12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 871-900 of 1227 matches for query medical.

871. Commission calls on Turkey to show solidarity without discrimination

The European Commission called on Turkey "to maintain a spirit of solidarity without discrimination", referring to Wednesday’s incident where Turkey denied a flight transporting medical equipment to Cyprus to enter its airspace....

872. Medical supplies arrive after eventful flight

Another huge load of medical supplies from China was delivered to the Republic of Cyprus on Wednesday, after an “adventurous” flight on a Russian aircraft that did not have enough fuel to make it in one go...

873. EU unveils guidelines for travel, tourism

The European Commission unveiled a series of measures aimed at ensuring people can start traveling safely across the continent again as governments try to revive tourism and airline industries brought to a halt by the coronavirus....

874. Turkey forbids plane carrying medical equipment from China to Cyprus to enter air space

A plane chartered by the Republic of Cyprus to transfer 36 tonnes of donated medical equipment from China on Wednesday was forced to change course after Turkey prohibited the plane from passing through its air space, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said....

875. Measures being prepared for reopening of airports in June

The expert team of scientists advising the Health Ministry are coming up with measures that would allow airports to resume operation by June, Head of the Pancyprian Medical Association’s Special Committee on dealing with the coronavirus, Maria Koliou, said Tuesday....

876. New rules issued for food and beverage establishments

With all restrictions on movement to be scrapped on May 21, when gatherings of groups of up 10 people will be permitted, the Health Ministry on Monday issued new instructions for cafes, restaurants and bars....

877. Cyprus adds another coronavirus death

Another coronavirus-linked death was recorded in the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday, raising the Covid-19 death toll to 26 across the divided island with new infections continuing to pop up in the south...

878. Joint working group established for resumption of Cyprus-Israel flight connection

Cyprus and Israel established a working group this week to prepare all necessary conditions for the resumption of the aviation connection between the two countries, Ambassador of Israel in Nicosia, Shmuel Revel told the Cyprus News Agency on Friday....

879. Need for transparency on COVID-19 public spending

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assmebly’s (OSCE PA) Special Representative on Fighting Corruption Irene Charalambides, has called for the highest levels of transparency and good governance on COVID-19 related public expenditures....

880. Migrant camp near boiling point

Police said three people were arrested at Pournara migrant centre during a protest on Wednesday, one day after a hunger strike, as camp residents demand better living conditions and the right to leave camp...

881. As coronavirus lockdown eases, Cypriots still in limbo

Deniz Birinci had just hours to stuff her and her baby daughter’s belongings into suitcases and bin bags on March 16 before the two sides on the divided island of Cyprus imposed lockdowns to halt the spread of the new coronavirus....

882. Seven new cases, epidemiological data released

Seven new coronavirus cases were confirmed on Thursday after the processing of 2,545 samples, raising total cases in the Republic of Cyprus to 850....

883. Two youths arrested over soccer incident

Two young men were arrested on Wednesday in Limassol after police attempted to break up a futsal game, with the suspects being accused of physically and verbally assaulting the officers...

884. Athens decides in favor of face masks

With the easing of lockdown restrictions imminent, the Health Ministry has decided in favor of the mandatory use of face masks in closed crowded places such as grocery stores, hospitals, clinics, hairdressers etc...

885. Conditions at migrant camps improving, but arbitrary detention issues remain

The UNHCR office in Cyprus said on Monday that it was pleased with the steps being taken to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers on the island, but expressed hope that additional measures will follow to tackle the multifaceted issues that emerged amid the coronavirus outbreak....

886. Outpatient clinics to reopen doors in a couple of days

Outpatient clinics at the island’s state hospitals are expected to reopen their doors to patients in a couple of days, with the state health services finalizing operation protocols to ensure the protection of patients and medical staff alike....

887. Report draws attention to migrant centres

A report published this week by Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou-Lottides takes stock of current conditions in migrant facilities in the Republic of Cyprus, pointing out medical challenges, problems associated with weather, and asylum issues...

888. Full rollout of General Health System to be delayed three months

With state hospitals busy wrestling with the island’s coronavirus outbreak, the full rollout of the General Health System, initially planned for June, won’t be taking place until September....

889. Cypriots told to 'mask up' this summer

The use of face masks is recommended but not required in the Republic of Cyprus, while Turkish Cypriots in the north are being told medical masks are mandatory during Ramadan...

890. Chloroquine hype begins to wane

More doubts over chloroquine emerged this week, with new studies pointing to high risks and a US top health official saying he was fired after being pressured to direct money towards the “game changer” drug...

891. Latest numbers boost morale in Cyprus

Only one person was found to be infected with the coronavirus in the latest random testing in the Republic of Cyprus, reassuring experts that they are getting closer to winning the fight against the pandemic...

892. Israel’s Sheba declares curve ‘flattened out’‘flattened-out

The director of Sheba Medical Center says the coronavirus epidemic in Israel is under control, adding he is confident that Cyprus was on its way to beat the virus as well...

893. Cypriot food blogger drives passion home

As we experience these hard times it is difficult to identify, let alone rejoice the blessings COVID-19 will bring with it. One of them is going back to beautiful habits and rituals of home cooking which are all about togetherness...

894. Future for rescued refugees in north unknown

The fate of 175 Syrian refugees, trapped in the north of the island amid the coronavirus pandemic, remains unknown while a human rights group is calling on Greek Cypriot authorities to take them in...

895. Greece to move over 2,300 refugees to mainland after Easter

Greek authorities will begin the gradual transfer of 2,380 asylum seekers and their families from island camps to accommodation facilities on the mainland after Orthodox Easter (April 19), the country’s Migration Ministry said Thursday. ...

896. Twitter unfreezes Chinese ambassador account

China's ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus was back online Wednesday night after Twitter unblocked his account following a two-day freeze...

897. EU unveils virus exit roadmap, hoping to avoid more chaos

The European Union moved Wednesday to head off a chaotic and potentially disastrous easing of restrictions that are limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning its 27 nations to move very cautiously as they return to normal life and base their actions on scientific advice....

898. World remains cautious over chloroquine

The US Food and Drug Administration is a step closer to a potential approval of chloroquine for treatment against Covid-19, while more doubts over the drug’s effectiveness and concerns over lethal side effects continue to pop up around the globe...

899. Front line workers undergo round of precautionary testing

Coronavirus testing on health professionals and staff of state hospitals is well underway, with 548 tests conducted over the last two days....

900. Coronavirus death toll rises, 29 more test positive

A 79-year-old coronavirus patient died on Monday, raising the death toll in the Republic of Cyprus to 12, while 29 more people tested positive....