12° Nicosia,
06 October, 2024


Displaying results 1561-1590 of 2226 matches for query real.

1561. IMF: Withdrawal of support measures should be gradual

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities from March 8–29, 2021 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities on the island. In an interview with Kathimerini Cyprus, IMF mission chief for Cyprus, Anita Tuladhar, said the longer the recovery period in sectors related to tourism, the greater the chance that permanent scars will remain in the economy of Cyprus. Tuladhar also noted the importance of state-sponsored programs to support the economy....

1562. Anastasiades: Cyprus won't hesitate to veto EU-Turkey customs union

1563. Contentious TV drama airs on EOKA Day

A new series about ethnic warfare in Cyprus from a Turkish Cypriot point of view was launched in the north on Thursday, a national holiday for Greek Cypriots in the south, eliciting comments from the leaders of both communities on the divided island...

1564. EY Cyprus participated in the 4thCyprus International Tax Conference

EY Cyprus has once again supported and participated in the 4thCyprus International Tax Conference, on Tuesday March 30th....

1565. Cyprus wraps up cheese that grills

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says the registration of halloumi and hellim with the European Union is “to the benefit of all Cypriot producers, Greek and Turkish” following Monday’s designation for the famous cheese that grills but not without protests on both sides...

1566. Investigators puzzled over Athienou case

Officials in Cyprus still remain in the dark over the identification of a woman whose body was discovered in a field in the buffer zone, with reports saying investigators are seeking answers from abroad based on a tip that led to the launch of a murder probe...

1567. Carnival revels cause national furor

Officials and health experts but also citizens were furious over the holiday weekend after carnival lovers in Limassol defied pandemic restrictions and gathered downtown for public celebration, with police onsite choosing not to confront the situation...

1568. Rapid test results under fire again

Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides says a second PCR test came back negative, giving rise to further debate over the reliability of rapid test results, with a health expert also raising questions over the use of the method in Cyprus...

1569. Another convicted sex offender loses appeal

The Supreme Court has confirmed the conviction of a man who committed sex crimes against a young girl, saying the fact that he was also a minor during the early years of the abuse did not mean his sentence was excessive...

1570. Cyprus to assume first Presidency term of EMGF

Cyprus will assume its first official Presidency term of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) starting on January 2022, participants at the fourth EMGF ministerial meeting decided on Tuesday....

1571. The bet that Cyprus is winning

The decision taken yesterday by Germany’s Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) to allow the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged over 65 years old was met with strong reactions domestically due to the bad reputation built up for the vaccine by the early statements of German officials on the efficacy of the specific jab....

1572. Cyprus response to pandemic gets tested

Another pandemic death was recorded Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, as critical voices against the government’s response continue to multiply calling for fewer tests and more vaccinations...

1573. Analysis: The Cyprus issue today

Over the past 30 years, Turkey, and its friends in the society of nations, sought, and partially succeeded, in obscuring the importance of the Cyprus issue’s international dimension, that is the Turkish invasion and the illegal occupation of the island. The aim was to present the Cyprus issue as a one-dimensional, internal affair that exclusively concerns the relations and the rights of the two communities, Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots....

1574. Peter Piot: Vaccination passports a one-way street

Professor Peter Piot, advisor to the Commission President, speaks to ‘K’...

1575. Akar: Turkey determined to defend rights across ‘Blue Homeland’‘blue-homeland

Turkey is determined to defend its rights across the “Blue Homeland,” the country’s defense minister, Hulusi Akar, said Friday, invoking an expansionist doctrine that envisages Turkish control over the waters of the eastern Aegean and the northern Mediterranean....

1576. Property valuations and uncertainty clauses

Property appraisers in this country have had to deal with unprecedented events in the last seven to eight years that forced them to make use of the so-called 'uncertainty clauses' in their real estate estimates...

1577. UN pick Greek Holy Week for sitdown

An informal 'five plus one' meeting on Cyprus will take place in Geneva during Greek Orthodox Holy Week, after a UN spokesperson confirmed location and dates for yet another historic sitdown...

1578. Anastasiades joins EUCO summit prep with EU leaders

President Nicos Anastasiades participated on Tuesday in a teleconference with the President of the European Council and EU heads of state and government, in preparation for the extraordinary European Council summit to take place online on February 25-26. ...

1579. Cyprus wages battle for air connectivity

Two Cypriot ministers have joined forces this week to call on the EU’s Competition commissioner to allow more state subsidies for airlines amid the pandemic, citing improvements in scheme criteria but also the remoteness of the island...

1580. Activists say lead pellets threaten flamingos

Conservationists in Cyprus are urging authorities to expand a hunting ban throughout a coastal salt lake network amid concerns that migrating flamingos could potentially swallow lethal quantities of lead shotgun pellets...

1581. Cyprus excited over Mars landing

A new Mars rover is expected to touch down on the red planet Thursday night, carrying names of people all around the world including Cyprus, but all the buzz is about a live event in Nicosia and a helicopter called Ingenuity...

1582. Turkey faced with Greece’s EU membership and diaspora

Last week, the Turkish minister of defense once again denounced what he perceived as Greek attempts to reframe Greco-Turkish disputes as wider disputes between Turkey and third parties, powerful countries or regional entities....

1583. FinMin: Cyprus to reduce debt once pandemic normalises

Cyprus Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides told the Cyprus News Agency that the government will begin reducing public debt, increased due to strategic cash reserves, once the pandemic begins to normalise....

1584. Turkey's expansionist policies unacceptable, Cyprus govt says

Turkey must realize that we do not accept its expansionist policies, government spokesman Kyriakos said Thursday in response to statements issued by Turkish officials. ...

1585. Car riddled with bullets in Nicosia

Police launched a manhunt for two suspects Tuesday evening after a car driven by a man known to authorities was riddled with bullets in the southern suburbs of the capital...

1586. North updates information on patient zero

Turkish Cypriot media are reporting on new information about patient zero in the north, saying the first known case to have contracted the coronavirus was not a German tourist after all but a local teenager whose sample had been tracked down by a team of scientists...

1587. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

1588. From Bismarck to Merkel

'Turks and Germans loved each other for a long time,' Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during a visit to Berlin in 2018. He was citing the historic words of Germany’s first chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, which still seem to determine Berlin’s policy on Ankara. We should recognize this reality as we enter a new geopolitical era, without succumbing to sentimentalism and spasmodic reactions....

1589. Nicosia kindergartens receive bomb threats

Two Nicosia kindergartens were subject to bomb threats on Thursday by people as of yet unknown, who threatened to blow the premises up if they didn’t receive €80,000 in Bitcoin. ...

1590. Emails from Cyprus connect dots on Jho Low

New information published by OCCRP suggests that Henley & Partners identified Jho Low as a high-risk client but worked with him anyway through a Cypriot company to get him a golden passport...