplomatic tensions and power play between Athens and Ankara over gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean...

740. Woman threatens to blow up flight to Cyprus

Passengers on a flight from Istanbul to the northern part of Cyprus had the scare of their life on Wednesday seconds before takeoff when a female passenger threatened to blow up the plane...

741. Senate approves Armenian resolution

The US Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution that recognizes as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, a historic move that infuriated Turkey and dealt a blow to the already problematic ties between Ankara and Washington...

742. Athens and Ankara take jabs at each other

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is expected to raise the Turkey-Libya deal on maritime borders in Brussels, after accusing Ankara of blackmailing its way through an agreement totally devoid of substance...

743. Senate blocks Armenian vote for third time

Republican Senator Kevin Cramer prevented the US Senate from voting on a resolution on Thursday that would recognize as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, saying it was not an appropriate time to pass legislation that would anger Turkey...

744. Leaked Turkey-Libya deal under scrutiny

A copy of a controversial maritime agreement between Turkey and Libya leaked to the press on Thursday after Ankara shared the memorandum with parliament ahead of a vote in the coming days...

745. Neighbours criticise Turkey-Libya deal

The foreign ministry of the Republic of Cyprus has condemned the signing of an agreement on maritime boundaries between Turkey and Libya, calling it a “serious violation” of international law...

746. Minister determined to fight ‘green line abuse'‘green-line-abuse

The Cypriot government is cautiously moving forward with plans to reduce illegal migration to Cyprus through the north, including checkpoint stations and surveillance of remote areas along the Green Line...

747. Six countries attend “Nemesis 2019” multinational exercise in Cyprus’ EEZ

Six countries participated on Wednesday in “Nemesis 2019”, a multinational Search & Rescue exercise, which was held in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus, under the general coordination of the Joint Rescue Coordination Center....

748. Cops build case following vice raid

A married couple has been remanded in custody in connection with their involvement in an illicit massage parlour business where foreign women worked part-time offering erotic services to male clients including handjobs...

749. Massage parlours raided in two cities

Police say they have apprehended nine people in Nicosia and Limassol in connection with an investigation into sexual exploitation and human trafficking...

750. Inbound plane diverts due to weather

A flight from Skopje was diverted to Paphos on Wednesday evening to weather the storm on the tarmac as a thunderstorm was passing through over Larnaca skies...