12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1021-1050 of 1932 matches for query project.

1021. Death toll tops 17,000 as hopes fade for survivors

Rescuers pulled more survivors from beneath the rubble of collapsed buildings Thursday but hopes were starting to fade of finding many more people alive more than three days after catastrophic earthquakes and a series of aftershocks hit Turkey and Syria, killing more than 17,000....

1022. Cyprus drives hard bargain on EU migration money

Outgoing Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades will note the disproportionate burden for the Republic of Cyprus due to the increased migration flows, during the European Council summit taking place on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, highlighting the instrumentalization of the migration issue by Turkey...

1023. Cyprus wants to use American gift to help region

The CyCLOPS training centre is now 100% Cyprus-owned and gives the country the opportunity to become a regional centre as regards the effort to help the broader region in matters of natural disasters, Minister of the Interior, Nicos Nouris, said on Wednesday...

1024. Marina Association 'surprised' by statement on Paphos marina

The development of Paphos Marina is moving forward, thanks to a Cabinet decision. This has been an issue for decades, and when the Deputy Minister of Tourism took office, he re-launched an effort to promote the project by preparing a feasibility study for its construction....

1025. Cabinet approves subsidies to fund digital business upgrades

At today's Cabinet meeting, the Grant Scheme for "Digital Upgrading of Enterprises" was approved. This project is part of Cyprus's Recovery and Resilience Plan (RSP) for the years 2021-2026, and it will be funded by the European Union's (EU) Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM)....

1026. Which names are being floated for the position of Finance Minister?

The new ministerial team will be assembled beginning Monday, February 13. Nicos Christodoulides and Andreas Mavroyiannis, the two candidates for the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus, will bring in new faces to staff their Ministries....

1027. 'Mortgage to rent' plan approved

The Cabinet has approved the Treasury's proposal to establish a "rent versus installment" scheme known as mortgage to rent....

1028. 'Buy Nothing Project' gaining ground worldwide

It was not until after Angela Parker, 53, had raced across her north Atlanta neighborhood to nab eight leftover, thick-cut slices of ham with gravy from the porch of someone she didn't know that she began to ask herself some questions. Was it weird to eat a stranger's porch ham? Was it safe? Would the ham be worth it?...

1029. PORSCHE CYPRUS: 30 years of an iconic journey

This year, PORSCHE CYPRUS celebrates 30 years of iconic performance on Cypriot roads. All this is thanks to the vision of Alkis Iacovides, the man who passionately loved PORSCHE and decided to introduce the favorite German car models in Cyprus three decades ago....

1030. EU pushing to create a Common European Degree Label

Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth, has launched ten Erasmus+ projects to foster new forms of cooperation among higher education institutions across the EU....

1031. Half a billion euro investment in digital transformation

Over the next five years, a little more than half a billion euros (€512 million) will be set aside for digital transformation. ...

1032. Tourism revenues are on the mend

Savvas Perdios, the deputy tourism minister, spoke with K shortly after his trip to New York and Washington, D.C., about the ministry's investment in this market and the need to gradually lay the groundwork for increased American visitor numbers in Cyprus....

1033. The new president and finance minister will face new challenges

We are only a few days away from voting for the new President of the Republic. ...

1034. Cyprus plays leading role in natural disaster research in the South Med

Today, a strategic project of particular significance for Cyprus was officially launched at the CERIDES Centre of Excellence of the European University Cyprus in the presence of Environment Commissioner Clelia Vassiliou. ...

1035. A large number of foreclosure notices to be sent tomorrow

Today, Tuesday, January 31, 2023, marks the end of the most recent three-month suspension of divestments imposed by a resolution of the House of Representatives. ...

1036. Is Anastasiadis an asset or a liability to the pre-election campaign?

Many people cheered when Nicos Anastasiades begged his supporters to back DISY President Averof Neofytou in the upcoming elections a few days ago....

1037. Only one week left until the Cyprus presidential elections

With only one week until the February Presidential elections, candidates continued to deliver stump speeches at gatherings and meet with associations during the weekend. The issues they highlighted in their campaigns concerned issues in relation to the economy and the Cyprus problem, among others....

1038. Pilides: Government to push for more home solar panel installations

The Government does not intend to stop the measure that encourages the installation of solar panels in homes, but to enhance it, the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasa Pilides pointed out on Friday....

1039. Anastasiades inaugurates gas terminal in Vasiliko

Today marks a historic milestone for the Larnaka region, President Nicos Anastasiades said, during the inauguration of the gas terminal of the VLPG consortium in the Vasiliko area....

1040. Cabinet agrees to implement full-day high school program

1041. Greece at the forefront of cutting-edge photovoltaics

The world’s first factory to produce the new third-generation photovoltaics, which can deliver electricity from almost anywhere the sun shines, will be created in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, as part of a major European project....

1042. Cypriot food documentary brings both communities together (trailer)

The premier screening of the EU-funded short documentary “Cypriot Culinary Experiences”, a joint collaboration between the EU Infopoint and The Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR), took place on Tuesday, at the Home for Cooperation....

1043. Paphos: Over 15 million euros in foreign investment in 2022

According to the Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, foreign investment in the city has surpassed €15 million. ...

1044. The demand for new homes is dwindling

The large investments and development projects mentioned by Minister of Transport and Works Yannis Karousos in his ministry's recent project presentation may have kept the construction and real estate sector afloat until 2022, but the industry still faces challenges....

1045. California reeling over back-to-back mass shootings

Just two days after a gunman killed 11 people at a Los Angeles-area dance studio, seven more victims were shot dead in an agricultural area near San Francisco, as California suffered one of its bloodiest spates of mass gun violence in decades....

1046. The Halepianes (Tseri) exit opens tomorrow at 3pm

In the upcoming months, improvements and relief from the annoyance faced by hundreds of drivers every day are anticipated. ...

1047. North buys car ferry in new trade-tourism bid

Turkish Cypriots have reportedly bought a Ro-Ro ship that will sail between the island’s northern coast and southern Turkey, as new avenues are being sought to boost tourism and transport...

1048. Finance Minister responds to CBS: 'Disinformation and fake news' (video)

The report on the CBS show '60 Minutes' about Russian oligarchs was referred to by the Finance Minister in his detailed response on the issue. ...

1049. Cyprus aims for higher targets in green energy

In 2022, renewable energy sources now make up a larger percentage of total energy consumption. ...

1050. Electric charging points in Nicosia unveiled today

The promotion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure will create the green and sustainable cities and communities of tomorrow said the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Yiannis Karousos,...