12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 1291-1320 of 1345 matches for query status.

1291. Turkish pilot could receive travel papers

Suleyman Ozkaynakci, the Turkish serviceman who piloted the helicopter in which he and seven other Turkish officers fled to Greece following Turkey’s failed coup in 2016, could be eligible to receive travel documents, according to the decision in May by the Council of State to grant him asylum....

1292. NGO says asylees can’t cope in Cyprus

A human rights group is calling on authorities to do more to help asylum applicants in Cyprus, saying rules governing financial aid are “racist and inhuman” five years post economic crisis...

1293. Nicosia ups pressure on EU migration policy

Nicosia is pushing for a single EU migration policy that would make refugee redistribution not only mandatory but also relative to population sizes of member states...

1294. Cyprus extradites Egyptian hijacker

The lawyer of Egyptian hijacker Mostafa Emam, who was extradited by Cyprus authorities after he withdrew his case with the European Court of Human Rights, says her client gave up after succumbing to pressure in a Nicosia prison...

1295. Stephen Lillie: There is only plan A for Cyprus

There is a clear plan A for Cyprus, that of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation solution, and there is no plan B, UK High Commissioner in Nicosia, Stephen Lillie, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), stressing that “for plan A to succeed the negotiations need to be well prepared, and the public opinion needs to be well prepared” as well....

1296. State Department welcomes soldiers' return from Turkey

The US State Department has welcomed the return of the two Greek soldiers to Greece after five months’ imprisonment in Turkey, congratulating the Greek people and the foreign ministry. ...

1297. Should we listen to President Trump or the diplomats?

As Greece finds itself faced with a wide range of challenges – from Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean to its relationship with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and developments on the Balkan peninsula – it would be useful to have a clear idea of Washington’s strategic objectives regarding these issues. This is regrettably not an easy task considering that what President Donald Trump says does not necessarily reflect official US policy....

1298. The heavy cost of cowardice

I’ve heard a government minister speak about a vital agency of the Greek state and admit that “there’s nothing that can save this department – it ought to be shut down and rebuilt from scratch.”...

1299. Lute sees Cavusoglu in Ankara

Jane Holl Lute, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General, wasted no time following a busy week by visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday...

1300. Greek PM visits seaside town hit by wildfires

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Monday visited the seaside town east of Athens that was a week ago hit by the deadly wildfires....

1301. Security Council renews UNFICYP mandate

The Security Council authorized a six‑month mandate renewal for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Thursday, unanimously adopting resolution 2430 (2018)...

1302. No more pretexts

The world will never be the same since Donald Trump was installed in the White House. In a sense, his election was unavoidable. Not because matters became unbearable in the last 30 years after the fall of the communist system in Europe. Rather, it was because they became in a way unnatural....

1303. Nikos Kotzias writes book on failed Cyprus talks

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has written a book on the recent Cyprus peace talks, in which he criticises UN envoy Espen Barth Eide and shares details and documents unseen by the public...

1304. Nicosia helps refugees gain better skills

Nineteen refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers came together in Strovolos on Sunday, as part of the “Colourful Societies” programme that helps foreigners integrate socially and gain job skills...

1305. Turkey: Even birds need our consent to fly in the Aegean

With Greece featuring prominently in Turkey’s election campaigning, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu raised the tension a notch again Thursday, warning that not even a bird will fly over the Aegean without Ankara’s permission....

1306. Spanish police detain, then release Kremlin critic Browder

British businessman Bill Browder, a prominent Kremlin critic, was detained and then released by Spanish police on Wednesday, after a warrant for his arrest he said came from Russia was found to be no longer valid...

1307. Akaki Peristerona road closes due to stormy weather

The Peristerona – Akaki road is closed due to strong winds and heavy rain that have affected the area earlier on Tuesday, causing water and muddy puddles along the way...

1308. Two men set off bomb in Canada restaurant wounding 15

Two unidentified men walked into a restaurant in the Canadian city of Mississauga and set off a bomb, wounding more than a dozen people, and then fleeing,...

1309. Cyprus remains a safe haven for those in need

Cyprus will remain a safe haven for those in need, especially for the refugees who are forced to abandon their homes and families, Defence Minister Savvas Angelides said...

1310. Britons living in Cyprus have nothing to fear post-Brexit

Britain says it has secured the right for UK nationals living in Cyprus to keep the same status that they currently enjoy as EU citizens...

1311. Paraguay opens embassy in Jerusalem after US lead

Paraguay opened its Israel embassy in Jerusalem on Monday, the second country to follow the United States in making the politically sensitive move from Tel Aviv...

1312. Turkey says countries should not follow US on Israel embassy move

Muslim countries must together ensure that other nations don’t follow in the path of the United States and open embassies in Israel’s Jerusalem, Turkey’s foreign minister said on Friday, at the start of a summit to address the issue...

1313. Cyprus energy search – averting a US-Turkey crisis–-averting-a-us-turkey-crisis

Cyprus continues to proceed with offshore oil and gas projects despite Turkey's opposition...

1314. Some 32% of child asylum seekers are unaccompanied minors

In 2017, 225 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum in Cyprus making up 32.4% of all asylum applications it received, official EU data showed on Wednesday....

1315. 'Bonfire of the Vanities' author Tom Wolfe dead at 88

Tom Wolfe, an early practitioner of “new journalism” who captured the mood and culture of America across five decades with books including “The Bonfire of the Vanities,” “The Right Stuff,” and “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” has died at the age of 88...

1316. Cyprus condemns escalation of violence in Gaza

The Republic of Cyprus expressed concern regarding what it described as “serious escalation” of the situation in Gaza, which resulted in dozens of deaths of Palestinians who were protesting the American embassy opening in Jerusalem...

1317. Elusive peace grows more remote with Jerusalem embassy move

The move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, coupled with the killings of dozens of Palestinian protesters , makes the odds of a U.S.-brokered peace even more remote, analysts said....

1318. Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza protests as anger mounts over US Embassy

Israeli forces killed at least 41 Palestinians along the Gaza border on Monday, health officials said, as demonstrators streamed to the frontier on the day the United States prepared to open its embassy in Jerusalem...

1319. Hariri to visit Cyprus after government formed in Lebanon

President Nicos Anastasiades spoke Friday on the phone with Lebanon's Saad Hariri, hoping he will be re-elected as Prime Minister of Lebanon...

1320. Serbia can depend on Cyprus as a credible ally and friend in Europe

President Anastasiades said Serbia should consider Cyprus a reliable partner within the EU as Belgrade aims for membership and underlined that the future of Serbia must be in Europe...